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Posts posted by turk182

  1. Fire started in kitchen extended thru vent into crawlspace/attic area. There was also a delay of alarm due to resident attempts to extingish fire prior to notifing FD. Great intial attack and knock down! Also a awesome reponse from HFD could not have done it without Harrison. Thanks to HFD VMFD PFD PCRRBEMS Post 700.

  2. Heard on the radio today that the Windsor CT. Police Department is having a job fair type thing this weekend they are looking for POs the ad said there was no residency requirments also mentioned a web site but I did not catch it. Heard the ad on 92.5 if that helps anyone

  3. BFFT 2000-1 was one of the best experiences I have had and I had to go to Mountour Falls to get it. The enthusiasm of the instructors made it that much better and made the class bond and become one. It is 9 weeks of my life I will never forget. And the instructors should be given all the credit. I would hate to have to go to BFFT w/ instructors who were just there for a pay check. These people are there because they care about us and want to pass some of their knowledge to the new guys. I commend their enthusiasm.

  4. Nothing showing is part of the size up, what do you do when you pull up and there are 20 work trucks in front of the home? I know I say workmen on premise. All you are doing is letting people know what your initial size up is. Common sense should be keep coming just take it a little easier. I can not see anything wrong with letting people know what you know.

  5. Point 1 in regards to choline leaks and other hazmat call. Have you ever heard of the "blue canaries". At least this way you will know it is a real hazmat.

    Point 2 have you ever noticed how many ribbons most cops have above their badges? If they called the FD all the time they would have to share the glory and or people would realize what BS most of the ribbons are.