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Posts posted by AndyC3J

  1. What is to become of the old rescue and didn't Arlington just receive an Engine and Tower Ladder from Ferrara recently?

    Yeah, they did. If I'm not mistaken, there's one more engine in the works as well. That could be the mother of all wetdowns.....if they do such things up there!

  2. Marilyn was a first-class human being, and an asset to the die-cast collecting hobby. She will be missed. Between her passing and the demise of Westchester Collectibles, it won't be the same going to some of those events now.

    Rest in peace, Mrs. Peloke.

  3. As many of the others have said, I, too, will miss EMTBravo if it does shut down. While I'm only a "buff" - a four letter word in more ways than one, to some - I enjoy reading about the events, new deliveries and such. It will be missed.

    Believe me, if I had the wherewithal to do so, the $$ goal would have already been met! Unfortunately, that's not the case, as I've been bit by the bug of the current times just as many others have.

    Seth, we've been "buddies" since long before I joined this site. Whether it stays or goes, I wish you the best. You know how and where to find me.

  4. thats a really sweet looking Engine. I love red wheels. i hate when they are polished.

    I agree, to a certain extent. Painted steel wheels do look quite sharp on a number of rigs (this one included), but I do prefer the look of Alcoa polished aluminum.

    Don't know which I DON'T like more.....when people get steel rims and then put those bogus stainless steel "simulator" covers over them, or when they get real Alcoas and don't keep 'em shiny! That just puzzles me to no end. A case of aluminum polish and some free time.....I could retire soon!

    Sorry for the thread hijack. Ang, the new rig looks great. Hope to be able to check it out in person some day!

  5. WOW....Mahopac never recieved any info this year

    Seriously? Wow......that's odd. Some 300-400 flyers and applications were sent out by various means to fire companies within a 150 mile radius of the area.......or so I was told, at least. Talked to Bob tonight and he swears up and down that Mahopac was sent one. Don't know what to tell you there.

    I have a feeling thee will be changes made in the various procedures for next year's event. Exactly what or how remains to be seen.

    For now, I'm just crossing fingers hoping for a decent turnout and good weather tomorrow.

  6. Thanks!

    E-81/TL-46 are stationed at 3025 Bailey Ave. in the Bronx. As for the hydrant......our bus blocked one at one stop as well. More than one member joked what a great shot it would make to see two windows of said bus busted out and have a hose line stretched through it to connect to the plug!

  7. Here's a few shots of FDNY's newest apparatus. Tower Ladder 46 was placed in service last Wednesday (?) and the on-duty crew was generous enough to pose it in front of quarters for members and guests of the New Jersey Metro Fire Photographers Association this past Sunday.





    Alpinerunner likes this

  8. A sad thing I noticed, Marilyn from Marylin and Gil's Fire shop in Catskilll, NY have stopped advertising. I had heard on another forum she had a stroke, but I haven't heard further. She was always a friendly person to deal with at the many firematic events where she was one of the original "buff stores", carrying an impressive inventory of fire service diecast and books.

    I had read on another forum (and relayed the info to yet another) that Marilyn was being treated for Alzheimers. Had not heard about the stroke. Truly a shame, if indeed that is true. She's a great lady, and an asset to the die-cast collecting hobby.

    That Cheshire engine is nice looking. Unique touches there with the chevrons not only on the hose bed cover, but the back of the cab as well. Never seen that before.

    I miss FAJ. Had to let my sub lapse due to my personal situation. Hopefully things turn around soon and I can get it back and see what I've been missing.

  9. Yonkers has the last CF built as a custom fire engine. The last one with a Mack body was Westbury's in 1984. Last all-Mack engine was an MC model pumper delivered to Guttenburg (sp?), New Jersey. It now resides in the fleet of North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue. Westbury's CF is now privately owned in, I believe, Pennsylvania.

    Incidentally, Westbury also has the last MC model built as a fire truck (heavy rescue). And, for another note of otherwise useless trivia, the last "NOS" Mack CF cab was used in the refurb of Tower 43 in Bowie, Maryland. Interstate Truck Equipment in Hagerstown apparently bought the leftover parts and such after production ceased.

  10. Yes, my dear friend, but both those BT engines are both easily 20 yrs, if not close to 20 yrs old.

    I'm sure they are.....not disputing that for a second. What I meant was, the rigs they're getting seem to be sensible, and well spec'ed for what they need. Not something that's purposely built to turn heads as it parades down Main Street. Which is kind of a mundane point anyway, since they don't judge apparatus in Long Island parades to begin with.

  11. Thanks. Are there any others in Orange this year? Is Port Jervis's every year?

    Yes, Port is every year. Believe it is July 10 this year, but don't hold me to it.

    Middletown's is October 2. Florida's 125th Anniversary is June 5. Might be one more I'm forgetting. Oh well.....still a bit of time to go before they happen.