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Posts posted by WstPrideEng92

  1. Since this is my first day of retirement after 20 years @ 60 let me tell you our protocols. EMS dispatch: no answer dispatch again 3 min later. No answer after 2 more min. dispatch again and dispatch mutual aid. Fire: after initial dispatch if no answer after 5 min. dispatch again. If no answer (and it has happened) dispatch again and dispatch mutual aid. Mutual aid run cards have been set up by both ems and fire agencies for their districts. Barry I understand what your saying if dept. x crashes, but what if I don't send anybody to the call in a TIMELY manor! The cad prompts us on all re-dispatchs. The buck does not stop @ 60 Control. It is up to each department whether volunteer or career to cover your calls. The cad will prompt us for the city of New Rochelle or Bedford EMS in the same manor. We run with NYS DOH protocols for ems and NFPA for fire. If you can't cover your call's start thinking about joining forces with your neighbor who is covering the call! Thanx for all you do and please stay safe!

    WOW Congrats Marty gotta be a good feeling. And thank you for all you do...

  2. 2nd Annual Ron Jankowski Memorial Seminar

    Presented by: Captain Robert Morris - FDNY Rescue 1

    Topics: Truck Company Operations, Forcible Entry, Truck Company Positioning and Ventilation

    This year it will be held on December 4th at the Edith Macy Conference Center in Briarcliff Manor, NY.

    Registration, check-in and breakfast: 8:30am - 10am

    Program: 10am-1pm

    Pre-Registration (Online): $35 (includes breakfast)

    At the Door: $40 (includes breakfast)

    Register online at


    If you have any questions, please contact me at

    2010 seminar flyer.pdf

    This is going to be another great seminar

  3. Lets be honest most departments in this county don't run alot of fires. Hell there lucky if they get 2 fires a year. And lets not forget you have to be around for those 2 fires your department may get that year. Fires are where we as officers and firemen get the real hands on experience. This is where we become good or bad firemen. I know plenty of people who have barely seen any fire and yet they are line officers and chiefs. I think because of the lack of fires it is easy for people to get by with no real experience in this county. Back in the day there was alot more fire to go around giving everyone more experience.

    back to the original question. Having all the classes is great. I do think there should be a minimum number of classroom hours but for me nothing beats actual experience. I agree with a standard of x amount of years with the dept. before becoming an officer. In the end i think it all comes down to training. You should strive to be proficient in all aspects required of you.

  4. Looks awesome! Is an ambulance going to be housed there as well?

    Also, any plans to dedicate it to Ron Jankowski?

    As of now Utility 62 is in the spare bay. I am not sure if an ambulance will ever end up in it though. As for Ron we did talk about dedicating it to him but will probably dedicate a certain room such as the Officers office or our meeting room. This is what we did for David Crowley. We dedicated the apparatus room to him. But still nothing is 100%. For now we are just trying to move in and get organized.

  5. Its official we are open for business. After a year of responding from Archvilles firehouse we are finally back in our own quarters. We will be having a ribbon cutting ceremony and an open house type of party in coming weeks. I will keep everyone posted on the date. I also want to thank Archville for giving us a home for the year. We unofficially name it Scarchville during our time there. haha See you guys on RT.9 soon.


  6. The Heavy Squad from 8 was already on the job. Rescue Engine 33 was added as the second Squad.

    A friend of mine living at a house in PG spoke with one of the medics that was on scene and he told him that the 3 kids were literally all pinned under the dash. I guess the whole dash incased them. He said doing a dash role was not an option because it would have compromised the patients even more. I'm not sure how they ended up getting them out but will try to get more info.

  7. Some states such as NY do not follow NFPA guidlines and instead stick with OSHA guidlines. On leather helmets for instance the sam houston and new york are pretty much the same helments however the sam houston has an additional shell inside to make it NFPA approved. The New Yorker is only OSHA apporved and has only 1 shell. Hope that helps a bit.

  8. the distance between scarborough firehouse and archville firehouse is about a mile. i have been told by senior members that originally Scarborough Engine Company was given roughly $100k to buy a truck and build a firehouse back in the 70's. Needless to say the firehouse was very bare. pretty much a bay a and a meeting room with no insulation what so ever. winters were brutal inside. Overtime a kitchen was donated. But we have grown out of our firehouse. hopefully a senior member will chime in and correct me if i am wrong.

  9. yes demolition has begun. We are now being housed at the Archville firehouse for the duration of the construction. i have attached a digital picture of what the new firehouse is suppose to look like. It looks like the firehouse will be done in early spring. We are trying to keep our website updated on new pics form construction etc. and will be making a time lapsed video of a photo form the same spot everyday of construction. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

