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Posts posted by peeksafety4

  1. On 9/17/2016 at 10:18 PM, dwcfireman said:


    I'm 100% with you on this one, Dinosaur.  Adding red lights and sirens to civilian operated vehicles will just cause more chaos.  And never mind the law, but the distance that most utility vehicles have to drive to assist the fire department heavily outweighs the need for RLS.  They would save maybe two minutes?  If the FD is already there to secure the scene and make it safe, then there is no need for utility services to speed to a situation that is already being mitigated.  It's not like they're second due for a working fire.



    I have also noticed these red vans.  My understanding is that these vehicles are equipped to respond to major emergencies, such as a gas main that has been ripped open.  Essentially, these vans have the basic, necessary equipment to stop a situation from getting worse or stopping the situation all together (i.e. stopping the flow of gas and emergency clamping/closure of a line).

    As a "First Responder" for gas emergency there have been many times when I arrived on scene and fd would ask me what should we do , OR , I've asked the fd to assist me with entry into a house when's there's blowing gas possible filling the house on a contractor damage with complete hesitation by the fd because lack of experience with natural gas emergencies.. I've been a volunteer firefighter for 10 yrs so much love to the FD.. my point is , in my opinion I believe Gas Emergency responders plus all supervisors,  electric and gas should be code 3.. Fd is great, but we are the professionals when it comes to utility emergencies...