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Posts posted by Cutty630

  1. I've seen this clip before somewhere on the web and it actually had sound to it. The worst part of the video was the reaction by the kids. They were all screaming and crying when the firefighters were pulled out and they were on fire. What could they be possible be thinking when they did this, wait a minute they probably don't know how to think. I would love to be able to see more to this clip. Just to see how they went ahead and tried to explain what had happened to the crew, I can only imagine..........I hope those children in the crowed were not scared for life........

  2. A friend who is on the job overheard a couple of probies saying that before they entered the academy they needed 60 college credits. I was told that I needed only 30 and after checking the website I still see the 30 and not 60. Can anyone enlighten me.

    While on the subject of college credits, I took many fema classes online and I have all the certificates with me. My question is which school should I call to transfer all these classes into actual college credits. I am going to start to look on the web but I thought if someone else has done so already that it would save me a little time in searching.

    Thanks for the help.

  3. I'm not really sure of the extent of the injuries but everyone there was lucky, because it could have been much worse. It was a head on collison between a Jeep Wrangler and a subaru forester ( I believe). Five of the victims were in the jeep and two from the subaru. There was negative entrapment in either of the two cars. What amazed me was the damage inside the Jeep. Upon impact the rear bench seat detached itself from the floorboard and launched the three passengers forward. They hit the back of the front seats and actually twisted them (the seats) from their natural shape. Good job done by all companies on scene, and special thanks to all mutual aid that helped out.

  4. Bedford Hills was dispatched to an MVA on the Saw Mill River Parkway at 23:50 on October 31. I was the officer in the First due piece of apparatus (R-10), when we arrived there was one car off the road behind the guardrail on all four tires. Bedford PD was on scene with the driver who was sitting on the guardrail, with minor injuries. The reason I'm posting this is because if you visit our FD's wesite you will see the wreckage that the driver walked away from with minor injuries. The car was headed southbound just after exit 39S when it struck a tree and rolled over, placing it off the roadway behind a guardrail. The pictures will tell the rest of the story execpt for the fact the the car was a saab 4 door with hatch and that the driver self extericated himself through the sunroof.

    Bedford Hills FD Home Page

  5. Question for anyone who might be able to help me out. I bought the game and when I load it it tells me that "the drivers on your system are to old, please install more recent drivers. You can download them from the graphic cards manufactures website." ALRIGHTY THEN how am I supposed to accomplish this. I'm stupid when it comnes to computers......... PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!

  6. It might be 60 control releasing the knox box key for a department. When a unit in the field has a knox box system in place in their district 60 control can release a key in either a piece of apparatus or a chiefs car. It is released by a set of tones that sound just like someone dialing a phone. Once the key is released the unit in the field can access the knox box at that location. I hope this is what you were looking for if anybody has a more technical way of describing it please feel free to help me explain better.

  7. I work at John Jay high school in cross river and they have defib's all around the school, as well as each coach for a team is issued a defib to carry to the game or practice. The ones in the school aren't locked but are enclosed in a box which when opened makes a loud buzzing sound. Everyday the custodian who opens the building has to check each wall unit to verify that the battery is ok and that everything is with the unit. (Disposable razor, gloves,face mask and the pads for child/adult)

    As far as I know they train whoever wants to do it as well as it's manditory for some like the gym/sport instructors. I believe that when the students learn CPR they also learn how to operate the dfib. All the custodians that I work with also have been CPR/ DEFIB trained since we are always there.