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Posts posted by irishfire2491

  1. I Do Agree with Munson, This story outline doesnt give enought info to make a clear decison. #1 what is the call response for this department so called A, do they always get out on every job, how many trucks/members. #2 What type of Water source Hense the Tanker. #3 How far away is the fire to the Dept A response and How long would it take for Dept C to even get there 3-30 mins. You can always Cancel someone then be sitting on scene mother Fing where is my M/A DEPT. Maybe A PREPLAN Should be in EFFECT, We have it in Westchester TRI-Village Response where any type of Fire in a Structure First Dept Responds and the Other 2 standby in HQ. It the Same way in Putnam County with a Three dept response.

  2. So is that guy in the 7th picture just some random dude playing with the stabilizing jacks? Or is he a firefighter :blink:

    I thought the motto was, Always use proper PPE...

    That same guy setting up the truck is the same guy on the turn table in full Turn out Gear operating the ladder and was also the driver of the truck.

  3. With the latest EMail from the county about the shortage of PCR in the State do to the budget problem. Who has though about switching over to the EPCR Computers as a method. Would this be easier for some departments. What Departments have them, and how are the members reaction to using them (Like/Dislikes).

    I for one would like to start using the EPCR, only becasue it self checks your work and will not let you finish your PCR until everything is completed. Dont have to worry about sloppy hand writing(Like Mine) For one that would make QA/QI so much easier. And for the Last part while waiting for the Next Job you can always log on to EMTBRAVO. J/k

    Would like to see peoples thought on this from Depts that do have them and depts that dont and why?

    x635 likes this

  4. irishfire2491 I thought I just finshed training you "2nd best trainiee ever" and now you want to leave to go to South Carolina

    What do you mean "2nd best" I am the "BEST" lol It is not going to be soon if it is going to be at all i am looking in the future and trying to do reasearch to see if it is even worth the move. Dont worry John I am not going anywhere soon!!!

  5. I know we have some South Carolina People here, I was wondering if anyone knew of any departments hiring either Police Fire or EMS in South Carolina, I would love to move there but it is depending on if I get on the job there and where abouts I would be moving to. If any one Could help out that would be great, Also if these jobs are civil serivice position or just hired position.

    Thank You


  6. I am starting to hate Westchester County Even more and more each day, I Love you you can get a full carry in Dutchess or anywhere eles except NYC and carry it in to Westchester County as a Full Carry, but the Westchester Residence who pay Westchester County Taxes can get a Full Carry Permit period. This County just does not make sence at all. A County who takes our money and places limits on our Right to Bear ARMS! ONLY IN WESTCHESTER COUNTY,

  7. Looks like a 911EP LS12? LED light.

    If that van's a rockin'.....don't come a knockin'!!!

    John To me that is Disturbing to me ("If that van's a rockin'.....don't come a knockin'!!!") but Yes a 911EP LED Light I tried to convince him to strobe it out and Of course he has the OLDER TIMER Single RED LIght on The dash

    I am also Thinking it could be the Verplanck REHAB Unit lol It has room for 7 seated, TV, Bring your Own Cooler, and Throw a Party lol