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Posts posted by Cutty630

  1. Hey maybe someone can help with a problem that i heard about today. So far only rumor but I have heard from one source outside fdny and I also heard the same from an fdny member. List 2043 has be or is in the process of being thrown out because of the lack of minorities. If this is true it really sucks, any info please let me know. I know that it's not official yet but has anybody heard of the rumor. I heard it today sat the 28???????? [-o< please don't let it be true

  2. This i my first posting so don't make fun of me. But anyway the show is definately a dissapointment. Whatever happen to the good old days when we actually got the chance to see an engine or a truck during an episode. I miss seeing the shows where the fd was involved. I too am losing interest in the show, but I'm stuck watching like a little child for the next show involving the fd. Can't wait much longer for it to happen though. I feel like I;m stuck with the pain of watching and waiting ](*,)