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Everything posted by x129K

  1. NO change in Dover Plains.
  2. Like cops and medics.....
  3. Agreed. I have no ill feelings towards FP.
  4. I think MANY firepoliceman have a power trip of some sort. Hell - when we bought our house 9 years ago, I was burning brush...it was smoldering and smoking, I went inside for dinner and some more beer...we heard a knock on the door...an older man in plain clothes was at the door, he tinned me with his fire police badge....said I had to put the fire out. Sad thing was he was in a neighboring fire department, and we reside in a totally different township. I laughed, saluted, and went back to dinner.
  5. Yeah, I figured...I was gonna post that too, but I dont know spanish so well.
  6. Good thing too. This could have been ugly if they tried to issue UTT's to the good Captain!
  7. Interesting. Ever consider a career in VTL enforcement?
  8. RIP. I still have my "Westchester County Golden Apple of Excellence" award issued by him. Cant - for the life of me remember what I did to deserve it.
  9. I was always curious of how while at Empress, commercial ambulance agencies were "allowed" to use the parkways for non-emergency use.
  10. Prayers for the injured guys...another WAYYYYYYYYYY undermanned department. http://www.dailyfreeman.com/articles/2012/12/29/news/doc50df864c19b69325550446.txt
  11. A long standing tradiotion here on Bravo, seems to go by the wayside...so i thought I would throw one together. I know there were several more major incidents in the county that had no IA's..so these are based on only the IA's posted. Incidents such as these reinforces the strong work done by the emergency services here in the county, from the 911 Dispacthers, the police, EMS, and firemen. 10; Tivoli Triple Fatal MVA - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/44862-tivoli-triple-fatal-mva-1-14-12/ 9. Dover 2nd Alarm with multiple animal rescues - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/47182-dover-structure-fire-9612/ 8. Glenham Deck Collpse with Aided - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/46980-glenham-deck-collapse-with-injuries-8612/ 7. Dover 2nd Alarm w/ Medevac Burn Victim (fatal) - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/45638-dover-2nd-alarm-fire-w-medivac-31112/ 6. East Fishkill Haz Mat/MCI - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/46536-east-fishkill-sulfuric-acid-spill-15-patients-61312/ 5. Arlington House Fire with Rescues - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/45854-arlington-porch-fire-wpeople-trapped-3302012/ 4. Rooselvelt Fatal MVA with Pin, in Water - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/47693-roosevelt-mva-rollover-into-water-w-extrication-11912/ 3. City of Beacon 2nd Alarm with Rescues - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/45815-city-of-beacon-2nd-alarm-wentrapment-32612/ 2. Fairview Multi Fatal House Fire - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/44968-fairview-2nd-alarm-structure-fire-1-21-12/ 1. City of Poughkeepsie 2nd Alarm with multiple rescues - http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/48034-city-of-poughkeepsie-2nd-alarm-fire-121712/
  12. OK...so we all know the NFPA REALLY means, Not For Practical Application....but I have a question, and it may be common knowledge, but I dont know.. We go out and spend $$$ to make our gear NFPA compliant...throw "good" gear away after 10 years...ditch our salty helmets that have been with some for a career....spend money to put pretty chevrons on the apparatus...bail out kits....helmet carriers in cabs, and the list goes on and on... We question "Why?"....and our Chiefs say "becasue the NFPA says so...." So answer me this - why can SO many towns and cities completely ignore the NFPA manning standards? What IS the minimum staffing per rig per NFPA? Why are we still sending career jobs out with three, two, and even ONE guy on a rig? And it's not just the small jobs like Middletown, Kingston, and Beacon - but larger, very urban cities like Reading, Pa that see alot of fire duty. Reading, last I knew, had 2 men per apparatus...that means thier Ladders 1, 2 (reserve), and 3, roll out with a driver and a tillerman! How scary is that? Why is this overlooked, but other, IMO trivial regs enforced without hesitation?
  13. And I am all for some sort of career staffing everywhere there is not adequate volunteers. The more jobs the better IMO....hell, who out there in vollieville wouldnt want to do this AND get paid? Look to the future, it will be easier for our kids to get on the job, if there are more career departments. And what better job is there?
  14. No doubt....the end is near. The whole "fiscal cliff" frightens me..personally, and in emergency services, but moreso as a father of two young ones...their future is bleak at best. ALOT of us volunteer departments are facing in the next few years tje possibility of "going paid"...which to some has such a different meaning to others...the old timers, and many current Chief Officers, Commisioners,etc, see "going paid" (a term I loathe BTW) as "paid drivers during the day"...a bandaid IMO.. "Well, the trucks will get out on first dispatch!" Bandaid! If noone can HEAR the problems of no manpower, it must not exist right? An engine, with a just "paid driver" rolling out is a recipe for disaster, as many of us know. A bandaid with no adhesive. My opinion is, and hopefully, there are laws preventing the random hiring of a simple paid driver, but anything less than a career firefighter, complete with an official ACADEMY training (229, not piece meal IMO) is a risk. Anyone employed in the position of firefighter obviously should be able to perform ALL capacities of the job. Hiring retired guys (not retired firemen) to drive is silly.
  15. Wow...thats not much at all, considering. Thanks.
  16. Cap - what is NR's staffing? (out of pure curiosity)
  17. I BELIEVE the engine with a cracked, and financially irreplaceable tank.
  18. Yeah....cuz JOBS in The Vern is a new found problem...LOL GREAT picture series - thanks for posting. Bet that was a BEAUTIFUL house back in it's hey day
  19. City of Hudson also has a Dive Team. After January 1, you can ask for Car 3, Chief DeMarco.
  20. Wow...when I took Fire Police in 1990, I think it was only 6 hours. But I agree....hell - we all could use more training.
  21. On FFclosecalls they have a blurb on this JOB, with a pic...and it shows the fire building, you can see these guys did NOT take an easy ride down...off the roof onto the porch stairs...luckily no one was under them! http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com/news/fullstory/newsid/178257