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Everything posted by EMTbravo

  1. There is a policy-standard that I have abided by, although not published. It is on my list of things to do to post that though. These types of photos have not been published, nor will be. The exception is incidents where something may be learned or gained from the display of the photos, and that's only with the express permission of the subjects involved in the incident (such as we walked away from this because we were wearing our seatbelts...such was the reason why the T-10 photos were published) This site DOES NOT post photos just to post them, or just to show them. There is always a reason behind the photos. I am quite insulted that you would even think or imply that I would post such photos as LODD incidents just to post them or just to show them. That's not what this site is about. I review, consider, and hand edit and post every single photo that comes throught the EMTBravo email, which takes hours. Often I debate whether it's appropriate to post certain photos or not. Decisions include media coverage, etc etc.... The primary purpose of incident photos being posted is to show firefighter, EMS personel, and their apparatus working, not the incident itself. Most of the time, a photo of the fire itself is posted to give perspective to such.
  2. Please be advised we are beta testing a rank image system. The purpose of the rank system is to enhance rank visibilty and status visibilty, and enable future feature development for this board. You can view the rank image under your name in a post. Ranks are based either on the number of posts, or your rank on the board (Banned, Member, Sponsor, Moderator, Team Member, Developer, Administrator) The rank images are as follows: (Less than five posts:) Member (5+ Posts:) Member (10+ Posts:) Member (25+ Posts:) Member (50+ Posts:) Member (75+ Posts:) Member (100+ Posts:) Member (Moderators:) Moderator Anyone found to be making posts to increase their rank will have their post count and rank reduced immediately. Since this system is in beta development, it may change in many forms. This program may also not be a permanent feature. There are still some bugs to be worked out, and some things to be changed/tweaked/added. Some members with custom ranks are still missing a rank image. Any feedback is welcomed, emtbravo@emtbravo.com
  3. Thanks!!! Just an interesting side note since you're from Boston....this site was founded in, and the first "corporate office" was located in Woburn, MA.
  4. CAM, Thanks for the interest! And thanks to all for the kind words. The main site, www.emtbravo.com started being built on 12/31/02, and went live 1/1/03. The idea for the site was based on x635's (my other personality's) desire to share all the Westchester County FD and EMS photos and news he recieved from his many sources. It also expanded on the popular Westchester email news list produced by x635. There was also no website of this type for Westchester County, NY. From there, due to all the support, ideas, encouragement and photographic contributions of everybody who visited the site, the site has "snowballed" into what it is today. An intergral and popular part of EMTBravo.com was the "Westchester Fire and EMS News" section. Visitors of the site would submit news, which would then be manually posted on a single page. This portion was not interactive, and was read only. It contained news such as new and upcoming deliveries, incident reports, personel changes, etc. Maybe I will post a archive clip if I have time. Interesting to note, this was the flagship portion of the original site, and still remains alive today as the brand that incident photos are posted under. On 11/13/03, the EMTBravo Network forums went live. On this date, the forum started from scratch with 0 posts and 0 members. The idea of this forum was to expand on the popularity of the Fire and EMS news section, and make a place where members of the Fire, Rescue, and EMS service could interact to share news,events, incidents, ideas, discussion and related in a friendly and positive format. As the forums have grown, the forum focus and membership has expanded from just Westchester to the lower Hudson Valley and NYC metro area. We also have regularly visiting members of this site from as far away in the US as Los Angeles, and even have several members from Austraillia, Germany, and the UK. And thanks to the ideas and suggestions of moderators and members of this site, it has been tweaked and expanded to better serve the visitors, and is continually tweaked and adjusted. Please note, it's all the members who make this site what it is, not me. I just coordinate everything. And IT IS NOT MY SITE, IT IS YOURS....OURS!!! As for the site name, it grew out of my old email address which I used for the email list. I've had that email name for 12 years now,ever since I've had email. I've considered changing the name of the site several times to something more fitting. But I've been threatened not to by several members of this site. It seems the name has become a brand or something. There is a bit more to the history than above, that's just a short glimpse. When I have more time, maybe I will make a permanent thread regarding it. I never have in the past because I always enjoyed telling the story personally. Although I have wanted to stop doing this several times, it's all the positive feedback I recieve from the members of this site, the great emails that people send, along with seeing the results of a site like this and its benefits, that keeps me going. Hours upon hours go into this site every week, and that includes EVERYBODY who send in pictures, posts, and/or moderates. I enjoy doing these sites as long as I know that you guys are enjoying the site and it remains for the most part a positive place. As for the future, as time allows, I have many more ideas. Feel free to ask any more specific questions that I may not have answered regarding the history of this site, and I'd be more than happy to answer them.
  5. This afternoon, we completed some cosmetic and "behind-the-scene" structural changes to the board. Although the changes are now for the most part complete, we will be tweaking some items over the next week. Some of the cosmetic changes include a complete overhaul to the design and layout of the header and header menu. We also changed some of the colors of the board around, and made the standard text sizes larger. Most of the changes were made to make the board cleaner, easier and freindlier to use, especially for those "computer-impaired" among us. As always, any and all feedback, comments, questions, concerns and constructive criticism is always welcomed...EMTBravo@EMTBravo.com Please let us know if there is anything we can make better!! Thanks! *If you notice any "bugs" or malfuntions of the forum, please contact EMTBravo@EMTBravo.com
  6. Truck4 has been working on compiling a comprehensive regional list of events, INCLUDING PARADES. If you read this forum, it is pinned to the top of the list. To those of you that don't know it's there, you know now. To those who do, I wonder why you disregarded it? Please, if you know of any local FD events or Parades, please PM Truck4 with the details so it can be added to the master list. E64PCFD2044, it is as up to date as per the information available. It is updated as soon as new information is provided. If you know of anything that's not listed there, please PM T4. Here's The Thread: http://emtbravo.just5buckshosting.com/phpB...opic.php?t=3791 In addition to the above, feel free to discuss any specific event or event specifics in an independent thread. Thanks!
  7. Additionally, the paragraph preceeding the photos said comments ON THE PHOTOS themselves were welcome. DO NOT misinterpet that!!! Anybody needing a clarification on that, as simple and clear as that is, please email or PM me ASAP. Now back to the discussion on the photos....
  8. All Off Topic Discussion has been split into a new thread in the Training forum. In case some people have not noticed, this is the Fire Photography forum. This thread relates to a general discussion about the photos themselves, NOT THE EVENT! Before anything starts, you are welcome to discuss live burn and other types of training in the correct forum. HOWEVER, anyone found to be armchair quarterbacking or critquing this or ANY other event (without even being there or having factual information!), your posts will be deleted. THAT IS NOT TOLERATED! Also, anyone who posts false or inaccurate information, I will make sure that somebody calls it out. If you are not familar with the rules of this forum, take a moment to read them.
  9. This thread is now closed and locked. Multiple rule violations by multiple members participating in this thread. Multiple posts deleted and edited.
  10. Although there may be 2,000 registered users on this site, it is the moderators and members who actively post and read these forums that make it happen, and worthwhile to produce. Even with some of the crud that goes on, and the select members that seem to enjoy causing headaches, there are some great things that happened because of this board, and much information shared, many lessons learned, and many members who have met, and we hope to continue that. There is quite a large number of members visiting, reading, and posting on this board on a daily basis, growing each month. Thanks to everybody who continues to contribute to this board!
  11. I for the most part understand that no negativity was implied in the initial comment.....and the serious operational and safety issue you were trying to present. I respect that, however the context it was presented in did not fit, and was percieved as negative as such, so I had no choice but to delete. All I want for this board is it to be a positive and constructive way to share information and views, and as a learning tool. And for the most part, I think it is. It's to easy to sit, make negative comments, and criticize, that leads nowhere and just starts arguments. I have seen firsthand how discussions on this board can lead to positive change, and I hope to keep that up.
  12. Before I say anything else, I resent what you tried to imply in that comment. That implication and the way you pointed it out really upsets me. As I will explain, I am not trying to hide anything at all, your post was deleted for several reasons that had NOTHING to do with the issue you were trying to bring up. Since you chose to take up this issue here, I will respond to you here. I also feel this point needs to be reviewed with a few other members. However, feel free to use the private message system for any issues you have with a post being deleted at any time. I don't want to stray a thread off topic. I respect the point you were trying to get across, but the way you did it wasn't appropriate Although we agree that no one should respond intoxicated (look at what has happened in FDNY and other departments nationwide as a consequence), that had nothing to do with the post deletion. The reason your comment was deleted in that other thread was was because: 1. It had NOTHING to do with the topic at hand, or the discussion. 2. The post made an accusation based on an assumption, and accusation without evidence that it even happened 3. The post named or otherwise obviously refered to a specific department, and was considered an attack on that department. 4. The post was negative, and non constructive, . 5. The post had quite potential to incite a "war". 6. Poster had a history of negative, "pot-stirring" and rule-violating posts, and seemingly a critical accusation of every department. 7. Several complaints were recieved. In fact, I was informed from reliable and seperate sources the department in question had standby crews on, and the entire room did not dump out . Although that has nothing to do with the post deletion, that fact is irrelevant but shows how quickly some people are to jump on sometimes inaccurate inormation. A comment like the one made had a potential to start a "war". This board WILL NOT become a trashfest. It is online to be a positive, constructive, and respectful place to share news, ideas, information,etc (I'm getting sick of saying that!) It is getting increasingly difficult to maintain that. The rules are clearly posted, and members have been reminded several times, both through postings and private messages. If a member chooses to ignore the rules, the post is going to be deleted. In addition, any post made to incite trouble, any post that is negative or does not lead to or for a positive, constructive, and respectful conversation WILL be deleted. Also, any member who continouslly violates the rules or continously tests to see where I draw the line, is more at risk of having their post deleted. A discussion like this is tolerated, because for the most part, it is positive, constructive, and members are for the most part respectful of each other. This board WILL NOT be a place to take up specific issues with specific departments, to trash anyone or anything.
  13. msm232 submitted several photos of Norwalk's new Tower Ladder today. They are tentatively scheduled to be posted during tommorow's update. We always welcome more photos of Norwalk and area (Stamford, Greenwich, etc) apparatus.
  14. EMTBravo Network Forum Rules Clarifications And Addendums POSTED: 2/27/05 UPDATED:2/28/05 (Added Addedum) Recently, there has been a surge of members on this site violating both the rules and policy of this forum. It is becoming increasingly difficult and time consuming to handle. This message will clarify some of the site rules and policy, as well as add some new guidelines. Participation, including posting, on this forum constitutes an agreement to follow the rules. Each member confirmed this when they registered for the site. These rules include Private Messages as well. The purpose of this forum is to give the Westchester and regional area fire and EMS personnel a place to communicate and share news, information, events, incidents, ideas, views, and most importantly, knowledge. This information is to be shared in a respectful, positive, intelligent, and constructive format. If you believe a member has violated the rules or you feel the post needs to be removed for whatever reason, please contact the moderator of that forum via Private Message or EMTBravo@EMTBravo.com. Please include a link to the post and a short description of the problem. Please note that just because you request a post removed does not neccarily mean it will be removed. The final decision is up to the moderator and administrator, so please make your case. With that said, here are some clarifications and additions to the rules and guidelines. These rules and guidelines are subject to change at any time. GOLDEN RULE: Respect of other members. Please have respect for your fellow forum members. Please refrain from attacking, insulting, flaming, etc other members. If you do not agree with their views, post your rebuttal in a respectful, constructive, and objective fashion. If you believe their information is not correct, or know additional information, please correct or update the incorrect information in a respectful fashion. Paid Vs. Volunteer Discussion: This forum WILL NOT TOLERATE bickering or pointless, negative arguing between the two sides whatsover. Regardless of what you may think, we are all here to deliver a service to the public that is of critical nature. As previously stated, this board is a place to share information, knowledge, and views in a positive, constructive, and intelligent manner. This forum believes that nothing is accomplished by a Paid/Volly war, the only solution to this problem is comprimise, understanding, and working together. The purpose of this board is not to facilitate Paid Vs. Volunteer discussions. If you'd like to trash one side or the other, please take your pointless discussion to another forum. If you'd like to talk about how to make our system better, and how to serve the public better within the rules of this board, then please feel free to stay here and discuss. Once again, THIS BOARD WILL NOT BE A RING FOR (POINTLESS) PAID VS. VOLUNTEER DISCUSSION OR PROPAGANDA!! 1. Incident alert. The exact prescribed template MUST be followed at ALL times. Only certain allowed incident types, as posted, are permitted. Location and exact details of the incident must be as factual as possible, and come from a confirmed source. Spelling and grammar must be correct. The incident posted must be a serious, confirmed incident. If members continue to not abide by the above, then posting in the Incident alert Forum will have to be restricted to authorized members only. All posted IA's are at the discretion of the moderators to remain posted. Due to the abuse of the rules lately, IA posts will be removed for the slightest deviation from the above statement. 2. Incident Workshop. All extra information and discussion relating to Incident alerts MUST be posted in the Incident Workshop forum. The IW forum IS NOT a place to criticize or armchair quarterback any incident. Only positive, constructive, and objective posts are allowed. Any post that even attempts to attack a person or department will be removed. 3. Stirring the pot. Recently, there have been several members who have made comments for the sole reason of trying to "stir the pot". Any comment that is made and is deemed to try and incite a conflict will be removed. If a member is repeatedly seen doing this, their posting privileges will be restricted. 4. Advertising. Posts made specifically for the purpose of advertising a product, service, or website that do not contribute to the forum will be removed at the discretion of the moderators. 5. Language. Vulgar language is not allowed on the forum. 6. Posting of articles. If you are posting an article you did not write, or obtained from another source, please use the Quote feature. In addition, if you are quoting another member, please use the quote feature. 7. Removal Of Posts: The administration has the right to remove any post, for any reason, at any time, with or without notification. If you wish to greive why your post was removed, feel free to contact the adminstrator. However, please make sure that you are familiar with the rules of this board before you do so. 8. Members have the right to request that specific posts that they made be removed. If a member leaves the community, their posts remain a part of the forum. 9. Duplicate Posts. Posting of the same topic in multiple forums is not allowed. 10. General Posting. Please select the most appropriate forum for your topic, and please check to make sure that topic does not already exist. For example, when posting a discussion about radio communications, that does not belong in the Lounge forum, that belongs in the Fire And EMS Communications forum. If specific members continually show disregard for the administrators, moderators, and other members of this forum, and continue to disregard the rules of this forum, we reserve the right to remove that member, and edit or delete their posts. The last thing we want to do is remove a members account. However, if a certain member continuosly violates the rules and damages the forum enviroment, that member becomes a strain on time and resources, and detracts from the quality we strive to maintain for this forum. If anyone has questions, comments, suggestion or needs clarification of anything posted here or on the rules page, please contact your local moderator or EMTBravo via PM or EMTBravo@EMTBravo.com Finally, if you like or dislike something on this forum, or enjoy this forum in general, please feel free to let the webmaster know. We live off feedback. Thank you for taking the time to read this. -EMTBravo Network Webteam
  15. To add to the above, to address certain recent posts: Deparmental-specific attacks or personal attacks or negative criticsism IS NOT TOLERATED on this board, as stated above. "Armchair quarterbacking", critiquing of an incident (specific or general) or IC, or criticism of a specific department and their operations is not permitted. If you notice something that you feel needs to be adressed, please keep your post objective and constructive. "Writing Up" a specific department will not be permitted...however, you may remove the department name and speific details that can be used to identify a department. Please note it is the MODERATORS/ADMINSITRATORS ultimate decision to permit cetrtain types of discussions when presented appropriately and intelligently. We will allow certain discussions on a case by case basis where a good,constructive and intelligent discussion can be had (Note: The naming of spefic departments and specific situations will NOT be allowed. It's easy for this board to become a trash-fest, and that's not going to happen here. Also note the moderators and adminstrator cannot view every single post at all times, therefore posts will be dealt with as soon as possible, as they are brought to our attention or seen during our browsing of the board. Reports published or televised in the media are open for department specific discussion within reason and rules of this board. Posts that cause a thread to go off topic, or hjijacking a thread for your own personal,exclusive discussion, especially when it is not related to the topic at hand, is not permitted. When people post a topic for discussion, it is disrespectful to turn that thread into your own specific conversation on a unrelated topic with somebody else. If you want to do that, please take it to the Private Message system. That's what it is there for. Any posts which causes a thread to be hijacked or cause a thread to go off topic will be deleted. Open flaming, teasing, negative comments, or proking of another member in any thread is not tolerated. However, good natured humor will be tolerated ANYONE who tries to skate around or test the limits of the rules may not be warned and be subject to having their posting privledges restricted.
  16. The 2005 Bedford Hills Tanker 5 Calendar is now available for purchase at the link below. The price is $6.99 plus S&H. This calendar features the just-delivered Bedford Hills FD Tanker 5, a 2004 Seagrave. Photo By Cutty630 And JJL639. The calendar is a high quality one page wall calendars which is printed on glossy, 12 point paper and measure 11" x 17", Full bleed dynamic color This is a pilot program. More EMTBravo.com products are scheduled to be released in the future depending on the result of this program. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this item go to support the operations of EMTBravo.com and The EMTBravo Network. If you purchase the calendar, please post your feedback here. If you would like your rig featured on a wall calendar, please contact EMTBravo@EMTBravo.com. Click below to purchase: http://www.cafepress.com/emtbravo.16922918 Here is a sample: (NOT ACTUAL SIZE)
  17. Westchester Fire Trivia: This is how this will work: 1) Once the question has been posted, the person that posts it will be responsible for watching to see when the question gets answered correctly. 2) Once the question is answered correctly, they will need to post who got it correct first. 3) The person that had the correct answer will post the next question (staying on this thread). I'll start (Be specific i.e. model year and brand,important specs and county ID) What did Hartsdale TL15 replace?
  18. Just want to remind everybody. So far this conversation is OK, however I did have to delete a post that strongly violated the rules and purpose of this forum, and I don't want to have to do that again. Most of the more experienced members of this board know all about this, and it seems that the new members and first timers are the ones who are making these types of posts, so I ask that the more experienced members try and guide these members away/ignore from these types of posts as they see them. As a reminder, ANY departmental or personal attacks are not tolerated, and will be deleted. Positive and constructive discusion is strongly encouraged and is the main theme and point of this board. This board WILL NOT become a bash fest, period. When making a post, please keep the above in mind. Additionally, no armchair quarterbacking....try and discuss the topic presented, and not try to disect a response time in which you may not have complete or accurate information about. This was quite a serious fire with many challenges, and people who feel the need to try and start trouble about this incident for no reason or basis, please try and refrain from that. Thanks for your cooperation.
  19. Off Topic Discussion Regarding Juniors Split And Moved To A New Thread In The Junior Forum.
  20. Well, apparently I've been so busy in the past two weeks, that I totally forgot that 1/1/2005 marked the 2nd birthday of EMTBravo.com, the website. We started buidling EMTBravo.com as a small site to share photos and info among the Westchester Fire/EMS community on 12/31/02, and it went live at 0001 hours on 1/1/03. It was never intended to be a big site, just a small personal one. Everything has grown tremendously since then, and it's all because of the support of the people who send in the photos, and the people who send in their support,words of encouragement, and thanks, and the people who particpate in this forum. So thank you to everybody because it's because of you this site is what it currently is, and if you guys didn't like or appreciate it, it would end. Hopefully, the next year will be even better! As time permits, we have a lot in store. (These forums, the EMTBravo NETWORK section of the site, was started November 13th,2003 and are now over 1 years old!) Happy belated birthday EMTBravo.com!!
  21. Members- Just curious if there would be any interest in splitting the FDNY forum into the FDNY Fire Forum and a NYC*EMS forum that would discussion and information regarding FDNY, voluntary hospital provder based EMS, and other ambulance operating in NYC. Please let me know if you are interested and would participate in a NYC*EMS forum, either on this thread or via email at EMTBravo@EMTBravo.com. If this forum is created, we would probaly need two people with a NYC*EMS background to moderate. -EMTBravo Network Webteam Research & Development Division
  22. Members- I'm considering adding a forum for news and happenings regarding fire and ems personel/people in this area. Also would be the place for news, congrats, sharing of info, etc regarding the members of this forum. My problem is, I'm stumped for a name. Any suggestions?If we get a few good ones posted on here, we'll set up a poll and vote on it. PLEASE POST ALL SUGGESTION ON THIS THREAD. Looking to set this up in the next couple of days, so your expeditious reply is appreciated. -EMTBravo Network Webteam Research & Development Division
  23. Well, we've considered all the names posted here, and thank everybody for their input. We've selected "On The Homefront" for a couple of different reasons. First, it is subtle and somewhat implies what the forum is about. Second, it encompasses the wide variety of professions found here on this board, whether it is Fire, EMS, Rescue, Communications, etc. Thanks again to everyone for their input, and look for the new forum to be premeiring later today.
  24. Once again, NO DISCUSSION IS TO TAKE PLACE ON THIS THREAD!!! Please take it to the thread in the Incident Workshop forum! The IA post here will be updated later this evening to reflect the additional information posted in the IW forum.