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Posts posted by keepmcomingcentral

  1. Great thread and some very good comments by all. One thing we should all keep in mind is to determine the cause of the incident before rushing right in here.

    Remember in our area (Metro NYC) this may not be a human caused error or just faulty equipment. It is very possible that a scene like this could be the result of a terroristic act. When this happens we have have to approach the scene with assistance from law enforcement also. Bomb Squads, canine units and others must perform physical searches and mitigate in order to make sure no secondary devices are present.

    In these types of incidents it is very possible that more than one device may be involved on the same train. I would cautiously recommend that prior to establishing a Command Post, Triage and Staging areas that thought be given to safety from secondary devices. MTA PD, Westchester County DPS and others have plenty of resources to help perform these sweeps. Usually this only takes a few minutes and we train for these situations all the time.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that history has shown that if this is happening in one jurisdiction, it is very probable that there will be other events in the region that may occurr simutaneously . It is very important to step back and look at the whole dynamic picture before committing every single resource we have to one location.

    IC is so important in a scene like this. Only by using it everday in everything we do will we make this scene work well.

    MNR usually holds one mass casualty drill a year in the northern suburbs and I highly recommend that all attend even if only as an observer.

    Just my two cents and a great thread for all of us to keep discussing.

  2. A sad day for both the FD/PD back then!

    I only knew Mike from law enforcement. I will never forget the night when he was a Putnam County Sheriff he backed me up on a foot/car chase that originated in the Southeast Train Station. When I finally stopped the car on Rt 312, Mike was there to help me make the arrest before I could even get my canine partner out of my car. It was that way with him all the time. First guy on the scene and always knew what to do to help.

    He is missed by myself and all of my department. I am proud to have known him.