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Posts posted by wskrayen

  1. No, but I think it has more to do with buses being operated by contractors. The transit agencies are required to bid out a certain percentage of routes, and in many cases operate those routes with agency supplied buses. But in my county, AMR has San Joaqiun County EMS on the the side of their rigs, and patches on their uniforms, as does Paramedics First in Alameda County. I don't see a need for it, but in Sacramento, you pays your money and get your law, needed or not.,

    Below is the list of those in support and opposition,

    SUPPORT : (Verified 5/10/13)

    California Labor Federation (co-source)
    California Professional Firefighters (co-source)
    Consumer Federation of California (co-source)
    California Conference Board of the Amalgamated Transit Union
    California Conference of Machinists
    California Teamsters Public Affairs Council
    Engineers and Scientists of California
    International Longshore & Warehouse Union
    Professional & Technical Engineers, Local 21
    United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Western States Council
    Utility Workers Union of America, Local 132

    OPPOSITION : (Verified 5/10/13)
    Associated General Contractors
    Building Owners and Managers Association of California
    California Ambulance Association
    California Business Properties Association
    California Chamber of Commerce
    California Chapter of American Fence Association
    California Employment Law Council
    California Fence Contractor's Association
    California Hospital Association
    California Manufacturers and Technology Association
    California Restaurant Association
    California Trucking Association
    Civil Justice Association of California
    CSAC Excess Insurance Authority
    Engineering Contractor's Association
    Flasher Barricade Association
    International Council of Shopping Centers
    International Franchise Association
    International Warehouse Logistics Association
    Marin Builders Association
    Messenger Courier Association of America
    NAIOP of California, the Commercial Real Estate Development
    National Federation of Independent Business
    Personal Insurance Federation of California
    Rural County Representatives of California
    Western Electrical Contractors Association

  2. Actually they are looking at closing 3 Engines, and 2 trucks. Engine 1, Engine 6 (the Water Rescue Company), Engine 7 are on the chopping block. Also to be closed are Truck 4 (currently temporarily closed), and Truck 3(The USAR Rescue Company). They are talking about putting a 2 person rescue squad at Station 4 to augment on-duty staffing. I'm not sure if they mean the Pierce Quantum Rescue that is the second piece of Truck 3, or pickup based light rescue. This takes the city back to pre-1957 levels, yes 1957, when the city population was 25% of what is today and the city was physically much smaller. This leaves 10 Engines and 2 trucks to cover 84 sq miles. The plan also reduces staffing from 223 to 145 sworn personnel. But then the city fathers have been waging a war on the Fire department for many years, at least from appearances.

    Disclosure: Engine 7 is first due to my house.

    eric12401 and sfrd18 like this