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Posts posted by newsbuff

  1. As for the car itself, looks nice. I still don't understand why people keep getting 3 or 4 radios in their vehicles, but hey, that's a personal choice I guess...

    It's gotta be nice to have one radio on the YVAC frequency for Yorktown jobs, and having the ability to also listen to Mohegan VAC freq. at the same time. They do have to call on location to 60 and Yorktown Police(who dispatches them).

  2. My friend told me of a time that he went to a possible structure fire. Him along with his friend riding thr truck, along with the professional firefighter on scene were the only ones geared up with a tank. Everyone else was wearing street clothes, some you couldn't tell were affiliated with the department. Someone had the stones to ask them, "Are ya dressed up for the occasion?"

  3. I just saw this video that was linked to on firefighterclosecalls. This reminds me of a department that I live around in No. Westchester. No turnout gear on scene, No air packs, standing in front of the bumpers, and worst of all, the guy on the nozzle is wearing street clothes.

    I want to know where that guy got his NFPA approved blue shirt firefighting attire.