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About dodff

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  • Location United States
  1. Received another letter from Mamaroneck. Must be the 3rd or fourth I’ve gotten from them.
  2. Has anyone else received a canvas letter from the town of mamaroneck?
  3. Its confirmed that there is no academy scheduled?
  4. When do canvas letters usually get sent out for upcoming hires? Any rumors on who's planning on hiring ?
  5. If they have a bunch of guys who have alreAdy passed the agility, why would they need to send more?
  6. Anyone know how many they're planning to hire? What about the recent Portchester layoffs?
  7. Any word on Depts processing guys for upcoming classes? I scored a 100 along with about 300 others
  8. Received my score. Apparently it's a top heavy test
  9. You do have a point. If that's the case than it's understandable
  10. So how did Peekskill choose the guys? Shouldn't there have been at least an interview given to each guy who passed the cpat?
  11. Or know anyone who has been contacted
  12. Has anyone on here been contacted for anything after passing the cpat?