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Everything posted by AndyC3J

  1. May very well be. Not sure what unit number the Sanford was, but the time frame is about right.
  2. Don't know the specs right offhand, but the year is 1960.
  3. Cresskill's rescue was built by Odyssey, and there are more photos in the Apparatus gallery at
  4. The "Guiding Light" of professional wrestling. Manager of 16 different World Tag-Team Champion combinations. Rest in peace, Lou, and thank you for many years of entertainment. You will be missed!
  5. In happier times, I'd have been there with bells on (figuratively, of course!). A nice "pit stop" between the Sussex Co. muster and Farmingdale's parade. However, times are not so happy. Have enough cash to get to Verona on Saturday, and that's about it. Have to work on Sunday, anyway. Oh well......maybe next year.
  6. Does anyone here have any photos (or better yet, solid info) on a hand-drawn hose reel in Pleasantville FD? Reason I ask, is that my parents and I have one that we've been trying to pin down an approximate age, and a manufacturer name. We've not been able to find any kind of plate on it, and very few photos that look close enough to the same. I believe that it "may" be a Gleason & Bailey, but we can't confirm as of yet. I had the piece in question judged today for Middletown's parade, and the judging was done by Westchester County parade judges, one of whom told me that Pleasantville has one that's nearly identical to ours. So, I'm hoping that there may be somebody from PFD who knows a bit about their version and can hopefully lead me/us in the right direction to ID'ing ours. Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.
  7. Thanks for the pic. That does look quite similar to ours, however ours doesn't have the decorative top piece (bell, lantern hangers, etc.). Whether that was disposed of at some point or was never there to begin with is unknown. EDIT: For comparison purposes, here's a link to a Tom Aurnhammer photo of our cart on display at the '07 Catskill Fire-Cats muster. Hose reel
  8. Sincerest condolences to the Yonkers Fire Department, and to the family, friends and colleagues of Firefighter Joyce. May he rest in peace.
  9. One of our members is on the job in FDNY, and he pulled a few strings with the right people. The rig was donated to the Club with the condition that it be preserved and maintained in "as is" or better condition, and that we not abuse it or the privilege of having it. It's already been in a bit of demand around the 9/11 memorial time, as it saw active service at the WTC site on that horrible day.
  10. I was listening to this on the way over to Walden and was thinking this is gonna be a SHORT parade! As I passed through Montgomery, I heard them cancel a couple of stand-bys, so I thought that was a good thing. Didn't hear much more about it, but everybody was back in line by the time the parade reached my vantage point (which, in 20/20 hindsight should have been a LOT closer to the start, but I digress......) Sounds like they made quick work of the incident. Great job by all. more correction for the rundown. The Silver Lake engine in question is 156.
  11. The "head count" in the Circleville warehouse is hovering in the neighborhood of 250.....and that's just fire trucks! Andy also has trucks stored in two other locations, one in the city, and one elsewhere in O.C.
  12. The big roadblock at the moment is the lack of a Certificate of Occupancy on the facility. Can't get one yet due to no sprinkler system, no (functioning) indoor plumbing, and I forget what else is on the "laundry list". Work needs to be done on the water lines, etc. They are planning to split one between us and the construction project next door......a big gas station containing a Dunkin' Donuts and a Subway (the FIFTH and fourth, respectively, such places in the greater Middletown area ). Work on that project has slowed, so we're kind of in limbo there. That's what got the town council up in arms again......somebody ratted that we were having our chapter meetings in our room inside the warehouse, and she wasn't happy. Once all the work gets done and the place can be legally opened up, it truly will be a spectacle. Maybe I can get a job there keeping the trucks clean...LOL! (it WOULD be a full-time job, trust me! Anyone who's been there can vouch for that!)
  13. He either is, or was, a real estate lawyer. He owns Staten Island Towing. And, he was a pretty high rank in either the Army or National Guard....not entirely sure which, right off the top of my head. He's not hurting for cash as much as he is room to put all his "toys", that's for sure! There are several members of the Fire-Cats (and a couple of other individuals) whose rigs are stored in the Circleville warehouse, but I believe the ownership is all Andy's. He either is planning to, or already has, purchased the land across the road from the warehouse, and wants to put up another building there. My opinion, I think the new building should be the museum......everything clean, bright, new and up to code, etc. Use the existing warehouse for storage, shop ops, etc. But, that's just my $.02.....and it ain't mine to spend!
  14. It's not officially a museum......yet.....and there are no regular operating hours. No admission is charged (we can't legally do that), but at the show back in June we put out a donation bucket, and did quite well in that respect. We hope to be able to give "private tours" during our upcoming car show (Oct. 17), but with the town councilwoman on the warpath again, and some other dignitaries likely to be lurking about, that's not a guarantee. Andy Leider is running for office in the town, and I'm sure they'd love to have some "dirt" to use against him. Gotta love politics.
  15. Depends on who's in the rotation that week. Both of Vails Gate's are enclosed, as is Cronomer Valley. Coldenham, Cornwall and Cornwall-on-Hudson are still using canopy cabs. Really a sad situation that emergency service personnel are still having to deal with crap like that in this day and age. Stay safe out there!
  16. There's a guy in PA who has the last pure all-Mack CF (ex-Westbury, NY). Bet he'd like to have the last overall as a nice companion piece. I'd like to have it, too, but a lack of money and a CDL would kind of put a damper on those hopes. I just hope something good comes of it. "Scrap" and "junk" are four letter words in this business, especially with a piece of history like that!
  17. Orangetown's (one of the Nyack companies) 175th Anniversary parade is Saturday, October 3. Don't know the time right offhand. One of three parades that day. The other two being the annual Sussex County (NJ) parade, and the City of Middletown FD's 150th Anniversary. Hope there's enough bands (and stand-by crews) to go around!
  18. If you can get some pics of it, and/or some more info, I'll run it past him next time I see him. I know he was cutting down on purchasing/acquiring for a while, mainly due to running low on space, but if the right piece comes along, he takes it anyway.
  19. The latest word I heard on the subject is that the bids were opened and read, but no purchase order had been awarded as of yet. Have not yet heard otherwise from anyone I'd consider a RELIABLE source.
  20. Only 30?!? Damn......I feel old! Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a great one.
  21. Don't know yet if there was a confirmed tornado or not (I HATE it when they get "watch" and "warning" mixed up!) but Pine Island was just dispatched to Unionville with their brush rig - an old Unimog - and all available chain saws. Scanner has been eerily quiet for a storm of that nature. Usually it goes haywire with various calls.
  22. Port Jervis' Seagrave engine clocked in at just a hair over $600K, if I recall correctly. That price included all equipment, etc. And, that was four years ago.
  23. That amount of money, it could go either way. A fully equipped engine, with some left over (maybe a Chief's truck, or some gear, or something with the difference?), or a basic no-frills ladder truck. Will be interesting to see which way it goes.
  24. Now there's a paint scheme you don't see every day! Nice rig.....good luck with it. Any plans for a dedication and/or wetdown?