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Posts posted by RDUNC67

  1. Had a halfway decent turnout, but was somewhat smaller than I expected. Great group of people, had some great conversations, and we would LOVE to have another one sometime soon!!!

    Pictured Left to Right are:

    photounit, markmets415, x134, x129k, RWC130, xfirefighter484x, and DCJPells. Not pictured, left before picture was taken was fdny2817


    Nice looking group, no red eye reduction??

  2. For the record i was not questioning how that particular man was doing his job and i know that alot of people in the area have learned alot from him and the outstanding members of PFD, but we need to realize that if a photo is going to be posted on this site it will most likely be "critiqued" to the very end. It should not be (and hopefully is not) taken personally. If that is the way he or anyone else chooses to do their job, so be it. We really need to move on...

  3. I think I hit my thoughts on the topic pretty solid...but I have to say that what difference would it make if you can find one LODD attributed from a waist strap issue? And if there is one tomorrow what would that mean? You'll flip and say we should all wear it? If one does occur...I would say one too many. I'd prefer when it came to our job that its not treated like the FAA does to the airline industry.

    The fact still remains that the proper way to wear the device is with the waist strap. The fact still remains that unless it is department policy to do such, then there is no way to make it so.

    Either way..be your own person and I'll still continue to instruct on the benefits and importance of wearing one and being your own person no matter what the guy next to you may be doing counterintuative to what they should be.

    I would really wonder what would be said if there was picture of me, with nothing but my waist strap on because I find the the shoulder straps to be 'uncomfortable'.

    With that said...enough with the pissing and testosterone matches. The arguments of who would say what if whoever in the picture was whatever goes both ways.

    Well said !

  4. you know what drives me crazy? Why do you guys care if theyre strapped or not ? that officer has been a firefighter for many yrs and knows what hes doing. im sick of all the keyboard commandos writing esp when its about people who are way more experienced . i agree safety is very important but come on how many deaths or even injuries have your heard of because of unbuckled waist strap.

    I don't think the majority of the people reading this (or posting) are questioning the officers qualifications or experience, what i would question is the issue of "deaths or injuries" from a waist strap, take a good look at the photo in question, if the waist buckle or even the regulator holder was to get caught up in the cross bracing of the aerial could someone lose their balance or even worse fall over the side??, if the waist buckle is connected it is one less thing to go wrong. At the end of the day things like this will always come down to personal preference.

  5. hey you got to do what you got to do :D


    by the looks of the photos there were alot of black hats there (some with probie shields), you need to use that new radio you have and teach the new guys how to rack hose...also a question on 36-45, what was the reason for deploying the ladder using the "short jack "system?? did you have obstructions?? just curious. Looks like nice work by everyone.

  6. I really feel bad for the driver in this incident..... I believe he was also involved in another incident that the Hughsonville FD responded to last May 1st....


    IMO -Both of these incidents were most likely not his fault...... The bridge above collapsed while he was trying to cross it to make a delivery to a single residence which had held the weight for years under the same conditions until he tried it....


    I don't have any idea what happened in the accident today but i can tell you from experience (i drove the same size oil tanker for 5 years) that is a bridge that i would have never crossed with a fuel truck. I would have thought twice taking my personal vehicle over that.

  7. CONGRATS to the 2009 Captain's and Lieutenant's

    Peekskill Fire Department

    "Department Officers"

    Captain: Lenny Varella III

    Captain: Vinny Malaspina

    1st Lieutenant: Pat MacLennan

    1st Lieutenant: Kevin Ferris

    1st Lieutenant: John Rose

    "Company Officers"

    2nd Lieutenants are elected by each company

    information will be posted ASAP

    NOTE: Chiefs will remain the same until the 2010 Elections

    Chief: John Pappas

    1st Asst. Chief: Lenny Varella

    2nd Asst. Chief Robert Fiorio

    Congrats and best of luck to all !!

  8. A Two alarm fire heavily damaged a facilities building on top of IBM Building #3 at the Poughkeepsie main plant on Christmas Day. The Arlington Fire Department, IBM Poughkeepsie Emergency Control, along with the New Hamburg Fire Department battled the blaze....... The smoke from the fire could be seen for several miles but the blaze was quickly knocked down........


    New Hamburg 53-45 operates along side Alingtons 32-46.......


    A Proud Crew....... The crew of New Hamburg 53-45 poses after completeing their first "working assignment" with their new rig.......

    That's all for now....... I'll post a few more in the future....... ;)

    Nice work on the NHFD rig, also that is an impressive group assembled there!!

  9. I have a question - playing devil's advocate, and because I KNOW myself, I most likely will not wear one...

    What consequences are there for NOT wearing a vest, and I do not mean on the departmental SOP level...

    This is a federal law, the consequences will be for the FD when someone get's hurt (or worse) and the investigations start, same goes for physicals, apparatus & SCBA maintenance etc... The new NFPA 1901 states you must have a vest for every seated position, does not mean anyone will wear them, there is no harm in wearing Hi-Vis clothing especially for those not in turnouts.

  10. There are two things to be concerned with the current crisis:

    For those that work in the public sector whether in emegency services/school or city hall, times are about to get tough. Don't be suprised when the vacant positions don't get filled and departments are asked to cut back on budgets as a tax receipts start to drop and state funding begins to dry up. For those that work in the private sector, times will get tough as well. The Wall Street model has forever been changed. Two investment banks have failed, two major banks in the area have failed and Merrill Lynch was acquired. All of this consolidation means that jobs will be lost. NYS estimates that could be 30,000 lost jobs. All of these people spend thier money in the tri-state area. Guys on this board who have B jobs as contractors may see things getting a lot slower over the 12 months. DPW guys who do landscaping on the side may see accounts start to drop. Delis will get slower as people brown bag more. Restaurants will see less demand as people stay home. This is not meant to be a scare tactic but merely to show the ripple effects that are likely to happen. As people cut back spending, the economy stalls, people lose jobs and sales and income tax receipts fall. This is serious stuff.

    The larger picture is not the stock market falling 700 points but the credit market siezing like an engine without any oil. The entire economy is dependant on credit (which is a good thing) to function smoothly and ease any momentary shortfalls in cash flow. Right now banks are not willing to lend to other banks due to fear (see the rise in the LIBOR spreads which cover the loans banks make to each other). The Commercial Paper market which makes short term loans (say 30-90 days) to corporations is virtually dried up. Corporations use this money smooth out ups/downs in their cash flow on a regular basis. Credit also allows companies to buy the raw materials needed to manufacture the goods they make. Credit allows companies to start up or expand their business or get them through a slow period while still keeping employees and factories open. Imagine if overnight, your oil delivery company stopped mailing a bill and expected you or your spouse to pay them $500 cash on the spot or they won't deliver. Credit is the oil in the engine of our economy and right now we are about 4 quarts low. Everybody is arguing over who should put in the oil while the engine is siezing. The only thing that has prevented a complete meltdown has been the Hundreds of Billions in liquidity that the Fed has pumped into the system (something that wasn't done prior to the Depression).

    Most of the people on this board are from the Tri-State Area and have more skin in this game than they realize. I am not a Wall Street guy and I don't expect my job to be saved or a fat cat bonus from a bailout (now being called the Rescue Plan). I am realist that things are bad and people need to get educated as to what is really going on. Something needs to be done and that is where the debate starts. I am not here to argue in favor of the plan but in favor of action. The Great Depression was brought by inaction (failure to prevent the bank runs) and bad action such as the Smoot Halley Tariffs which made the problem worse. my two cents which is now 1 due to a bad market.......

    That is probably one of the best entries i have ever seen on this site, well written... well done. I think alot of people have the attitude " it won't affect me", this says it all.

  11. Rattlesnakes can be found on Mt Beacon & Breakneck mountain ranges.

    I never thought that either but one day I did a job where a guy got bit by one, I said are you sure it was a rattlesnake? He replied yes it's right here in the bag, I killed it. Then you should have seen the people in St Luke's (this was when pt's were just separated by curtains.) one guy had his pulse going up on the heart monitor.

    I am fairly certain that they are a protected species... i'm not so sure i would have admitted killing it even though i can't imagine what else to do in a situation like that. As for Rattlesnakes in our area i was confronted with one on the front steps of the Harlem Valley Animal Clinic while picking up my dog about two years ago, quite an experience to say the least, we have many Rattlesnakes in this area.