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Posts posted by nycemt326

  1. The city might as well put a gun to these guys heads and pull the trigger. City to Cut Mental Health Program for WTC Responders.

    Jaytl42, you bring up an excellent point. What are we gonna do about it besides rant on this board? I am already starting a letter to my state and city council representative. What is going to be next? Have the victim's families return the money they received for the state and fed gov?

  2. We are only in the minds of the politicians when its an election year. Boy don't they love their photo ops with America's heroes, but when actions need to be made we are dead last on the list of priorities. It was just last year when NYS finally decided to give volunteers a tax break, a meager one at that. Need to balance a budget? Layoff firefighters, medics/techs, and police officers.

    Remember585, your exactly right. The auto industry, AIG, and all these other corporations made out like bandits. It's almost been a decade and the bean counters in NYC, NYS, and Congress have most certainty forgotten. Scumbags.

  3. I need to rant a bit.

    After reading this thread I am just frustrated at how the United States Government has turned its back on the 9/11 first responders. I think it's disgusting that Congress is allowing first responders to die because of their inaction. Thousands of men and women worked countless hours on the pile and this is how they get repaid? How many more people have to die before we can get this bill passed?

    What happens when its a nuclear or biological attack next? Are we going to have to sit and wait and watch more people die? It's truly disheartening.

    Remember585 likes this

  4. If these allegations are true and proven in court, shame on them. I hope they receive the maximum punishment. I am never surprised by the amount of ******** who try make money off other peoples suffering. I remember the reports of the fake charities and people making false claims of family members being killed on 9/11 popping up within days after the attacks, Scumbags.

  5. nycemt while i understand some members of fdny do assist dcas with testing process they are not the sole question makers. This test is a basic written test with books available at any public library or bookstore to read as a prep. This whole issue makes the members of fdny look ridiculous, i have almost 27 years and never looked at race,creed, color or anything when it came to doing the job. The issue here should anger all minority firefighters who passed the same tests as all others, they are not treated differently,they are brothers or sisters of the fdny. I cannot believe this issue has reared its ugly head again, this is not a secret society or a club that picks and chooses it players, this is a job you have to desire to do with knowledge of the risks and dangers, not black not white just doing what you are called to do.

    Thanks for the clarification, from what I understood it was fdny members designed the whole test.

    I agree completely with everything else you have said.

    This article gives an interesting perspective:

    Great story, but still doesn't justify the Vulcan's proposal that six of every ten new hires need to be black or Hispanic.

  6. I cannot understand how a written test can discriminate. The test for FDNY is given by DCAS not the FDNY. The whole idea this is FDNY generated is a disgrace.The hiring process is not really conducted by FDNY the DCAS people administer the test and the physical part. FDNY does the medicals and investigation only after DCAS certifies a list to be used. This judge may become the new Sifton in what he will do to the FDNY. Time for Vulcans to grow up and be men and not expect things to be handed to them, too many great minority firefighters will know doubt be saddened by this change if it happens, no more merit system.

    The problem is, members of the FDNY come up with the questions for the test for DCAS.

    I took the last test in '07 and can't believe the whole "the test is discriminatory" argument. If minorities don't want the job, you cant force them to take the test. If they do take the test and fail, its nobodies fault but their own. It's really going downhill because of the Vulcans, they got the college credits reduced and now you just need to work a job for 6 months without any college, whats next? Completely eliminate the exam like Chicago is considering to do with PD? They shouldn't be called the Vulcans, they should be called the Vultures.

    ACEast likes this