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Posts posted by X615

  1. irons, if you were more familiar with the city XP works in you'd understand exactly what he's trying to get across. he couldn't be anymore correct. i spent years in that system and he's not wrong. reading his first post sounded like a description of my old dept and if they all had their acts together my old dept might not have gone an entire year without chief officers followed up with a couple of years of chief officers without a clue, making 2-3 calls a month and an asst. chief who asked a fairly new career guy who he was even though he'd been working there over 6 months. how many drill nights can you stand doing another car fire/extrication scenario or test hose as an excuse for the "wackers" & "blue light specials" to spray water??????????? another dept's ladder truck & 2nd due engine do not much more than collect dust & if another dept had been able to handle their own calls they might not have needed the city to man their engine to keep their doors open. it's pathetic & only a matter of time before the entire city is career. the training and lack of it is b/s but an even bigger problem is apathetic, lazy manpower that put the workload on the career guys while too busy expanding their wardrobes from a gall's catalog, seeing how many pagers & keychains fit on their belts & how many blue lights they can put on their hyundais & tercels before blowing up. not all of us see everything so idealistically & through rose colored glasses and are not so offended nor feel so threatened if the word "union" is used especially when the union & it's members are primarily responsible for bringing firefighting in this city out of the 1950s. i'm not a career f/f nor "on the list" etc so i'm not trying to "suck up", i'm just being honest and not kidding myself living in denial. i asked over and over again for training on different things only to be turned down repeatedly so we ould burn another car and then the powers that be are actually confused and can't understand why the older, more experienced guys won't waste their time going to drills anymore. and if you were more familiar with this particular city you'd know the combo depts are capable of not much more than basic firefighting and rescue and anything over and above they've come to rely on calling "downtown" for assistance (help).

  2. due to a combination of lack of manpower, lack of qualified drivers, first due engines performing many roles & mutual aid there's a lot of machines in stamford that don't seem to get out the door often, if at all:

    glenbrook: ladder 31 & engine 34

    belltown: engine 42 & rescue 44

    springdale: truck 56 & rescue 54

    turn of river: engine 62 (before new 62 was delivered), engine 64, ladder 67 & tanker 68. 67 & 68 might get out during weekdays if the fire marshal is in the building & mon. nights (drill & meeting night)

  3. do these @$@$&@ jerks have any idea how much trouble they put others through not to mention the risk as well as interupting traffic as people are just trying to go about their lives when they pull this selfish bu!!sh,t????????????? we've all got our own bags of crap to drag around, get over it and enough of all the drama when you punch your own ticket & ruining everyone else's day. no, i have no empathy, sympathy or compassion for these jerks. go eat the barrel of a gun or overdose but enough of this bridge jumping crap!!!!!!!!!!!!


    what?????????????? have you even driven a dodge to know what you're talking about. i bought a dodge ram 2500 cummins turbo diesel in may after years of wanting an f250 powerstroke. with all the p/stroke problems i stayed as far away from ford as possible. this dodge is by far the best truck i have driven and owned. it corners so well i feel almost no body roll & the brakes were definately intended for a much heavier vehicle since they stop my truck with virtually no effort and i have more motor than i know what to do with and find myself way over the speed limit without trying. the truck isn't without it's faults but it is one hell on an incredible truck. if it weren't for the cummins i probably wouldn't have even looked at a dodge but i'm glad i did. it's extremely comfortable, drives like a dream & is a lot of fun. if my truck got wrecked or stolen tonight i'd go buy another one without even thinking about it.

  5. for whatever reason this generation is extremely arrogant, very full of themselves, incredibly selfish and self important and unable to show any respect. they also seem to have a quite perverted sense of entitlement just because they're here. if their parents had done their jobs properly and parented instead of trying to be buddies & buying them off with videogames & mp3 players to make up for the guilt of not spending time with them & raising them to be proper polite respectful adults maybe we wouldn't have to waste our time "undoing" all their bad habits & reeducating into what's expected of them & what we're not going to tolerate. and unfortunately there are some kids that as so obnoxious, arrogant & basically deep-seated a$$holes that'll never change & those are the few you need to get rid of quickly because they poison the whole firehouse. and to the parents, if your keeping up with the jones lifestyle & working night & day neglecting your parental responsibilities then DON'T HAVE THEM TO BEGIN WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!! baby sitters & day care are not going to raise your kids to be normal, well adjusted, functional, pleasant to be around kids. sorry to rant. guess i'm just another getting to be an old timer sick of having to breakdown & reeducate other people's children because they were too busy or just couldn't be bothered. to answer the original question. of course they've changed because they've raised themselves, are not held to any standards, get whatever they want and there's no consequences for their actions. to the spawners: thanks for dumping your crappy kids on us so we have to do what you should have done in the first place. you wanna be a dad then DO YOUR DAMN JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you & good day

  6. "whens "YMCA Pool Lifegurad" coming out? "

    "we usually start the tour checking the chlorine and emptying the strainers. later we'll set up a checkpoint making sure no one enters the pool without showering first and looking for expired membership cards. failure to renew is a class D violation so we have them gather up their towels & flipflops & escort them to the main entrance. we're now heading over to the B side of the pool. membership services is sending us over to resolve an issue over a chaise lounge & failure to return some rental towels." anything short of being w/ an nypd esu truck is going to be BORING & probably done 10x before

  7. "The only negative is the bucket. It's too small, difficult to work from (not ergonomically designed), and has a tendency to be struck (or knocked off!) due to it's low slung position."

    "iron mike" allowed this to be after all the work he put into that truck? all kidding aside that is a nice truck as is 3 truck. other than being pressed for time i never could figure out why you guys bought that converted 75' mini tower.

    are you guys having electrical problems etc with those hme's like turn of river is having with theirs? if so it's got to be driving ralph crazy.

  8. as far as deer go there are a couple cars w/ .22lr's in their cars to "neutralize" deer. lees than humane but "that's how it's always been done". the only cars w/ shotguns in greenwich are supervisors, detectives (that's a joke) and the 2 "accident cars" but "that'show it's always been done". i don't understand the "accident car" concept either. these guys are considered corporals, supervise the less senior guys in the squad and are generally used as backup to the other posts but their main responsibility is accident investigation. this is absurd and are there so many serious & fatal accidents every day they need to cover the town w/ 2 cars just for this purpose? they'd best be serving the town by incorporating accident investigation into traffic enforcement and stafing the former accident cars with guys from the SRU team that handle calls with weapons domestics & other high risk calls or since they are considered corporals make that a permanant rank and give them the responsibility of being the FTO's. reruits riding with these guys would get a much broader exposure to the town, higher rate of calls & just much more thorough training experience.

  9. pens? pens? PENS?????????????? are you kidding me. being stuck between port chester and stamford as well as an appetizing target for crime right off i-95 why doesn't he put his time to better use fighting drugs or the teams of professional shoplifters infiltrating the town daily robbing greenwich ave blind or trying to solve the murder of matthew margolies over 20 years ago. that's why chiefs hired from the outside are a breath of fresh air. wasting time worrying about click pens is a disgrace.

  10. "The Sutphen was offered to the Stamford Vol. Departments, but they were not interested.

    Most likely, it will go into reserve status for use as a spare ladder."

    are they crazy? what rationale did springdale use for not wanting to replace an almost 50 year old snorkel and i realize the limitations of a 75' ladder but the tip load increase would have been a good trade-off for glenbrook's almost 40 year old stick and it would have made a nice 1st due quint responding out of station 2 for turn of river to all the schools, office parks & nursing facilities in their 1st due response area. a little creative thinking would have found this a nice new home but then again other than belltown's tower how many of the other 3 vol. trucks even get out the door? probably better off keeping downtown where it'll see some work.

  11. if it's all about money which it always is with walters who is known as a notoriously cheap penny pincher with his people i agree having cops standing on their "dots" on the avenue is ridiculous. it's my understanding that if something were to occur right next to them that they are prohibited from leaving their post. this isn't 1937 and a report commisioned by he town in the 30's specifically states they should be abolished. another money saver would be getting rid of the "technician" rank & return those cops to doing what cops do not fixing computers nd other non-cop duties. what they really need is a chief brought in from the outside to shake things up a bit. they have some really good agressive street cops & middle management that get held back due to the 1950's thinking at the top. i'm not a greenwich cop nor have anything to gain personally, i'd just like to see it function at it's full potential and not hide behind "that's the way it's always been done" like the absurd car numbering system and shying away from putting shotguns in cars because it gives residents "the wrong impression". those familiar with the peculiar way of doing business in greenwich could make this a fascinating thread.

  12. and while i'm venting "a bronx tale" SUCKED. i want my $7.00 and those 2 hours of my life back. not deniro's first POS but definately brancato's biggest POS. hey lilo, you SUCK as an actor, you SUCK as a burglar, you SUCK as a junkie & you SUCK as a human being. i hope you're better at being a corpse. too bad none of those shots killed you & your ex-pootan's father. junkie POS, i spit on you.

  13. i volunteer to help with the daily beatings. do i bring my own "blackjack" or will implements be provided? i hope the peekskill photographer was being sarcastic and that post wasn't meant to be taken literally. i can't possibly see someone being that gullible, liberal & full of nonsense except for maybe ed asner & mike farrell but those 2 hollywood has-been cretins have made second careers making excuses for sub-human murdering junkie pieces of garbage. i don't know why someone would even waste a second of their time or a nickel of their money helping one of these useless piles of crap. i'd like to make brancato's death so humiliating & painful he'd wish tony soprano had actually killed him. i had just gotten myself calmed down this evening now i'm ticked off all over again. thanks. and lilo, DIE SCUMBAG!!!!!

  14. almost like "city by the sea" is coming back to hit a little too close to home. i'd like to break my "goodfellas" & "copland" dvds & use the shards to carve brancato's eyes right out of his skull then........... well you get the point and until the state of new york sees fit to put him to death for this heinous crime DIE SCUMBAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!