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Posts posted by 2231*

  1. Wow.. 30 miles out of their city/town.. Better have a fast car... :P(only kidding..)

    and no traffic along the way.. someone good better be on one of the rigs that gets assigned to it, because the chief wil be way behind, traveling from another county or the other end.. when i was dept they only allowed us to go 10 miles out of our jurisdiction. Strange how much has changed.. including the chief cars too. We had highways and they gave us 1 lightbar and a bubble light on the back end of the roof. Nowadays they give you a christmas tree.. anyhow thats another story..

    JetPhoto likes this

  2. If I found out this is how my officer candidates got their answers, I'd be very disappointed. Look the web is great and serves to uncover all types of information, but looking in a forum for answers that should be found within one's own FD manuals is just crazy and another word that rhymes with it.

    really? its a simple question and a simple answer. you guys always have to been the rudest you can to these people who have questions YOU don't approve of. Its a emergency services forum, hes allowed to ask questions.

    and people wonder why theres dozens and dozens of people who just "view" instead of post anymore.. the answer is right here.

    Im not into any argument about this, its just disgraceful that some of you would reply like that.

    Haggerty 1029 and hfdr19 like this

  3. that statement that rescue83 gave is partially true. being a member of a dept very near by department i never saw a problem with any of their rigs or space issues. i have worked with them off of almost all the engines over the years and never once heard or saw a complaint on their rigs. who couldnt use any bigger apparatus but to say that they had storage/limited stuff is not true. what they had served them well and im sure bigger and better will improve them even more. everyone can improve and thats just what their doing

    WHFD318 likes this

  4. enough guys, he used poorly chosen words, it is what it is no need to continue to bash and prove him wrong, from what i get its his opinion, hes nobody to say as a fact their unprofessional, we all have our thought s an opinions. some of us in the fire service for years should know better not to reply like that.. to search and bring back this thread from days and days ago is stupid. send him a PM to tell him what you think, all of us who are just on to view and rarely reply dont need to see that, move on he is not as old or in the emergency service as long as some of us are

    helicopper likes this

  5. Thanks, guys. I appreciate the support.

    Is there anyone that would be able to help me find an affordable, decent apartment in Westchester or knows of one?

    ill keep an eye out for you brother..

    back in New York yet?

  6. guys, i dont mean to sound like a complainer or whatever people call it these days, but saying congrats to ME or congrats to these certain people, is a bit rude to all the other brave men and women who completed it and took the challenge "your" people did to. i was suprised to see some of us that have been in the fire services for decades to write something like that.

    so, to say it the correct way, congrats to ALL firefighters who took the course yet another job well done folks.

    sfrd18, 99subi and x4093k like this

  7. I had the misfortune of have to drive the Altima at work recently. Here are two photos I took with my cell phone

    First up is the trunk. As you can see, the spare tire fills most of the space. The black box in the lower front right of the picture is an AED. This car does not have a police radio mounted in it, if it did there is not much room to mount it. The rear vertical of the trunk (back of rear passenger seat contains the battery.


    Next photo I took from the backseat looking forward. The computer mount covers important controls in the car (there is no computer to mount to it, so it is useless). Our RMP coordinator asked about having it removed, the shops told him,

    "if you can figure out how to do it without damaging the car, go ahead". Very tight with two people in there. Above the computer mount is the light/siren control to the left, and the control box for the blue LED message board mounted on the rear of the light bar. Hate to see where those are going top land if the airbags ever deploy.

    you better check the engine oil while your at it capt. ha ha no purpose for that sticker to be on the glove compartment