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Posts posted by Alpinerunner

  1. Like a turbo? lol. And if I am correct this is Navistar's DPF regeneration system. Same thing on the fords. Causes some pretty poor fuel mileage

    Not quite like a turbo. A turbo uses the exhaust gasses to power a compressor that forces CLEAN outside air into the engine. (sorry if you were being sarcasic and knew that, haha)

    This is an old practice used on some gas engines in the 80s in the name of emissions and it does reduce mileage because you're adding hot (less dense) air into the engine that doesn't combust as well because there is soot and burnt gasses in it. It can seriously clog up the intake manifold over time. I'd rather use UREA

  2. It sounds pretty cool, but I'm not sure the article explains it very well. As far as I can understand, the upgrade simply displays the name of the person calling the mayday permanently (until reset). In our radio system, this is currently the case, with every portable and the dispatch console displaying the apparatus and position of the person who activated the emergency button.

    I was expecting the system to actually help find someone who called the mayday, like this:

    Again, they may be the case and it's just a vague article.

  3. hey pfd not for nothing, what are you going to ? Fires or a swap meet. cutters, screwdriver and a good knife that can be used with your gloves on are all you need, all that other stuff is gonna make your profile alot wider, which will in turn make it harder to get through wall studs if the need arises, i would advise you to get rid of half the stuff you have, not trying to start an arguement at all, just something that i feel very strongly about

    I've heard this from a career chief as well. Don't want too much stuff!

    I carry: 2 wedges in my helmet, and a roll of webbing, a swiss army knife and this: in my coat pocket. Bunker pants pockets I keep for my gloves only

  4. Nice article, but it does nothing. IMHO this is related to how police officers have been treated in the media for the last 10-15 years.....That the public must question, and second guess every decision a police officer makes in a split second, and then call for justice, I.E. that officer's head on a stick. Its one thing to question, but there are people out there like EX-Governor David Patterson, who have written legislation to make it legal for people to resist arrest when they feel it is wrong. Other proposed bills such as shoot to wound, I.E. shoot the hand, or leg, not center mass, and the constant media backlash against police officers has lead to this. Times are tough, crime is increasing, and a good portion of the population is willing to fight the police when caught. Add in the encouragement for liberal do-gooders who think that every police initiated stop is some type of wrong doing, it has made police officers look like the enemy in some communities. As an example, I recently handled an assault. When I got on scene (as one of the first officers) I asked the victim what happened. A large group of witnesses immediately jumped in telling me "Don't arrest him, he didn't do nothing". Not what happened, who did it, or where the perps where, just "he didn't do nothing." Want the violence to stop, we need to change the way the media, and public perceive police officers. Until that occurs, expect the violence to continue.

    I think that's been the case for a while though. I would say that dramatic uptick recently is due to the fact that due to the economy more people literally have nothing more to lose than doing crime and fighting/shooting cops.

  5. Many times outside the city, these phrases and phrases like them are used just because the guy listens to FDNY on his scanner and wants to sound cool...K.

    That is my understanding about "K". It's only protocol in the FDNY, and other companies just want to sound cool. Furthermore it only needs to be said after a longer transmission, like a size up, or progress report, not when calling on scene or responding.