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  1. TCD0415 liked a post in a topic by KCRD in Firematic Coverage During Parades?   
    "However, that being said, you mention that people have attempted to "portray" you as "anti-volunteer" on the site "several times". C'mon, Chief, first of all, it's more than "several". The "who, me?" act isn't working too well. Your interrogatories are full of sarcasm, more than a touch of arrogance (I have to admit that I chuckled when I read your boast about how your name on a thread could boost the number of views) and while you hide behind your "QTIP", you take others rebuttals very personally and respond defensively. If there was one or two people that felt you were "anti-volunteer", then maybe it's them, but when there are "numerous" accusations, it may just be that there is a little truth to what they are saying."
    It occurred to me while reading this thread that only career members are bashed for having raised concerns over this issue. There have been a few brave volunteers who agreed and said there are issues regarding manning but not a word is said about them. Apparently its okay for one of our own(vollies) to point out faults, but when someone from the evil otherside (career) says them, they are classified as "anti-volly" and other such things. I applaud these brave few, JFLYNN and others for shedding light on these issues so some of us less-informed can learn.
  2. TCD0415 liked a post in a topic by FFLieu in Firematic Coverage During Parades?   
    Maybe the so-called "deafening silence" stems from the rather condescending nature of the way the issue was raised. Aside from the fact that it demands information from people as if they are compling some kind of official report for the Almighty, maybe people would rather talk about something other than a dead topic. Maybe volunteers such as myself would rather talk about something other than the ubiquitous threads and posts that make them look less than qualified for their jobs. Maybe we take umbrage at the implication that we care more about parades than public safety. Maybe we just don't care about what you're crying about today.
  3. jd783 liked a post in a topic by TCD0415 in Training Tips, Tricks, and Proven Shortcuts   
    EXACTLY !!!
    With all of the other noise on the website lately, it is refreshing to see a post like this. This type of stuff is why I joined this forum years ago........
    Too often you see the Ground Ladders on an engine (usually a 24' extension & 14'roof) with the roof ladder on the outside and the extension ladder on the inside. The better way to go is to have the 24 on the outside and the roof on the inside. the 24 is the one you will use most of the time, and if you need the roof ladder, you will need to have a way to get up there first, hence the 24.
    Also, with the 24 (or any extension ladder for that matter, on any rig). A lot of time you see the halyard tied around the lower rungs of both the bed and the fly section. All this has done is to turn the ladder into a fixed length ladder, and when needed to raise, you need to stop and untie the knot of the halyard before proceeding. Better way to go is to tie the halyard to the Bed section only. This way no need to untie anything when you need to raise it. Pull the halyard and the fly goes up. Saves a few seconds, but that could make the difference.....
  4. TCD0415 liked a post in a topic by ckroll in How Do You Suggest We Deal With This Type Of Membership Issue?   
    And if all you've got is balls, then in my opinion, it's just another pair of fuzzy dice on the rear view mirror.
  5. MICP2823 liked a post in a topic by TCD0415 in Looking for Indianapolis FD Contact info   
    Give Mark Rapp a call. He is a Captain at Station 7 - the 7's. (Headquarters). 317-327-6041.
    I am sure he will be able to get you in touch with whomever you need.
    Tell him Tom from NY said Hi! We used to teach at FDIC together. A real good guy.
    If Not PM Me your number and I will reach out to him and have him call you.
  6. TCD0415 liked a post in a topic by post4031 in What EMTBravo is becoming...   
    Hello All,
    I have been a member of this forum for sometime now and normally do not post much. I come on here and read updates on incidents, check out what's new and have learned a thing our two in some of the discussions that have taken place. I thought this was a really great site for members of the fire and emergency services to come together and exchange information.
    I feel the moderation team does a good job in keeping things relatively calm. However, lately there have been threats made on service providers and topics, questions and discussions that always end up taking the tone of career vs. volunteer. Some members have been allowed to continually stir the pot in multiple topics.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and freedom of speech is wonderful thing, but does all these topics/discussions need to take this tone? It is conterproductive and quite unproffessional. Every department is different, every area is different and each of our systems operate different. Let's be respectful of each other, respect each others roles and move on to some quality discussion that would benefit us all.
    I wish you all in the Fire/Emergency Services(Career or Volunteer or Both) a prosperus and healthy New Year!
    Stay Safe!
    Scott Post