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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Is this something that can actually be done?
  2. Amongst other things http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article115168538.html#1 .com/news/local/article115168538.html#storylink=cpy Read
  3. Boston would still be Scott if Scott hadn't just blown them off. From what I hear, MSA was much, much more responsive to their needs during this process. When my vollie house wanted to replace our packs, we wanted to use Scott through our local dealer we've used for many years and are tremendously happy with their service. However, Scott tried to force us to use a large dealer with locations nationwide that I personally think they have ties with and we haven't had good experience with especially after the sale. We're now considering MSA because we think Scott's regional manager that's been involved will try to steer business and give this national dealer a price advantage over our local guy, and us staying with Scott is based on us staying with our local dealer. Don't get me wrong, we love our Scott SCBA's and I still think they make the best product but who you get after the sale is the most important.