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Everything posted by 65something

  1. Here is the link to the NYS VTL covering the topic: http://www.safeny.ny.gov/emer-vt.htm#sec375.
  2. 60 Control has recently begun adding an Alpha/Bravo/Charlie/Delta Response codes to their EMS dispatches. We were informed by 60 that an e-mail was sent to all Captains explaining it all. My Captain has not seen fit to share that info yet. Can anyone explain it for me?
  3. Join a VAC first and get through probation. While you're doing that you can pick up some practical experience which helps when taking the EMT-B course. Usually the VAC will then pay for the course, providing you pass.
  4. Date: 3/30/15 Time: Location: Fresno, CA District: Units: Description: Burns over 65% of his body. http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/03/31/ac-pkg-sidner-firefighter-falls-through-roof.cnn