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Everything posted by everybodygoes

  1. Chief, the way we operate is not comparable to anywhere else in the country, you would be better off attending a brotherhood instructors course on forcible entry or roof or ladder ops, that's where the members learn something, sitting in a class is useless for most.
  2. You can tell me that learning about 'FDNY Rescue Techniques' will benefit you where ever you perform? Sorry, this is just another ploy to make money from hard working people. You can visit the WTC on your own time for pennies, and you can buy the red operations manual that is produced yearly for like 35 bucks and learn everything that will be taught or told here for 300.
  3. I could tell you ten places I would rather spend 300 bucks and at the top of the list is bucks hollow emergency equipment .w
  4. Plenty of water with the rigs on scene. The extremely delayed reporting did the house in. Best news is no one was hurt not even the dog. The men and woman worked hard but it was in the roof and no access due to loss of integrity of stairs. Def a difference in fighting a fire in an old house then a new one, smoke was almost tolerable lol!
  5. It is a joke. First off the only thing our helmets do besides protect from heat is to attempt to prevent penetrating injuries from objects. Our helmets contain very little to reduce the loads from impacts. Motorcycle helmets have a 5 year rating because the helmet contains foam that is designed to slow your head down when involved in a crash to prevent your brain from being shocked from the sudden stop. Foam breaks down over time because of its chemical structure. This whole thing is complete BS, show me a guy with a head injury and I will show a kinesiologist who can show that the helmet did nothing to prevent it, because practically all of our head injuries are to the spine from the load.
  6. Marine Engineers DO NOT drive the boat, the Pilot does.
  7. Cancro is a great boss this should be a great class for those that are not exposed to it on a daily basis.
  8. Maybe they can get money from that dirtbag Vinny Forras, oh wait, this is a legit organization and in this country.
  9. In the immortal words of this nut case Chief I used to work with, The Marines!
  10. Awesome! That made my day!
  11. Still waiting for my reply cause I can not think of one FD that is not paid that has a building that is considered a 'gov't' building.
  12. And it is NJ this is NY. So what is your point? How about you tell me since you know it all, which buildings are owned by the municipality?
  13. Its not a govt building. In most cases the FD owns the building themselves and operates like a business, in many places you could substitute Co with Corp!
  14. Great way to implement a weight reduction program lol. I am torn with this. I have to believe that many would be able to exhibit self control at getting behind the wheel while drinking, let alone operating at any operation, but then again, never underestimate the power of stupidity, it keeps us in business! Alcohol was limited where I volunteer for just this reason, and its impacts have not been drastic as many would suggest. Personally I am not a drinker, one or two here or there, but never 10 or 20! Some guys are like Frank the Tank, and once it hits your lips... This is really an issue that should be handled at the State level and not by each individual dept since the differences are so varied. I could care less if your usual members leave cause they can no longer get .25 cent beers, they wouldnt be able to help after having one anyway!
  15. Nice video but what is your point? Put two men in danger for a garbage house that is unoccupied to cut a roof that served really no purpose since you cant vent the actual fire room?
  16. If you take care of your gear it will last over ten years. Send it out to cleaning and treat it as if you own it and it lasts. I have pants that are over 10 years old and will be replaced and I am sure some proby will be wearing them when they end up hiring guys. It would be great if you could allow people to pick the manufacturer that they want to wear and not get the same for everyone. I personally would love to wear globe at work but am stuck with morning pride. Getting one style for everyone is not really practical but when you deal with hundreds of sets of gear it gets difficult to supply individual needs.
  17. You guys must have nothing else in life but the firehouse. Most places have monthly drills for people to train, if you start to make mandatory attendance you will lose guys cause people have lives besides this. You have to find a happy medium or you will drive guys away. You should hear the crying at work when guys have to go to the rock!
  18. Guys that already meet the current standard will not be required as it is now to attain this new level. If you did that you would see the membership really drop!
  19. Right, if you increase the amount of hours you will have a standard that will be uniform, that will have no one doing.
  20. Frankly after giving my time for almost 20 years for free and all the suggestions falling on deaf ears I have given up, if someone wants to know something I tell them, otherwise they are on their own. I have in two many instances had to correct a dangerous act to be told this isnt NYC and apparently the laws of physics change above the Bronx line. I don't think you volunteer, you just teach them, it is a completely different animal.
  21. 800 just sucks. Ask anyone in Florida what its like and it is useless. Has no penetration due to the lack of wattage, and if its digital it is even worse. I find it simply amazing that I can use a 5 watt portable radio on VHF hi band and with remote receive sites talk from northern Putnam to the middle of NJ, yet in putnam county they had to change the dispatching frequencies cause its 'too busy', yet every single boro in NYC utilizes the same frequency.
  22. Those are the recommended hours set by DOT and thats the NR standard. The more you add the less you will have showing up. I have been fortunate to volunteer with some real go getters that understand what needs to be done and this is in age range from 18-50, which is quite remarkable. When dealing with people donating their time its always in the best interest to keep things as short as possible. How hard would it be though to have an online training class for the NIOSH Haz Mat guide, which I have never seen outside of work, and the DOT ERG book? If you took each locality and allowed them to interject their own training issues in to what they deem is acceptable you will have the real stuff covered and all the fluff that is included excluded. I have taught haz mat and its boring and most guys forget 90% of it, but when you have someone who knows how to related to the lowest IQ it makes it comprehensible to all of your audience. I have instructor II and if it was worth what I had to sit through to get it they should have had you teach real issues rather than make lesson plans that in the real world make no sense. In essence the best kind of training is done one on one, which you could achieve online, with a captive audience and no distractions things go much easier and in to the ole noggin. I remember the old blood borne class I had to take that was on the computer, you retained so much of it, cause A, you had to take it to get on the rig, and B, the faster you completed it, the faster you were home on the couch!
  23. You are assuming EVERYONE only has just the minimum amount of training. Would you allow two probies to go in to a fire with just 40 hours of training? I didn't think so. You have senior members showing them what and how to do it. And how often do you encounter water reactive materials on a daily basis? Maybe a bit of magnesium in a car fire here or there, but eventually the water puts that out too. And I would much rather have a guy who has the minimum training and the wits and common sense over the guy who takes every class in the world and can't figure out how to change the blade on the roof saw. Everyone over complicates this job, and in the last ten years it has become ridiculous in the amount of BS you need. 90% of the class material could be done online, with the practical evolutions done in 5 or 6 nights and a saturday. Make things easier for people not harder. They even cut the hours on EMT cause they knew no one could commit to the amount of hours.
  24. What changed since the original essentials class? Fires still burn and water still puts them out. The more they add the harder it will be to get more members. You know who is competent in your fire dept regardless of if it is paid or not, you also know that if you live in Chappaqua the chance that your new member has ever worked on a ladder is going to be much slimmer than if you lived in some of the less affluent areas, and by mean work off a ladder I don't mean changing spot lights. Time not at work is extremely valuable to people. It would be great if we could all train for 10 weeks non-stop but in reality when you work 40 hours a week and have a family going to the firehouse for 10 hours a week and going on calls really taxes your life!
  25. Shocking, no one is willing to stand up, its sickening the rest of the public abides by the laws and gets screwed and they get it dismissed!