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Everything posted by PCFD ENG58

  1. Nice old Lafrance
  2. This is one of my 4 rigs, in service from jan 10 1957 till Aug 1981
  3. These are VAC units or a paid service ? I would think that Hackensack is to large of a area for a VAC to handle. [call wise]
  4. All units at the time I believe.
  5. "braker braker" northbound Sunoco special 80.0 mm in the hammer lane. This post is brought to you by 1978!
  6. Happy birthday Jack !
  7. To bad that Mack CF will be cut up.
  8. Barry congrat's on being the first person in the world on reaching this milestone. Good luck on your next 2,000 !
  9. I wish I had an old fire engine like that .Many fun miles with it . Will get together soon !
  10. Did the city fall off the face of the earth. Nothing after the vote ? We have been busy with Sandy cleanup and now Newtown but is anything happening up there?
  11. I now have to go to the Rascals show tonight at the Capitol in Port Chester and listen to all there hits from the 70's !
  12. I will miss you Izzy
  13. How about we line the borders of Newtown with FireFighters and EMS so they can' t get in to the town, you know go ahead make my day.
  14. 82 Engine & 31 Truck, just like the 70's Great shots !
  15. I think thats New Ro ladder 12, they brought it to the buget vote tonight and you know what, it worked good job on saving the firefighters and the city !
  16. I say they new what they were geting into now make them ride a tour in a summer heat wave at 2:am on a friday.
  17. inside joke, one of the drivers thought he was in the city and allways raidoed in 62 engine and got in trouble with the chief at the time . Read the banner on the photo 62 engine not engine 62
  18. Would look nice out in the shore depts that lost rigs or upstate where it is really needed !
  19. As long as the tractor is a B model !
  20. Stop by any Firehouse, we play Poker anytime the alarm sounds or is that Roll the dice ?
  21. Well your wrong. The chief from host dept has preplaned who he wants, but in large fires with lots of M/A then your right as so not to strip that part of the county as they will start to jump depts.