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Everything posted by LCEMT447

  1. Our right to protect ourselves is one of our very few primal right. We put always have the the risk of putting ourselves into a challenging situation no matter how detailed or precise our precautions are. Today's society is a dangerous one to anyone who ventures into it, and we as "EMS Folk" are not immune nor invincible to this fact. The basic primal right of any being is to return deadly force when faced with deadly force to protect ourselves. It should be the voice of the provider if they shall carry a concealed weapon, with the acceptance of the fellow crew member(s). But any such provider who does so should be prepared to take life in defense at a seconds notice, even when our basic funtion as providers is to sustain and give/return life. They must be certain, that they can manage the effects of having to do so should that ever arises. Our world is far too dangerous for the public to believe we are naive enough to think that the "universal white flag with a Red Cross" protects us as a "non-combatant" in function. After all, the primary directive in EMS is personal safety. Now before people start banging down my door, and before AntMan takes a chance to jump on my band wagon... AntMan... if YOU have NEVER worked in EMS, then i kindly suggest you keep your so-called "Professional: opinions to yourself... its like asking a blind man his professional opinion on the Mona Lisa. Nor for the rest of you, you all have valid points, as do I... Opinions people, opinions, thats all they are. Of course there are individuals I work with that I would even trust with a peashooter of a .17 cal firearm. But keep in mind, there are ems providers out there who would fit the bill of being armed. whether or not it ever becomes policy, i dont much care. I was simply making my opinion... and no one can deny that i hit the proverbial nail on the head with my little spiel.... Let the Fun start again!