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Posts posted by X615

  1. this "wolfpack" mentality gets more & more absurd. something happens they have no problem calling 911 but when you show up it's never fast enough & you're not doing enough to help them. like that was your intention when you took the job, to deprive people of emergency services. just ridiculous. they shoot at the cops, throw crap at the firefighters and now beating up ems workers. it's barbarian. if any group is neutral & should just be left alone to do their jobs it's ems. if these people, and i use that term loosely because acting like this is only borderline human maybe they should call one of those flame throwing, instigating "community leaders" or a voodoo priest to peform the resurections they insist upon and leave 911 for the people who appreciate it.

  2. just more "touchy feely" disingenuious nonsense from some hysterical politically correct whining creep. estela lopez couldn't be any more correct or honest but then again political correctness & hypersensitivity have nothing to do with honesty, reality or common sense. with all the crap going on in dowtown LA & this i what someone decides is the biggest problem that needs fixin'? ridiculous. whoever is guilty of making the complaint needs to grow up & put their effort into something constructive to actually make a difference. i can't even believe i'm wasting my time responding to something so insane.

  3. any suggestion? yeah. get one easy to remove if this ridiculous, waste of time, non sensical, intrusive, over reaching piece of garbage ever passes. AND of course emergency vehicles will be exempt. how many times have you seen out of touch, elitist politicians make themselves & the government they manage live to the same standard they force us to? with highways & bridges falling apart, schools unable to promote & graduate students able to read & write & crime rising why don't they hunker down & do something meaningful & worthwhile instead of worrying about petty crap like what's bolted to the front of my truck. they don't have a clue what their purpose is. if you went to work everyday not knowing your job & not accomplishing anything you'd be fired. disgraceful.

  4. every piece of ridiculous, self serving, meaningless piece of legislation has started out as a proposal. at one time politicians were people of respect that put their personal lives on hold while they went & served their communities but it has become a lucrative career where the sell power & influence as well as their integrity while they only pretend to serve you but in reality are serving the special interest groups and their own arrogance because they think they know what's right for you because you're incapable & just not smart as they are. how many of these morally bankrupt people do remember in recent years being investigated, indicted, arrested or resigning in shame? rather than be respected they're worthy only of being loathed, resented & to be suspicious of.

  5. every ridiculous, self serving, meaningless piece of legislation started off as a proposal. politicians have gone from being people of respect (ok, i hear the snickers. they were respected at some point in our history) to being distrusted, loathed, resented & suspected. how many do you guys remember seeing in recent years being investigated, indicted, arrested and/or resigning in shame?

  6. this couldn't be a more perfect example of over reaching, intrusive, busybody, elitist, do-gooder government but when you're disingenuous and lack the integrity and intellectual honesty to do anything about real problems you take on an issue like "killer" brush guards ravaging our highways to appear like you're doing something. much like the 10,000+ gun laws on the books that never seem to be enough or prosecute the people who need to be off the streets. it'll never change as long as politicians are more concerned with votes, patronage, ego boosting photo ops & perks than doing the right thing.

  7. this couldn't be a more perfect example of over reaching, intrusive, busybody, elitist, do-gooder government but when you're disingenuous and lack the integrity and intellectual honesty to do anything about real problems you take on an issue like "killer" brush guards ravaging our highways to appear like you're doing something. much like the 10,000+ gun laws on the books that never seem to be enough or prosecute the people who need to be off the streets. it'll never change as long as politicians are more concerned with votes, patronage, ego boosting photo ops & perks than doing the right thing.

  8. they're releasing the movie between 2 other projects. the first about a grandmother found to need a root canal after breaking a tooth & the other about a guy waiting in line 4 hours at motor vehicle renewing his license on his day off. they're undecided whether or not they're going to pick up the option about a family hiring a local neighborhhod kid to clean their gutters and a delivery guy trying to buy a pizza with an expired coupon. i'm sure the special effects will be mind blowing.

  9. i don't know man, that sounds pretty messed up to me. but to be honest & realistic do you really think a bank would spend the money & inccur all the costs of running a branch if there was no demand for it or possibility of making money. i don't think the goal of the banking industry is to open superfluous branches & spend money on things that don't bring them a return on their investment. and you can't blame the landlords for any of this as they're just doing what they're supposed to do & maximize their investment in the property. they're not a charity & if they're doing what they're supposed to be doing then they should be concerned about making money as is anyone who gets up & goes to work everyday. i understand the emotion involved here & have lost favorite places of mine due to progress & ridiculously rising costs of living but the fault doesn't belong to the landlord or the banks and if the diner was so concerned about a long term stay at that location they should have worked a little harder & smarter negotiating their lease iwth longer terms or options or even better, they could have taken their profits & bought the property theyby ensuring they'd be there as long as they wanted to stay because it would be theirs to do with as they pleased and when they grow old & gray then they could rent it out to a bank or starbucks or whatever is hot at the time & will pay the bills.