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Posts posted by tdc202

  1. my first step would eb to fill out the structure assigment stretch a 1and 3/4 line minmal have the chauffer hit a hydrant get someone into the building with a 2nd line stretched and a thermal imager checking for ext. Contact power company to get the transformers shut down and stay back until they confirm power is down.

  2. "When I go into a place and say "I want a large coffee with cream and sugar" I shouldn't be asked thirty more questions to get my coffee"

    I agree with you and The Kid from Brooklyn... My opinion is DD is the better of the 2 at least you know what ypur getting when you order it. Fuunny story I was working the B job one night and my partner and I went to Starbucks and heordered something that of xourse I had no clue what it was and I pulled him aside and said 'hey How do you order a large regular coffee in this joint?' and he looked at me and said Just order what I did. I was like what the heck did you say. So i went ot the counter and told the guy I wanted what the guy in front of me got,. The kid looked at me like I had 3 eyes or something.......

  3. I think that if you go in there looking for trouble and you get a beat down then it's deserved. I've never been in there and have heard the stories but why would I have a reason to go in there if I don't live in that part of the county? If the people in that part of the county have no problem with them then why should we?