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Posts posted by masterofmetal85

  1. On February 25, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Fdnyresclt said:

    Will be very interesting to see how they can do this they don't even have a dozen ambulances. Plus I am not 100 sure the guy who bought from Hudson valley paramedic who then end up selling it or moving into Emstar because of insurance billing issue !!

    This company is so in over their heads it's pathetic. wait and see when an ambulance or flycar breaks down on the way to a 911 call. Not to mention the quality of providers that will end up killing a patient or two.Only a matter of time.

    Brian12601 likes this

  2. Quote


    Simultaneously, we have formed a new company, Transcendence Transit, Inc., that will acquire our stronger performing ambulance business divisions in Pittsburgh and the Hudson Valley. Aside from the name of the new legal entity, nothing changes operationally for the businesses in Pittsburgh and the Hudson Valley. We believe that through these restructuring efforts we have been able to save 700 jobs.

    Sadly, as a result of a decision by our senior lender to cease providing additional funding, the remaining operations (NYC 911, Core, Westchester and Maryland), which have continued to face significant challenges throughout the restructuring process, are being forced into liquidation under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. The operations associated with these businesses will discontinue starting today and responsibility for their remaining assets will be transferred to the custody of a court-appointed trustee.


    Disaster_Guy, Westfield12 and x635 like this

  3. Was at work driving on van Wyck south and Nassau expressway PD ESU highway had everything closed off. Asked an officer he said there's an ambulance with MOS on board en route to Jamaica. Sitting dead stopped in traffic on Nass ex saw a convoy of a dozen PD ESU etc surrounding a Fdny bus flying towards Jamaica. My guess MOS shot in far rockaway or serious MVA they were coming from far rockaway so it was definitely there. Can anyone confirm?

  4. The problem with parroting propaganda is that propaganda is often short on facts and long on passion. This combination hinders your ability to participate in intellectual discourse as it takes away from any salient points you might actually make. That being said...

    If midterm elections are such an accurate assessment of the public's opinion what does that say about Bush's second term. It was the first time Democrats took the house and senate since 1994. More importantly 1994 was the first time in over 60 years that the Republicans held the House with one exception in 1947. In retrospect Republicans and Democrats generally agree that Clinton was a good president nd our nation prospered under him. So even though Clinton was doing a good job the Republicans were able to maintain control of the House and Senate. With a Democratic Congress, maybe things would have been better or maybe they would have been worse; there's no way to tell. What I can tell you is that since the Depression Democrats have been in charge of both the House and Senate more often than not.

    Obama care is largely the healthcare reform proposed by Gingrich and his fellow "Contract with America" conservatives in response to Clinton's attempt at universal healthcare. Funny, in 1994 heath insurance mandates were the sensible choice yet 18 years later they're socialism. Before you get all up in arms about market socialism, the healthcare mandate is absolutely not socialism. Nothing is being taken from anyone and redistributed. People are being forced to purchase a product. The providers of said product are not government entities and free to offer whatever services set at whatever prices the market will bear as long as they fall within certain guidelines. If you live in NY and drive a car you will be familiar with a nearly identical system call auto insurance. You are required to have it, there are mandatory minimums, and there are certain rules regarding the provision of this insurance that the industry must follow. I disagree with the health insurance mandate in that no one is forced to buy auto insurance. If however you wish to drive a car, you then must buy in. Practically speaking however we as a society will never accept casting people into the street to suffer alone because they chose to opt out of purchasing healthcare. Sadly, I don't disagree that the Supreme Court will likely rule against the mandate. They did a poor job arguing their case. Luckily the past has clearly shown that just because you lost in the supreme court it does not mean you were wrong. Many decisions made by the court then would be inconceivable now. Google Dred Scott for a look at one of our not so great supreme court decisions.

    The full effects of auto bail out are still yet to be realized. Educated and informed individuals can go back and forth about what might have happened to GM in bankruptcy court. Both sides have salient points and real world examples to demonstrate their arguments. What you are ignoring is Bush started the auto bailouts with his initial injection of cash to stabilize the companies while what eventually became the bailout was crafted. The very same bailout that Bush has since stated he doesn't regret and would in fact repeat if he were to do it all over again today. GM and Chrysler are both doing far better today than they were just before their collapse. Lehman Brothers is the closest in size to GM that has ever gone into Chapter 11 and today is a shell of its former self. Considering that Lehamn benefited from Barclays quickly jumping in and picking off they healthier divisions while no one was interested or able to buy anything that GM had I tend to agree that GM would be in far worse shape.

    Obama's win was almost as much the result of everything you mentioned as it was the inability of the Republican's to run an effective campaign. The democratic primary was so bruising that election was the Republican's to lose. Absolutely, the wars and financial disaster were bad but they paled in comparison to the damage done by Palin. Obama's election wasn't so different from Bush's. A little known candidate with no real national experience that escaped a bruising primary on hype and squeaked out general election win more because of the failings of their opponent than the strength of their campaign. P.S. the same could be said for Clinton except that was more Perot's success than Bush's failure that opened the door for Bubba.

    Show me where cutting taxes has been a time tested and proven solution for fiscal crisis?? Bush Sr and Reagan both raised taxes overall and Reagan expanded government in response to fiscal crisis. Cuts for the sake of cutting don't work. When corporations find their bottom line failing they spend money.You stem losses by cutting spending in some areas, but those funds are redirected towards investments designed to stimulate new business. You may disagree with where Obama is spending the money and how he is raising it, but outside of ranting tea party candidates republican and democrat economists agree that more money needs to find its way into the economy. Whether it is better to leave it to the "job creators" to spend our way out of this recession or better for the government to stimulate the economy is up for debate.

    I can't even go near the Walker stuff. Except for the fact that Walker won, that whole bit is entirely based in fantasy.

    Ironically our terrible economy has gone a long way towards improving our position in energy production. The dip in the dollar has hurt our buying power and made importing oil relatively more expensive. The flagging economy also resulted in a dip worldwide in energy demands increasing the price gap between fossil fuels and alternative energy. Coal is still taking a beating, and will be for a while. Even under Bush the EPA was harder on coal than they would have liked.

    Feel free to google any of my reply here. All original, largely opinion, and all developed from careful consideration of the world around me. I wouldn't expect you to suddenly change your mind just because you read a few differing opinions, but it would be really nice to hear an intelligent and coherent reply from you just once.

    Sorry, one thing I wanted to add...

    Why do you and the rest of the incensed right insist on using Obama's full name? Clinton was never William Jefferson Clinton and even with two living presidents named George Bush the middle initial sufficed. Are you that bothered by the name Hussein or what it represents?

    points are all good and well, just a few things you mentioned I'll be brief about

    -the government forcing the population of this country to buy a product really constitutional?

    - I'd like for you to show in detail how the economy has improved because I certainly don't see it and neither do millions of unemployed Americans

    - Bush wasn't the greatest president but he wasn't the worst....funny how liberals always like to blame him though

    -Where's the "amazing" things Barack Hussein Obama promised us ?

    -Yea I mention his name because it bothers me that there is a man in the white house as our president named Barack Hussein Obama and what bothers me even more is that it doesn't bother a majority of other people

    - Do you really think Obamantioncare, if passed (hopefully not) will improve the quality of our current healthcare that we have today?

  5. If you are going to make a commute to NYC to work for TransCare or Citywide, you should shorten your trip and get off one of the many exits for Yonkers.......and come work for Empress. With TC & SC, all you are ever going to do with those companies is, transport after transport after transport......maybe a code 3 "Nursing Home" emergency once in a while.......At Empress, you will do transports, will also do 911 jobs in Yonkers & Pelham Manor and in the near future........possibly Mount Vernon 911 jobs, if Empress gets the contract back again. In addition, Empress is a Union Shop, so the pay plus the benefits are much better than working for a non-union private EMS agency.

    Really $15.75 starting for empress is more then 21-23$ for some privates in the city? hows that union working out? btw In my very humble opinion 911 vs transports its all the same bs it just depends what bs you want to smell the left or the right hand

  6. Here's another article for your reading pleasure

    Barack Hussein Obama promised to transform America with an ill-defined message of change during his 2008 campaign. As Americans discovered what that change involved, they began to reject it. It was a change to the Left, to liberalism, to socialism.

    The first sign of rejection was the 2010 election when voters returned power in the House of Representatives to Republicans. Since the 2006 midterm elections that gave the Democratic Party a sweeping victory and elevated Nancy Pelosi as the first woman to become Speaker of the House, Americans have had an opportunity to experience the liberal agenda and they don't like it.

    They didn’t like the way Obama wasted 2009 on pushing his socialization of one sixth of the nation’s economy with Obamacare, a bill then-Speaker Pelosi told voters that the bill would have to be passed so they “could see what was in it.” Soon enough the Supreme Court will render a decision on its constitutionality and the likely outcome is that it will be struck down.

    The voters didn’t like Obama’s massive “stimulus” redistribution of their taxes that included a bailout of General Motors and Chrysler that could have been avoided by simply allowing them to go through the normal process of bankruptcy and restructuring. Instead, Obama screwed their creditors, normally the first in line to be compensated for their losses, and gave the auto unions a seat on the auto companies’ boards of directors, erasing the line between management and unions.

    Recall, too, that the 2006 elections reflected the dissatisfaction of voters with the long years of wars in Afghanistan and, in particular, in Iraq. When the financial crisis hit in 2008, just before the national elections, combined with the unalloyed worship of a completely unknown Illinois Senator, the outcome was the election of Obama.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Now the shame of the failure to address the financial crisis in time-tested and proven ways is Obama’s. He could have cut taxes. Instead he pushed for an end to the Bush tax cuts and talked endlessly about raising taxes on “millionaires and billionaires.” In point of fact, his tax programs were and are aimed at the middle class. He could have cut government spending. Instead he increased it with all manner of phony schemes such as “cash for clunkers.”

    Since 2009 Obama has added four trillion dollars to the nation’s debt and has presided over the first, historic downgrade of America’s triple-A credit rating. The continuing news of taxpayer losses in his administration’s disastrous “investments” in solar and other “clean energy” firms that continue to fail has added to the clear perception of an ideologically driven agenda that is out of touch with reality.

    The victory of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, barely five months before the forthcoming November elections is yet another reason to celebrate the rejection of Obama and his policies that have given the nation 42 months of an unemployment rate that is unprecedented since the Great Depression. Gov. Walker’s election signals the decline of the union movement and his reforms resulted in tens of thousands of union members choosing to leave the unions in Wisconsin.

    The realization that unions, in particular the public service unions, have raped the public coffers of states, marks a turning point that will result in reforms that will greatly aid recovery. The millions the union movement poured into the defeat of Gov. Walker are millions that have been diverted from Obama’s reelection.

    USA Today reported that “The residents of only nine states have returned their economies to the level that existed before the downturn struck at the end of 2007—and most of those states are energy producers.” The nation runs on the energy that the oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear provide. Obama has waged a war on oil and coal in particular and the public has taken notice of how insane this policy has been.

    The outcome of the Wisconsin elections has not been lost on the Democratic Party. It will now be in full panic mode and Americans will be subjected to a campaign of lies intended to distract and deceive them.

    Obama can no longer blame former President Bush for his failures, cannot blame events in Europe, and cannot blame Mother Nature. He has only himself to blame. Voters from the Left to the Right know this. Except for the hardcore liberal base and the mainstream media, the rest are ready to reject Obama.

  7. Don't try too hard to follow his logic. First off, it's difficult for anyone who appreciates the rules of grammar and literacy, and second off, it's all plagiarized. So basically, all of his "thoughts" are stolen. That makes him a thief. There no lower creature in academia than he who passes off others work as his own. I just picked three random sentences in that post, and they are all, verbatim, off the internet.

    If anyone wants to have an honest discussion about the pros and cons of organized labor, please step up, but if all you can do is steal others thoughts and pass them off as your own, your making yourself look like a fool.

    (Besides, doesn't plagiarism violate forum rules? If not, it should.)

    who cares if they're not my words they are the same thoughts as mine and more importantly its TRUTH.... you cant hide or change truth no matter how hard you'd like to

  8. Yes, but do you realize how many $10 donations you need to secure to offset a single donation from someone like the Koch Brothers? (I'll give you a hint, it's a lot.)

    By most reputable estimates, Walker took in $31 million in donations to Barrett's $4 million in fundraising. Outside spending from Walker-aligned PAC's also far outpaced Barrett's.

    Not too many union members can drop tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in political contributions on a whim. I know I can't.

    The irony here is actually fascinating. In your previous posts you argued that unions have too much power and influence. But now, you have a case study which proves the rich can easily swamp union members in terms of donations. Kind of undercut's your entire argument, no?

    And gamewell's point is correct. You amalgamating private and public sector unions.

    your assumption is that its the "rich" 1% well show me some proof because there's a lot of people I know that are republican right wing supporters of not just walker but the entire right wing idealogy plus unions support that disgusting OWS movement

  9. The truth about unions were that no one gave a crap about them and the blue collar civil service jobs for the most part because the pay was not great. Paid medical and pensions were the lure and appeal to get people to take these jobs. They were and are for the most part secure ways to make a living. Years later the pay has now risen to a decent level. But now that the White collar workers world has been downsized the last decade are now looking over the fence at their Blue Collar neighbor who, if escapes layoffs, has a pretty secure future. They have to blame someone for this, and the politicians are jumping on the bandwagon looking to blame the unions for all the financial woes of this country.

    By the way Unions were created to protect the average worker from the White collar owner who did not give a crap about them but would enjoy the fruit of their labor. Whats the truth Bro please do tell us.

    well since you asked nicely:

    Back in the early 1900's when robber barons ruled labor unions gave the people a living wage . Then the commies moved into control of the unions . They saw the way to control labor and to also control politics . The rights of labor are now a foot note of unions . It is all about money and political control for those who control unions . It always starts out with the rights of the people and ends in greed for the so called Elitists. The existence of a union in an industry can result in limited choices regarding hiring new employees or even limiting the potential for dismissal of a poorly performing worker. Whenever choices are limited, free enterprise suffers. Legislation has been passed throughout the 20th Century to increase labor rights and privileges, such as the Wagner Act of 1935, and to limit them, such as the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947.

    Labor unions serve as restrictions on free competition. By limiting the potential pool of employees and dictating wage and salary terms, certain economic factors of employers of unionized workers are fixed, such as eligible employees. Closed shops are situations wherein only union members may be employed. This has several negative effects as those jobs are unavailable to non-union workers and the employer will have a smaller pool of candidates to choose from. This could limit the amount of education and experience that job candidates might possess.

    While members traditionally enjoy higher wages, that cost must be accounted for somewhere. Whether passed along to the customer as higher prices on goods or services, made up for by hiring fewer workers or limiting the wages of non-union employees, the increased cost of union workers has an effect on a company’s economics. Prohibitive labor cost could also lead companies to seek alternative options to hiring more workers--automation and off-shoring of jobs are possible solutions to increased pay rates.

    Stating that union agreements generally tend to run for three years, the Library of Economics and Liberty points out that union members might miss opportunities present during boom times of which their non-union co-workers could take advantage. An individual worker could negotiate a wage increase during an annual evaluation while union members must wait out the terms of the agreement. A successful effort to unionize a workplace apparently reduces the market value of affected publicly-traded firms, even if there is no immediate change in their operating performance.Calculations of the effects of a union victory suggest that it produces large negative returns of 10 to 14 percent.

    The Unions are directly responsible for many of our labor laws, unfortunately, as they succeeded they got too powerful and off track. They now are a parasite on the very companies that give them employment. If the unions don't pull back and try to be an asset to their companies they will surely be the reason that they lose their own support and more importantly their jobs.The labor union will cause a supply curve to shift to the left. The wage rate in that industry will increase while the labor employed will decrease. The labor who lost jobs may be engaged in the industry without union where the supply curve has shifted to the right. The wage rate will be lower, but more labors are employed.The union may call a strike for their own benefits or for political purposes, but it might cause the industry to be palalyzed, like the strike by the train union in France. The effects are very bad for common people. Many say unions have a negative effect as a positive effect on workplace productivity and on the availability of good jobs in America. And more say that unions have a negative than positive impact on the ability of U.S. companies to compete internationally

    shall I continue?

  10. Well, given the amount of money that flowed into Walker's coffers from rich donors, by most accounts, there was a 7:1 disparity.

    So, the take away is, the rich will always be able to outspend unions, the middle class, and the average citizenry.

    But hey, look at the bright side. With any money saved by Wisconsin, they can invest more in education. Topics like grammar. :rolleyes:

    oh please walker had more donations from average everyday folks putting in 10 15 20 dollars keep thinking that the democrat left and union machines are out to help the poor and weak

    Walkers recall election has nothing to do with unions and the private sector, which is the topic of your thread.

    it had a lot more to do with it then you'd like to admit

  11. Can anyone shed any light on the receprocity from CT to NY I have a CT card for an EMR, which use to be a MRT, which I believe in NY is a CFR?

    Right thats equal to cfr which is lower then an EMT b in both states no ems agencies would hire anyone with Just that (unless you want to ride for a volunteer Ambulance in nj that has no standards) its mostly used for firefighters but any fire agency (ie fdny) would most likely put you Through cfr /emr training again.

  12. You are right. You can'tsimple have a NY card an get a medic job in NJ. As a NY medic you would have to request reciprocity from the OEMS in New Jersey after getting a promise of employment with a NJ ALS provider. The State will look at your traing hour and cirriculmn and determine if it is on par with NJ. If it is they will issue a T-Card which allows you to work in NJ. The NJ EMS agency will evaluate the NYers skill AnD submit a report to OEMS in NJ recommending full certification. We have a St Vinny's graduate going thru this process right now.

    Nj requires about 300 extra hours clinical then ny

  13. You are right. You can'tsimple have a NY card an get a medic job in NJ. As a NY medic yoiu would have to request reciprocity from the OEMS in New Jersey after getting a promise of employment with a NJ ALS provider. The State will look at your traing hour and cirriculmn and determine if it is on par with NJ. If it is they will issue a T-Card which allows you to work in NJ. The NJ EMS agency will evaluate the NYers skill and submit a report to OEMS in NJ recommending full certification. We have a St Vinny's graduate going thru this process right now.

    How does One get that promise of employment ? Monoc said they wouldnt take Out of state medics. where is the St v medic grad going througn the process at?

  14. Okay, Master, we've given you three agencies so far... TransCare, Empress, and SeniorCare. You can keep on asking "Who are these agencies" over and over again, and the simple answer is that any agency, any day of the week, will hire the right person if they come along and can benefit the agency. Since you insinuated that I may be out of the loop because I asked if it was that hard to get an EMS job, I'm going to ask you another question.

    Because you can't get hired, are you the problem or are the lack of agencies hiring the problem? I ask because it seems like there are plenty of places hiring (we already provided you with 3 places), but none of them want you.

    If you can't get hired by a commercial agency, I highly doubt any municipal/hospital based/voluntary system is going to hire you. I don't know your background or how long you have been a medic, but typically the way it works is you get your ALS experience first as a medic working for a commercial provider. After some time working for a commercial provider, these other agencies will consider you for a medic position once you have some experience under your belt. If you can't get a good reference from your one and only EMS agency you were employed by (TransCare), why would any agency hire you without knowing anything about you, your experience as a paramedic, etc.? Like Comical115 said, EMS around here is a small community, and everyone knows everyone, if not directly, then through 1 or 2 degrees of separation.

    I'm not trying to pick on you or put you down, but I'm trying to provide you with what may be a harsh reality. Once you make either a bad name or "no-name" for yourself by leaving places on bad terms, not having any ALS field experience, etc. it's going to make it more difficult to find an agency that is willing to hire you.

    Since you asked, I am currently employed by Ossining. We just picked up 2 or 3 new per-diem medics, all of whom have extensive experience working in other systems.

    I don't think I'm the problem per say as a worker my dmv record is a little crappy no points but like 4 accidents (none of them my fault)