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  1. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by BM234 in Should Firefighters (or BLS) Be Able To Administer Narcan?   
    Never heard of nebulized narcan and not sure my medical director would be happy with that, but don't doubt it works well.
    Very simply, narcan is there to treat respiratory drive. If there is respiratory drive and the patient is unconscious, they're probably better off that way.
    NYC has started BLS, PD, and substance abuse counselor IN narcan already with good results.
  2. JetPhoto liked a post in a topic by BM234 in CO Calls, What's the Rush?   
    Figured this was the right time of year to bring up this topic. In my volunteer department, any CO detector activation with no reported illness gets a chief or line officer with a meter, non emergency response. Any reported symptoms gets a full department response, often non emergency.
    I hear countless departments going full department code 3 response to CO detector activations with no reported illness. I don't view this as an emergency call, just wondering how they justify their actions should an accident occur with an apparatus or a member in a POV.