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Posts posted by CBX4627

  1. I've been a registered Republican for almost 16 years, and a NYC fireman for about 10 years...........................The Republicans have DISGUSTED me with their actions regarding the Zadroga Bill............I've personally been down to Washington D.C. TWICE, and up to Boston 2 weeks ago, with fellow 9-11 workers and survivors lobbying the politicians who were on the fence about voting YES on this Bill.................One Republican i'm particularly PISSED OFF at is Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown...............I have ALOT of friends on the job up in Massachusetts, and Scott Brown was basically put into office by the firemen and cops of Mass.................That was one reasons why we had a press conference up in Boston 2 weeks ago.....................Just goes to show you.........NONE OF THESE POLITICIANS ARE ANY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    efdcapt115 likes this

  2. Maybe this has something to do with it?

    "The second-in-command of the FDNY has retired on a tax-free disability pension worth an estimated $242,000 annually for the rest of his life -- the highest ever awarded to a city firefighter, sources said." NY Post

    What's Frank Cruthers' pension have to do with anything???? Do you work for the NY Post? That man worked for the city of NY for 43 years........Although his management style may not have been liked by all, the man deserves EVERY PENNY of that pension!!!!!! He WORKED for it and EARNED it!!!!

    PEMO3, M' Ave and efdcapt115 like this

  3. The word "volly" doesn't offend me; however the context in which you used it was completely unnecessary. If it were me I'd have removed all references to "volly"; additionally your quotation marks on "qualified" imply's sarcasm and as such your posting is not as innocent as you portray it to be.

    While you have an unfettered right to your opinion; likewise so do I and I was simply pointing out that your post was very transparent. Everyone I showed it too thought so as well, so its not an overeaction on my part. :)

    'nuff said.

    Man, you just can't let this go can you...................It's obviously not "Nuff Said", cause you want to keep this going! Listen, you can have 100 of your buddies ANALYZE my post, hell, send it down to NSA and have them analyze it while your at it. I could really care less at this point about how you perceived the "Context" of my post! I wasn't bashing volly's in general...............Just one..................

    Let me guess..........YOU'RE the chief in question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

    I think YOU need to grow some thicker skin!


  4. Way to go Marc; make it into a volly thing. If it was a paid guy would you have said....... "Let alone the paid chief vehicle"? or "Throw him out of the Paid company," ?? Your post was very transparent and I think its something the moderators in here need to review.

    Actually, if you go back and read my post, I wasn't bashing the volly's at all.............I was bashing the "Volly Chief" who used some extremely poor judgement................Sorry if the word "Volly" offends you!:rolleyes:

  5. Found this Mck/Aerialscope on a side street in the City of Rutland, Vermont. It had been sitting there a year or so before i even took these pictures, which i took more than a year ago.

    Did a quick search and Piney Flats appears to be in Tennessee. This TL also appears to be a former FDNY rig, judging how the cab is squared off at the back.

  6. Read more: http://www.nydailyne...l#ixzz15wNX0sMJ

    This story would normally go against our rules on posting articles about members of uniformed services getting into trouble outside of their employment.

    Here I want to point out that this guy got suspended from his job for a month based on a CHARGE of driving while intoxicated while off duty, on his own time.

    Keeping in mind that an individual is generally considered innocent until proven guilty, this fellow has been convicted by his employer, the FDNY, and sentenced to thirty days suspension with no pay without even so much as a hearing.

    I think this goes to show that you can be held responsible for your actions outside of your employment, and that there is a level of personal accountability in your daily life that reflects on and can have a significant impact to your livelihood.

    Welcome to the FDNY where you're Guilty until proven INNOCENT!

  7. That SKELL is lucky that he only has some bumps and bruises.............If I caught him stealing MY helmet off the rig, he'd be on life support, cameras or not......I'll deal with the consequences later!...............Him and his friend should just take that beating and be a little more humble instead of being pissed off that he got caught..............

    Douchebags committing....................DOUCHBAGGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. As someone who had an academy date and got screwed by those racists called the vulcans I have some info. The city is working on a new test that will be ready for filing no earlier than November of 2011 but realistically probably later. If all goes flawlessly the first proby class would be graduating late summer to early fall of 2012! How the city that is already -300 under headcount can wait that long is beyond me. At that point they will be -1000 under if they dont make serious cuts. The appeal for list 6019 is in the works now.

    As per our Union President Steve Cassidy..................Firehouse closings are gonna be almost definite this year..........Close enough companies, and there's your 300 guys, dispersed amongst the remaining firehouses.

    In addition to the lawsuit against the city by the jerkoff Vulcans...............It's gonna be a long time till they put a proby class in............I really feel for the guys from list 6019! I just hope that they all remember WHO delayed or prevented their hiring if and when they ever get on the job!!!!!

    effd3918 likes this

  9. LAPD Officer Joshua Cullins was KIA in the Helmand Province in Afghanistan while on active duty in the US Marine Corps on 19 October while prosecuting an IED. He was assigned to the 1st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

    Officer Cullins was the subject of a project "Welcome Home", a joint project between one of his fellow LAPD officers David Marroquin, who has video production experience, recruited a friend, actor-musician J. Hunter Ackerman, to write and perform music for what became a four-minute, 40-second music video.

    Officer Cullins is survived by his parents, Jim and Barbara Cullins; and brothers, Cooper, 12, and Donovan, 16.

    Rest in Peace Marine! Thank you for your service and sacrifice!

  10. Just wanted to extend a very large THANK YOU to the Yonkers Fire and Police Departments! Today, we had the funeral of active duty NYC Fireman Rory O'Flaherty of Ladder 34. Rory died unexpectedly from a medical condition while off duty. The funeral was held at St. John the Baptist church on Yonkers Ave. in Yonkers. The Yonkers Fire and Police Departments both did a FANTASTIC job with the aerial ladders holding the flag over Yonkers Ave, with all the companies showing up with the rigs, and with their off-duty members showing up in Class A's. Yonkers PD did a great job with the Motorcycle escort and traffic control!

    You guys are a Class Act!

    Thank You!

    efdcapt115 likes this

  11. A very good friend of mine is a Lt. on the job in Lowell, Mass. I called him up yesterday to see if he made this job and it turns out that he's one of the guys on that fire escape. He's a little beat up physically and mentally over not being able to get the guy out of the window. His company was assigned as the RIT Engine, and was put to work by their Deputy. He said they broke their asses, literally trying to get that victim out of the room before they had to retreat due to the fire burning through the bedroom door, and it getting really Shi##y in the room. He said the victim was around 300 lbs and already in respiratory arrest when they got to him. His driver is the one in the video hanging in the window with fire blowing out it, and trying to grab the victims arms. These guys were faced with a pretty heavy fire condition, and in my opinion did a fantastic job!!!! He also mentioned that the jumper doesn't look like he's gonna make it either.