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Everything posted by NorthEndExpress

  1. What type of foam are these trailers equipped with?
  2. Not if they were legally entitled to it, or if this was a long standing department procedure. If the guy is disabled, he's getting shafted out of the ability to get that pay anyways.
  3. I may be wrong, but it looks like the total bid is $20 million.
  4. Happy Thanksgiving!
  5. Wonder if they are having the same problems with as Eastchester's ALF TL, which is very similar to Yonkers. But Eastchester's were compounded by leaving it outside unprotected for a couple of years while the firehouse was renovated.
  6. If a department requests it, will it respond? What is the timeframe to get it on a scene?
  7. Seems like Eastchester VOLUNTEER Fire Department is generating a lot of heat at the Commissioners meeting. I didn't know they still existed. But, according to the heated discussion towards the end of this meeting, they do and they've been "stonewalling" the Commissioners and have not responded to requests for information, including financials, "30-40 times now". This district has so many problems it seems.
  8. Somebody at North White Plains knows how to get bargains!
  9. I heard it through a friend in Pelham. That's what I'm trying to find out.
  10. Not everyone is on Facebook. And I prefer this type of format better. It's a lot quicker and easier to check.
  11. Word is the problems that were presented on this board caught the ears of some local residents who now have the Commissioners scrambling to cover up and figure out how to answer their questions without admitting any wrong doing. That's just through the grapevine Source: Eastchester Professional Firefighters-Local 916
  12. A lot based on? You need to staff Engine 29, Engine 30, Engine 31, Ladder 16, Tower Ladder 17, and Car 2102 each and every shift You are going to normally have guys out on sick, on vacation, training, etc. It may seem like a lot, but it really isn't. And that figure still doesn't take into account proper and recommended staffing. They need to figure out a way to make sure the guys out on extended disability doesn't affect staffing. But Barry may know more about this....departments may be bound by state law on these kinds of situation.
  13. Happy Birthday Seth!
  14. Mutual aid isn't the problem. It's the people running the place. If they did their job and gave Eastchester the fire department the staffing and equipment they deserve instead of playing political games with the firefighters over what they are contractually due, then maybe Eastchester could get back to handling a room and contents fire by itself again. This is what a memo from the Chief to the Captains (Shift Commanders) obtained by the Eastchester Press: And a statement by a Union rep in the same article: From: Still no mention of the equipment crisis.
  15. Freelancing, pulmonary tests, and other things being discussed have no relevance to the situation in Eastchester. The Commissioner's are allowing browning out a very much needed company on a regular basis. When it is in service, it's staffed with only 2 guys most of the time. To top it off, Ladder 17 is always breaking down or having issues with the aerial. The amount of money being put in for repairs is ridiculous, and is enough where it would be cheaper to buy a new truck. There are many ladder companies that can come in on mutual aid. That doesn't matter though, since Eastchester residents are paying for a fire department and not getting one. The question that no one can get an answer to is where is all the money going to, since it's surely not being spent on staffing or equipment repair and replacement.
  16. Ladder 17 spend more time in the shops then it does on the road anyway. It had to be sent back to ALF/LTI for several months while they repaired the damage caused by sitting outside for over a year in the temporary station in which Ladder 17 did not fit into. The temporary station that they leased for 2 years for several thousand dollars a month while the floor was repaired at the North End firehouse, which itself turned into a nightmare that gyped the taxpayers. And when it's actually in service, it's only staffed by 2 guys. To top it off, the spare Ladder 15 failed it's aerial test, and is very limited on how it can be used. I feel bad for the residents of the multi story buildings on Garth Road.