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Posts posted by ONLOCATION

  1. I am a fan of New Ideas when I't comes to this topic. I am a favorite of Black over Red and I Fan of Traditional Red & White over Red. I am on the other hand not to big of a fan of all white, I just think its very plain. I loved this One Department from jersey that runs Silver over Red (Demarest (Bergen County).

  2. Ossining Steamer Co. (E-98) Ran a 1973 0r 74 Mack CF. was replaced in 1996 with a E-One Cyclone

    Tarrytown also ran 2 CF's Hope Hose (Eng. 79) ran a I believe 1979 or 1980 This got replaced by a 2001 E-One and Phenix Hose (Eng. 76) ran a 1976 CF, was replaced with a 96' E-One. Both E-one's are Cyclone Models.

    Hastings ran a Mack CF out of Protection Eng. (Eng. 44), was replaced in 1991 by a Pierce, when replaced it was sent to Uniontown Hose as either a spare or 2nd rig not really sure. Recently replaced these past couple of years by there new Seagrave.

    Mt. Kisco Mutual Eng.& Hose does run that 84' CF and they Also had another until it was replaced in 1993 or 1994 when they recieved there Pierce.

  3. The use of a 2nd alarm could be for manpower or extra engines if need be too.  PC's second alarm according to our dispatch sheet brings 2 more engines from PC and the 2nd ladder truck from PC.  In tonights case E62 was out of service for mechanical for the last few days so they did not respond with it many of their members did help out however.  On a first alarm PC adds a 3rd engine to the working fire, as in tonights case E60.  Hope that answers. 

    If anyone has pics please post!!!!

    Thanks for the response, greatly appreciated.

  4. Sounded like a Good job, (Listening to it). The Weather doesn't help with the Cold Temps either. Question: When control called for a 2nd Alarm for Port Chester bringing Tower 2 & Eng. 64 to the Scene is that more or less similar to a manpower call or ????. Not really familair with P.C.F.D. Operations.

  5. can any one out there tell me what hawthorne fire department runs as far as trucks, antiques, and chiefs cars. I know they have a pierce tower ladder, but thats all i know. so, if any one can help me out all info would be greatly appreiciated. thanx, steve

    Hawthorne Runs 8 Pieces (not including Chiefs Vehicles):

    (2) Engines: Eng. 155- Pierce Rescue Eng. / Eng. 156- Pierce Eng.

    (1) Tower: T.L. 12- Pierce Arrow

    (1) Mini Attack: M.A. 27- Ford/?????

    (2) Utilities: Utly. 15-Ford Econoline Van, Utly. 41-Chevy Suburban

    (2) Ambulances: 63B1 & 63B2: I believe Ford Hortons-(Could be wrong)

    Chiefs Vehicles are: Car: 2191:Tahoe, 2192:Tahoe, 2193: Expedition

  6. Seems ike the direct connect fad is over and a lot of people are switching back to Verizon. Far superior service and better prices, and you cant beat their "In Network Calling" feature.

    But also think how many people aren't. Understand your point but pretty much every Emergency Services Agency Has Nextels and I don't think there going anywhere.

  7. Completly understand you 110%. I have been going through the same, I also have a i730 and personally Nextel Recently SUCKS!! I really don't think its the Model phone due to the fact I know people with i1000's still and there having the same problem with the best, worst phone ever introduced.

    What's up with when your trying to have a conversation and it ends your call and the phone stats "Try Later", If I wanted to talk later I would voluntarily talk later not by a phone telling me that crap. And also the constant re-dialing also?

    Whatever it is there has to be something done period. If it has to do with the recent merge thats all well and good but don't screw loyal Nextel customers at the same time. Definitly know the feeling of the hole locked in Direct Connect feeling.

  8. This yet agian depends on how your department is structured. 3 Chiefs and a Captain and multiple Lt's. somebody should be around. Mohegan has 3 chiefs w/trucks provided by the district and 1 Capt. and 3 Lt's. that use personal Vehicles and or roll-out on the Rig if in the station at the time of the alarm, and I don't think they have problems with not having a Duty Officers Vehicle. Alot of departments in the County that I know of keep Old Chiefs Vehicle's and designate them as Utility's like Mohegan, and Yorktown, Or just keep them as spare's. If there is a time when either 3 chief's will not be able to respond I don't see the reason for another duty Deputy chief or Officer to recieve either one of the Chiefs Trucks or the Utility or Spare Car. To actually have a Duty Officers Vehicle is just another headace to some. Also Chappaqua does something similar they have a Deputy Chiefs Vehicle which is Operated by whichever Deputy is appointed for the 2 year term. Pleasentville used to do this aswell I believe but it was the Outgoing Chief of Department who youst to get the car and the Title.

  9. This Topic could also bring up another interesting topic of when are Dual Responses needed to adequately protect your district. Like in the event of your station being so far away from the edge of you district line that a dual response from another closer department would be a good idea to better serve your citizens. Like if it takes 8-12 mins. for a Deparment to respond to the edge of there district for a MVA and another deparments station is literality down the street from the incident and. Just like SQUADCo. 119 and COMMANDCHIEF stats Profesionalism and the Public is what its about.

    When it all comes down to it just do what is Right, in the Best interest of the People you are protecting.

  10. I really like our KME's, i dont see why people look down on them...unless its just because they arent the traditonal Seagrave / American LaFrance type deal

    I really think its all depends on who you talk to. You hear so many good and bad things about all different Apparatus manufacturers. Like even Seagraves some say they have Electrical problems but then some love there Seagraves and there particular rig doesn't have an elec. problem and the same goes for some ALF's. It all depends on how you really take care of it and at the same time it all depends how your specific truck was built Quality wise.