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Posts posted by FFEMT150

  1. Tonight as we were talking about Mass Tommorow for Jimmy we received a message that On CMT at 7pm our Extreme Makeover is on.

    I always forget how little all the Girls were then. Anyways it sure is a nice memory to see. But it never gets any easier, i sit here and cry just like i did then.

    Hang in there! You have THOUSANDS of people standing by you! God Bless all of you!

    x635 likes this

  2. from what i heard...the station that was built on westbrook drive years ago was meant to be the main station. i think because it is technically more central located. The reason that i heard for them not making that their main station was because the main one on route 6 was donated or something like that, and if they moved out, they would lose use of it. correct me if im wrong(probally am on a few points)

    The HQ they are in now is really more central than westbrook would be. As far as the property on 6 being donated and the loss of the property if they moved, that I don't know. Interesting though. Any members of mohegan who can chime in here?

  3. Very interesting questions seth. I drive past that station wvery day on the way to work and wonder how tough it is to work out of that station (with the traffic specifically) day in and day out. I too feel that the fire fighters and EMT's both volunteer and career do an outstanding job with their service to the towns of cortlandt and yorktown. I wouldnt go as far as saying the station is obsolete only because I haven't been in there in years but would like to see them get a bigger station and maybe some more useable property. I will close with this... Thank you to the guys and girls of the LMFD for all of your hard work and dedication, and to all here, stay safe.

  4. If you are looking for a good quick drug ref. there is one out for smart phones called "pocket drug guide" or you could just grab an ems field guide at barns and noble. Only costs about 9 bucks. As far as the whole "new guy feeling", It goes away after a few runs. Have faith in yourself and your training and rember, air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation of this is a bad thing.

  5. I like how much attention something bad gets.... However a picture of a few guys in correct PPE working and MVA or a Fully involved structure hardly gets this much attention...

    Two words brother..."human nature"... Also, I don't think there is really a need to recognize someone for doing what they should be doing every time they go on a call. Goin above and beyond and making a rescue, making a quick stop or some skilled cuts should be praised, But when someone fails to operate in a safe manner and a lesson can be learned, go for it!

  6. the original fire house was just facing down orchard street (coles market parking lot). the first brick was laid in sept. 1920. the addition of the three bays on the kings ferry rd side was done around the late 1940's. when montrose fd bought the old 123 and old 122. the property of the current fire house was purchased from the Hendrick Hudson School District for $1.00. i believe when the ladder was purchased was when the new fire house was being built. when im at the fire house i will see what pictures i can dig up and ill get them posted. any questions please ask if i dont know the answer i will try and found out from our older members.

    I have a bunch of shots on my computer ken. I'll try and send them to you if u want. Had to find some shots for pops... he kinda volunteered me for the historical comm.

  7. While everyone (citizens) are at home weathering the storm, most of us will be on an extended stand by/call back/out on calls and away from home for quite some time. What can the family of an emergency responder do to prepare for us being away from home durring this storm?

    Im not talking the basic "Plenty of water/food/flashlights/etc" prepardeness type stuff that everyone should do. Im talking the how to prepare the family to be OK without the 1st responder being there.

    For instance, my family knows how to setup/connect/run/refuel/transfer the backup generator without me. I have all the town FD and PD freqs programmed into the scanner so they know whats going on. They have all the "non public" phone #'s for the station if something crazy happens at home so the guy in the radio room can contact me when I'm out on call. Is there anything else that can be done to prepare the family for your extended time being away?

    Seems like you have covered everything. My family does the same. Only other thing we do is make sure everyone has a "go bag" incase they have to evac.

  8. Our tower ladder has one of each. The fog/adjustable is set up with electronic controls to allow one man operation from the turntable (with limited manpower). The other has stacked tips, but I cannot recall the sizes from memory. That one must be operated from the bucket.

    Same in my Dept. Always thought smooth bore were the way to go. More volume.