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Everything posted by EMTbravo

  1. Members, After a long nap, stepping away from the computer, and some thought, I've decided that I can't go through with shutting down the site. Today, I have received overwhelming and unprecendented support, via all the kind and supportive posts, and over 200 emails. This site means to much to too many people to shut it down. This topic has received over 5,000 views in less then 24 hours, and that alone says something. I was not expecting an outpouring of support like this in my wildest dreams, and this has reinvigorated me. You guys have also been responsible for saving this site financially in less then one day. The 2010 goal has been met and exceeded. I think almost every active member has generously donated. This eases me a lot, and hopefully I won't have to worry about finances of the site until next early year. I hope that in 2011, we also meet our goal with gradual donations, and may be able to pay for 2011 in it's entirety with the amount of donations we are getting, if the pace of donations steadily keeps up and continue consistently throughout the life of this site, which will ensure the site stays online. But, right now, it is such a HUGE relief to not have to worry about that for a while. I will be stepping back a little from my administrative duties a bit, for health reasons. I've gotten very impulsive and unable to make good decisions due to a flare up and it's caused the staff a lot of headaches. I also have other serious personal issues I need to take care of. I am lucky to have a very knowledgeable and supportive staff that allows me to do this, and I'm glad for that. Thank you again to EVERYONE who saved this site by either sending an email, donating, or even viewed the thread. I'm happy that EMTBravo will be able to celebrate it's 7th birthday next month. I'm glad to have such an awesome membership and staff that has put up with me and who really care about this site. Seth Granville Founder Director Of Development Email: seth@emtbravo.com
  2. Thank You EX47COP for your donation of 20.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  3. Thank You hawkbase for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  4. Thank You R1SmokeEater for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  5. Thank You LTFIREPRG for your donation of 50.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  6. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  7. Thank You citystation1848 for your donation of 10.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  8. Thank You ComputerGuy for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  9. Thank You jetski110 for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  10. Thank You Doc for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  11. Thank You rkight for your donation of 10.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  12. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  13. Thank You v85 for your donation of 10.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  14. Thank You CB1520 for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  15. Thank You CFFD117 for your donation of 50.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  16. Thank You FDNYDCHI for your donation of 100.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  17. Thank You JrCapt for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  18. Thank You WHFD318 for your donation of 20.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  19. Thank You JJB531 for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  20. EMTBravo Shutdown Members, It breaks my heart to have to do this, but EMTBravo will permanently shut down this Saturday, October 23rd 2010 after seven years online. This includes ALL EMTBravo sites. Due to personal financial and health issues, I can no longer afford to run the site. Donations are way down, ad revenue and the amount of advertisers are way down due to the economy, and I'm broke. I'm unemployed due to health reasons and have a new baby. I don't have the disposable income. I'm tired of worrying month to month about the site finances and just getting by. I don't want the same small group donors month after month to contribute, when there are so many people who visit and enjoy the site who don't contribute. I'm tired and embarresed to ask for more donations.I regret that I couldn't save up a emergency fund. We would need a few hundered dollars to last us through November and December, and I don't have the time or energy to fundraise. And I don't want to sell or transfer the site to another person at this point. I also don't want to cut anything to stay online. We have an excellent dedicated server at a great price that we need to keep the site as it is. I don't want to charge to use the site, either as I don't think anyone would pay. Also, even though the staff handles most of the moderation, I'm also sick of people complaining about EMTBravo. I'm held personally accountable for everything no matter what, truth or lies. Rarely do I hear anything positive or encouraging. I thought that I was providing a place where people could go to get information, discuss topics, and network. I'm tired of people demonizing the site, the staff, and myself. I'm tired of the drama and the accusations and everything else people have accused this site of, which has also contributed to the financial toll. I'm also saddened hardly anyone posts photos or department news anymore. So, as of this Saturday, there will be no more EMTBravo. I thank everyone for their support over the years, we truly had a great forum and accomplished many great things, and I am truly heartbroken that it has come to this. I wish I had enough funds to keep this site going while I took a break for a while. Seth Granville Founder, EMTBravo EMAIL: seth@emtbravo.com P.S. If you EMAIL me, I will read it. However, due to lack of time or energy, I may not reply. PLEASE DO NOT PRIVATE MESSAGE/PERSONAL CONVERSATION/PM me using this forum's messenger system. It is much harder for me to read and reply.
  21. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  22. Thank You bronxfireradio for your donation of 40.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  23. Thank You Photounit for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  24. Thank You mazrock13 for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  25. Thank You shaft for your donation of 10.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.