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  1. PFDRes47cue liked a post in a topic by pjtm4 in South Salem - Working Fire 1/3/2011 **DISCUSSION**   
    Let me try this again ! In my opinion, every fire dept, especially where there are water supply problems, the Fire Dept. should have class A foam. You use less water and you have a quicker knock down time on the fire.
    The County should hold classes on Class A Foam at the training center to educate the people in the fire service who make the decisions for their Dept if foam should be used or not. I'm not talking CAFS, just add Class A foam (small amount 0.3% to 0.5%)to your hose lines and you would see a big difference in your firefighting abilities. I can't believe no one is even talking about foam, there are extreme water problems in this area. I think the reason people don't want to talk about Foam is because not many people understand the benefits and the ease in which it is used, and that's a Dam shame!
  2. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by pjtm4 in South Salem - Working Fire 1/3/2011 **DISCUSSION**   
    Does anyone know how many gallons of water comes from a well per minute ? If this is the secomd time this house burned down maybe they could have put in a residential sprinkler after the first time it caught fire. You only need a little water in the beginning stages of a fire to knock it down.
    Also does anyone know if South Salem FD has class A foam. In my opinion, every fire dept especially where there are water supply problems, the FD should have class A foam. You use less water and you have a quicker knock down time of the fire.
    The County should hold classes on Class A Foam at the training center to educate the people in the fire service who make the decisions on if foam should be used or not. I'm not talking CAFS, just add Class A foam to your hose lines and you would see a big difference in your firefighting abilities.
  3. markmets415 liked a post in a topic by pjtm4 in Pros and Cons of Foam Systems on Fire Apparatus   
    Someone at the County Level, needs to get in touch with Foam pro or another company and have them conduct a demostration at the training center. Pack a car, truck or bus with wood pallets light it and put it out with water, then do it again with foam. The differnce in knock down time and the amount of water use is dramatic. It's apparent the only way people will believe it is, they have to see it with their own eyes. You do not need CAFS, just add class A foam to your hose lines and you would see a big differnce. Again Every department should have Class A foam, especially in Northern Westchester where water supply is a big problem.