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Everything posted by HFD750

  1. As far as I know it is up and running and they meet on the last tuesday of every month. Per the last DES meeting.
  2. Here in Harrison as of 17:51hrs nothing to report.
  3. Congrats 630... it only took me a half an hour to type this message... No wonder I failed the test!!!!
  4. I think the state should demand more personally,Like I said in another post FF1 isn't enough. You need more training. To say you have FF1 and you are now ready to battle a 3 alarm fire would be wrong. TRAIN TRAIN and TRAIN. As for overwhelming I don't think so,If you want to be a firefighter then train to be one,learn everything you can,ask questions and listen. One class dosen't cut it for me regardless of what the state says. Besides the state isn't fighting the fires in my town. Just my thoughts.
  5. We urge our members to take as many classes as they can,plus they have to attend all drills that we have. Yes FFI is the entry level for basic knowledge But I feel by no means is it enough. There are many classes out there that should be takin and some should be takin yearly,Firefighter survival,FAST,Haz-mat ops,AVET,EVOC. just to name a few. To answer your question BUNKERS your right on point,If I were chief I would want my firefighters to have all the training they can get and then get more... Oh yeah I am a chief
  6. I think that sound like a good idea.
  7. I'll try this one more time...Last time failed by one key stroke I tried to blame it on the computer but they didn't buy it.
  8. So what's everyones resolution for the new year... Mine once again is to stop smoking that seems to be the hardest for me. I'd also like to step back every once and awhile,take a deep breath and enjoy life,I guess be a little more stress free. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL !!!!
  9. I think that idea is stupid... A couple of my guy's tried it and hated it so we removed it and put it back on the chest. It really is a poor design in my eyes.
  10. There's a post on this in the firefighting forum.
  11. Are chief's are the same for the most part. The head chief and 1st asst. switched positions. And I stayed as 2nd asst.We have a new 2nd Lt. as the 2006 2nd Lt. moved up to 1st.and a new Capt.
  12. My department did only 682 in 2006.
  14. That was great...What away to start the New Year. Wish they would clean it up and put it on dvd.
  15. And to think I thought you didn't like me anymore... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
  16. I think you pretty much sumed it up... I'm a firm believer in fitness we have a gym in our house and I encourage everyone to use it. If I ate 3 big mac's I wouldn't even be able to move.
  17. Just a little FYI for your question #2 they do make extension mic's with a volume control and a channel button,also it has a distress button. But then again you do make some good points. I guess it's preference.
  18. I gotta say I like that alot...
  19. We have CFR some are EMT's and one of our career guy's is a paramedic. And I agree with you ALS.
  20. Can anyone say YOU TUBE I bet It'll be on that site soon... Hope so.
  21. They should have had that on pay per-view
  22. Our policy is you have to have your bunkers and coat on before you board the apparatus. We use to gear up while on the way,but like all of you are saying it's just too dangerous.
  23. I also have one from RadioTech. I wear mine outside my jacket on some calls I guess it depends on the situation for me anyway. Also wearing the radio with the strap and having it by my side free's up the radio pocket for the fireground radio,since I have to monitor both channels at the same time.So in the holster is the county radio and in the pocket is the fireground radio.
  24. I'd have to agree with you... It's not easy.
  25. The pic's I E-mailed seth one was takin in 1951 not sure about the other one. I couldn't post for some reason. Chris you'll remember one pic,it has eddie little john in it he looks like he's about 20.