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  1. norestriction liked a post in a topic by buff74 in Hastings fire chiefs car catches fire   
    To answer your question, the house is literally feet away from the Yonkers border. One side of the street is Hastings but across the street is Yonkers. Very happy to see everyone working together, regardless.
  2. norestriction liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Hastings fire chiefs car catches fire   
    FORD... 'nuff said.
    Sorry Hastings. Buy a Tahoe!
  3. norestriction liked a post in a topic by JetPhoto in Photo's found on this site....   
    Everyone do not assume that because you see a photo published on this site that you have a "right" to download the photo from this site and send it to another site. It's not only wrong, it's discourteous to the photographer.
    You may not see my copyright marks on my photos but trust me, IT'S THERE!
  4. norestriction liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Sleepy Hollow firefighter charged with arson   
    Your comment is foolish, asinine, moronic, and not very thought out. To blame a Department for giving the black eye instead of the individual. That eye has been beaten by so many people over the history of the fire service it is never going away. Who ever blames the Department should look into there own closet and examine there skeletons before blaming the Sleepy Hollow Fire Department for this. I am sure you all have a few things that are in there that never made the news or bought to the attention of the police.

    Yes I am a member of Sleepy Hollow Fire Department. Trent if you meet him before this incident was very active here; you never expected this from him. But he has been accused of committing the most heinous crime a firefighter can commit do I feel hurt and betrayed. Yes I do. Do I stand by my Department of course I do and will always. I am proud of my Chiefs and Officers and fellow Firefighters who help keep Sleepy Hollow safe.

    Member of Sleepy Hollow Fire Department and Damn Proud of it!!!!
  5. norestriction liked a post in a topic by ny10570 in Front Line Apparatus at Fleet Demo Day   
    Is he really an a-hole for this? Its a valid question and absolutely true in respect to the volley world. Ed did a good job clarifying what would to the casual observer appear to be several vehicles out of service.
    Vehicles go out of service all of the time for maintenance, training, calls, etc. Publicity and community outreach is important. So long as accommodations are made to maintain protection I see no harm.
  6. norestriction liked a post in a topic in Front Line Apparatus at Fleet Demo Day   
    Sorry to be the bad guy but this just shows how much non essential equipment is in Westchester County. If all this can be shown at Playland it's obviously not needed on the "front Line" IMHO
  7. norestriction liked a post in a topic by firemoose827 in Crybabies and whiners: Enough second guessing about bin Laden getting what he deserved   
    Cogs, you make some good points, and before I respond let me first clarify...Im glad the son-of-a-b**** bastard is dead, I believe he deserved a more painful and drawn out death/prisonment with a cell mate named bubba who loves bacon at every meal and lost a loved one during the attacks, but, (theres always a but)
    We gave him a proper burial following muslim customs because we are better than people like him and we are not at war with the muslim religion...we are at war with the terrorists that mislead people to think that they follow that religion. Bin-Ladden was killed, an attempt was made to capture him first but he refused (thankfully) and they shot him; trouble over. Do we need to desecrate his corpse? No. We as americans are better, more civilized and show more respect for other religions and races, which is what separates us from these low life cowardly bastards that spread terror every day. The muslims have certain burial procedures and we followed them out of respect for them...NOT bin-ladden or his followers sakes. We are better than that.
    I agree with you about the belley-aching over the use of "Geronimo", I got sick to my stomache when I heard it on the radio this morning. Get a life people...Its a dammed code name. We killed an evil man, so what that we used geronimo as a code name, its not an attack against the indian race or meant as an insult so get over it.
  8. norestriction liked a post in a topic by abaduck in Greenburgh rakes in cash from years-old traffic tickets   
    "A DMV spokesman said the traffic tickets never expire, and the town can still proceed with suspending people's licenses, even if the violations are years old."

    Now that ain't justice; how in hell can anyone be expected to remember or contest a ticket from 1993?!

    If the town let the ball drop for so long I think they're on a hiding to nothing. Better systems need to be put in place. My wife recently thought she had lost her license (I found it in the washing machine!) and went on the DMV website to request a replacement. It said 'no dice, your license is suspended'. WHAT?!

    Turns out she had had a ticket for something trivial - expired registration or something - and the town (Scarsdale) had never cashed the check, and promptly had her license suspended instead. She was NEVER notified of any of this and had unknowingly been driving on a suspended license for two years. It should absolutely NOT be possible to suspend a license without a court appearance; that's bad and wrong. Only by a judge, and only in person.

  9. x635 liked a post in a topic by norestriction in Dobbs Ferry VAC: Missed Oppurtunity   
    I was on the board at the time and Seth your info is one sided , without naming names or getting into to many details the veh purchase price was $10,000 then it would have needed $100,000 to renovate. I was originally for the plan and I actually pushed the board to do it but at the time there were many financial discrepancies with our books and there was a change of the board which took a more conservative approach with its finances.
    The DFVAC has a poor record on covering calls so what ever money we had was to be put into recruiting. One last thing we threw this around the town and there was no way we were going to raise the $100,000 to restore it and that is on the low end we looked into it , also putting the veh on a residents private property was not a good decision for a Ambulance corp that has to answer to a village board.
    One last thing this was over 2 and a half years ago that this all went down so why is it in the 4/11 issue is beyond me. No one was stepping up to donate to fix this car so that is not correct , we asked around for months thats how we got the $100,000 estimate along the way so there is no "quite a bit of people" that wanted to step up. They had the chance to step up and NO ONE did.
  10. x635 liked a post in a topic by norestriction in Dobbs Ferry VAC: Missed Oppurtunity   
    I was on the board at the time and Seth your info is one sided , without naming names or getting into to many details the veh purchase price was $10,000 then it would have needed $100,000 to renovate. I was originally for the plan and I actually pushed the board to do it but at the time there were many financial discrepancies with our books and there was a change of the board which took a more conservative approach with its finances.
    The DFVAC has a poor record on covering calls so what ever money we had was to be put into recruiting. One last thing we threw this around the town and there was no way we were going to raise the $100,000 to restore it and that is on the low end we looked into it , also putting the veh on a residents private property was not a good decision for a Ambulance corp that has to answer to a village board.
    One last thing this was over 2 and a half years ago that this all went down so why is it in the 4/11 issue is beyond me. No one was stepping up to donate to fix this car so that is not correct , we asked around for months thats how we got the $100,000 estimate along the way so there is no "quite a bit of people" that wanted to step up. They had the chance to step up and NO ONE did.
  11. norestriction liked a post in a topic by EMTDelta in Concrete Pumps Adaptable For Fire Service Use?   
    Jeez, you'd think you would check your own website before posting things like this:

  12. norestriction liked a post in a topic by firebuff08 in Pelham struggles to find budget $ for the FD   
    At 2.2 square miles, the entire town of Pelham (the two villages combined) would not even qualify to have an engine company if it were part of any large City in the United States. Why in the name of god are there two fire departments covering this tiny spot on the map with a population of just over 12,000? My daughter lives in Glen Ridge, NJ, a wealthy Borough of 7,500 covering 1.3 square miles. It has NO fire department. The Borough contracts with neighboring Montclair, NJ for fire protection. Montclair has a fulltime paid department operating out of 3 stations. Response times to alarms in Glen Ridge are 3 minutes or less. There is absolutely no reason other than turf protection why Pelham and Pelham Manor can not contract with a neighboring department for protection. At the very least, they should combine the two fire departments into one. Operate out of a single station. Get rid of excess equipment and administration. Even combined they wouldn't do enough call volume to be considered a half busy department.
    Having lived in Westchester for 20 years, though, it wouldn't surprise me if they went the other way... creating a third fire department in that tiny spot on the map!!
  13. norestriction liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Fire officials support bill to indemnify volunteers   
    We all get your point Cogs. You're single-minded to a fault and honestly believe that everyone fits into these two narrow points of view.
    Well, I don't fit into your black and white perspective and I've been both volunteer and career. I think properly trained and staffed combination departments can kick a** at a fraction of the cost of a full-time all career department and run sircles around most all-volunteer departments in response time, crew coordination, and most other fireground operations.
    I'm not from Connecticut but I wish you luck with the legislation.
  14. norestriction liked a post in a topic by spin_the_wheel in Fire officials support bill to indemnify volunteers   
    "This Guy" geeez....come on, you got offended when someone referred to you as "flynn".
    I have to admit this has gotten out of hand a bit, we are both passionate about each side we stand on. I wont apologize for that, and I would expect no less from any member of my Dept. if they are standing up for what they believe in, and in this case the Volunteer service. I just felt some of your comments in post # 27 were uncalled for.
    I am not trying to slander you, but at the end of the day my comments are not the ones that will have the "impressionable young guys" out their questioning the Brotherhood they have all heard about. Or when they approach their Officer at the house one day saying "Wow Cap, I busted my a** at that fire, I cant believe there are other firefighters out there who think what we do...what I'm doing is a Hobby." I think it's wrong to say those things, but that's just me maybe.
    In the end we both have a job to do, wherever we are.
    Be safe.