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Posts posted by SmokeyJoe

  1. I just think we should use every opportunity and medium available to continually get the word out to the public that when they make donations to their local volunteer fire department anywhere in New York State, the monies donated VERY RARELY IF AT ALL are used for firefighting apparatus or equipment, or legitimate training expenses, but rather these monies, contributed by hardworking taxpayers who have already contributed toward fire department budgets thought taxation, these monies donated, are used for PARTIES, and trinkets.

    Whenever I discuss this with people in my community, they are almost always quite shocked to learn this. What a shame...

    Very good points, Chief. We need more accountability and transparency. And the message being sent to members committed to training and professionalism like Nick should be positive, rather than payback. Not for nothing but it sounds like these guys need to reevaluate their priorities.

    SageVigiles and helicopper like this

  2. With all due respect, you seem to miss the point. Yes, the law requires membership in both department and company. But this clearly needs to be fixed. This guy is the type of member you need to retain, not drive away. And many of these people, while they know nada about the job, do have a point: if they are donating and supporting the IVFD they have a right to know how there donations are used. The alcohol in the fire service will be the end of the volunteers. Finally, one person keeps asking about comments from the company membership. They have been silent - why?

  3. The Patch has posted an update to its original article:

    This issue is not unique to Irvington, nor to Westchester. It is time to fix what is broken: these companies and departments can no longer operate without proper leadership or accountability. Something is wrong when a guy like Nick is harassed and driven out of town rather than promoted. This law requiring a member to join both company and department needs to be updated.

    Too bad they don't spend as much time energy or money on training!

  4. What would it take to charter a new company? One dedicated to firefighting.

    Gee, ya saying that the "company" isn't dedicated to firefighting?! What a sad statement this is that a motivated guy has to create a "company...dedicated to firefighting" to get the job done. Who's running this show?? I can see who's ruining it!

  5. And it was all over "hear say" what a shame... We need to remember when we are in the fire service and we dislike another member that problem gets left at the door because if you take that into a fire someone could get killed. Let's look at the big picture here. Stop crying about baby bull and do our jobs safely so everyone can go home!! Let's do what we do best! HELP PEOPLE!!!

    From reading the Patch sounds like it was more than hear say as an administrative judge found fault and a member was suspended. It also sounds like one of Irvington's best is trying to do just that: go about his job safely but he is not being allowed to cuz he wont join a social club. What a shame that a guy who wants to help people is being blocked. What's wrong with this picture?

  6. So this guy quits the company, which is the organization that provides and sponsors fire protection services to the village / district and is upset that he can't be a firefighter anymore in the village. HE QUIT! Plain and simple, its like quitting a job, you can't continue to work there if your not part / employed but the organization that provides a service. He is not covered by the insurance anymore. Its not a hard thing to figure out. He took that step and he's out. Even if there was no "company" structure, if he quits the department he's no longer a member as an active firefighter.

    By reading this article, which by the way has holes large enough to drive the Super Pumper through it, he should have not quit in my opinion, should have stood his ground with the complaint he lodged while a member of the organization. Granted I don't know any of what is going on except by this article, there may be good reasons why he left. The harassment stated is very vague and obviously for his protection that things are not being let out.

    If he is a good a firefighter as you all say he is, I hope there is some justice for him. And maybe he can rejoin or go somewhere else. However, there are three sides to every story. We'll have to wait an see how this pans out.

    Izzy: I can understand why you are confused about what it means to be a member of a fire company, as Connecticut does not have the same crazy system as in NY. In Irvington, as in many municipal (village) fire departments there are two organizations operating in tandem:

    1. Fire Department

    2. "fire company"

    The department Anyone from Irvington out there who can answer that question? What about you got an answer? Good question that deserves to be answered! just that: the official Department funded by and accountable to the municipality (in this case the incorporated Village of Irvington). The fire chief is its chief executive and reports to the Mayor and Trustees.

    The "fire company", however, does not provide and fire protection function. It is a "social services and benevolent organization" run by a President, Vice President, etc. It is essentially not accountable to anyone, and it does not serve any direct emergency service function. It is not a fire company in the sense of a traditional engine ladder or rescue company. It is a social organization for the members of the department.

    What has happened in Irvington is that Nick originally resigned from the company but was told he could remain a member of the department. The issue here is the law being cited by the village attorney which they say requires him to remain a member of the "fire company." Nick is trying to remain an active member of the department, but he has no desire to be a member of the social organization. I will leave it to him to explain his reasoning, though I will say that you would be hard-pressed to find a finer, ore committed or more professional first responder. I hope we can get him back on line soon as his community needs him.

    I hope this helps clarify what is already a complicated and very confusing situation.

    CFI609D likes this

  7. Anyone from Irvington out there who can answer that question? What about you got an answer? Good question that deserves to be answered!

    The Fire Department is a municipal agency under the village of Irvington, so no.

    The Fire Company is a not for profit corporation so it should be required to

    Anyone from Irvington out there who can answer that question? What about you got an answer? Good question that deserves to be answered! :-&