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Everything posted by COMMANDCHIEF

  1. We carry 1 multi gas on each engine. This allows us to operate independantly of eachother. We run the gas detectors on all calls that involve heating devices such as puff backs,back fires and incidents involving fireplaces. The readings on a few of the above listed things have been super high. Better safe than sorry.
  2. Doug is correct. Mass has several municipalities that run paid on call FF's. I know this one town (E. Bridgewater) that had full time and paid on call. The Paid on call guys would make like $12 an hour per call with a 4 hr minimum, and I even think drills were paid at a lower rate of like $9. They would also use the "on call" people to backfill for full time spots for shorted tours.
  3. This is great choices we have here. Either listen to static, or Radio Free India.. What next?!!!!
  4. I don't know about the SP going to black and white. But Yorktown PD are supposed to be changing to it. I don't particularly like the new graphics on the Westchester County PD cars either.
  5. Stang. Do the members of your department ever drink other than these functions you have listed? If so, what do you do THEN? I would say follow the same proceedure. Also, if the alcohol is that big a problem, perhaps AA or turning off the taps might help.
  6. Doug I agree with you 100%. In particular the part where you point out that it enhances the "Espirit d'corps". This is very important for the day to day operations of any department and should not be taken for granted. As for our department policy, we staff a stand by in quarters. Either from an outside agency, or have some members hang back. I know that in the past on very few occasions we did respond from the parade route because of the close proximity, and the lack of stand by companies available. It is nice to get out there and parade, but our responsability at home takes priority above all others.
  7. Will this also be posted on E bay? or is this the only spot to bid?
  8. If you contact the FDNY's Commissioner of Public information. They may provide you with one. Or at the least tell you where you can obtain one
  9. I didn't see the news paper, but I am assuming that it's about the "quality" or lack there of , of the new members of the NYPD. I don't know if you remember something similar happened in DC years ago when Marion Barry was the Mayor. They were pushing through hires on that job and didn't complete the back ground investigations until the "officers" were already out in the field. They found several people wanted or with past convictions. It was not a pretty sight. For the past several years, the NYPD has used practices that set the stage for disaster. Ask any member of the NYPD that has been on for more than 10 years and you will hear the same thing. It's not by coincidence that the first thing the cops on that job talk about is "how much tme they have left" I'm by no means saying that all the cops on that job are substandard. And that the garbage that I have seen in the last few years may be the exception to the rule, but the only thing that seperates the NYPD and the Titanic is the fact that the Titanic had a band playing as it went down.
  10. Giving them a "job".. Nice touch... Yea. unlike the getting out the ther bunk from the sleeping position to respond. You also have to deak with e the "nut" factor. And YOU know... That is prime cause for delay. Enough said.
  11. I would say the cost is the major factor in why they don't have them. The ones that do might have been put there by members that got a "deal" on one.
  12. How about "Learn your job, so you can do it when you get to the scene"
  13. I am interested in seeing where he gets into a "class". What is that supposed to mean anyway?. Oh.. and dind't some star just finish his EMT in Rockland?
  14. Bang out both services. Cancel enroute
  15. Chappaqua has a light mast, Don't know about Briarcliff
  16. JBE. Putnam works on a very similar system to what you have just described. They have been using it for years and it's working well. It also dosn't cost 10 million dollars. Enough said.
  17. Vehicle placement at scenes is covered at the OSHA 8 hr each year. All members must attend.
  18. This is classic. Once again PR has turned bad. This article instead of raising awarness of the Corps. hard work and effort to staff an ambulance has brought "the man " down on them. Now they are worse off than they were to begin with.
  19. Probably the Parking enforcement or Dog catcher. opps. "Animal control officer" sorry.
  20. No, no one in my opinion is trained enough for dealing with EDP's. The problem is, EDP's are as unpredictable as earthquakes. One of the top killers of Police Officers are EDP's that is probably second to domestic disputes. We as emergency service providers have to remember that this person can become unglued at any minute. Our safety is paramount here. If it takes 4 point restraints to get you home at night. Then so be it. Safety first, worry about hurting feelings second.
  21. Hold out.. you could do better than this. This assignment use to be like $100 grand.
  22. I don't know what the Buff group is called for FDNY. It's either the Bell ringers or Gong Club or something like that. They have a website. They have members in there that really look up history stuff and they may have a member you can get hooked up with that will have some good info for you .
  23. Ten codes are useful so far as the in service and on location signals are concerned. I think if we were to expand on the ten codes for use in situations like requesting foam and the like it will only add to more confusion. Remember this, not all our members are as into the fire service as the people on here. We have to keep things basic, so it dosn't damage standardization as opposed to add to it.
  24. Well now here is a question. Are they going to close the police stations? I don't see any plan for dealing with the "walk in" traffic off the street that are looking for non emergency matters to be answered.