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Everything posted by FFD941

  1. The way I look at it is...Your name is on your BUTT at a fire scene and you have a mouth... What are we hiding here? If you think what you say or are going to say is questionable...THEN DON"T SAY IT. Think before you open your mouth
  2. Hey who's a CIC.... I want CME Credit!!!!
  3. Does the chest pain increase on inhaltion/exhalation or on palpation? Has she taken all of her prescribed medication as required? Has ALS checked blood sugar?
  4. Photograph...Photograph...Photograph!!
  5. I personally have not had ANY luck with the Survivor lights...Seems like every time I go to use it the thing is dead.
  6. 2008 LODD Breakdown Medical - 11 Responding - 4 Falls - 1 On Scene MVA - 2 Electrocution - 1 Expolosion - 1 Some Simple Math 365 / 55 = 6.6363 x 20 = Projected 2008 LODD's 133 It's OUR job to do something about this. What are we going to do??
  7. Anybody know who does the commentary for pretty much every movie trailer??
  8. Job Security!!
  9. You know what they say... "Payback is a ...."
  10. Just to be devils advocate here... Isn't stoping the teen from driving and going onto the road stopping that person who" put other peoples lives in jeopardy." As for the issue...if you recieve the call for a party or a noise complaint, you have to go, period. But, when prioritizing your calls this is definately not the top on the list.
  11. I know I'll be there. This seminar has been great in years past and I'm sure it'll be the same this year.
  12. Chair is a great chair...Can't stand how bulky it is.
  13. No need to rub it in xfirefighter484x
  14. Hyde Park....8 Degrees
  15. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call the general public.
  16. This was an e-mail I just recieved this evening and thought it would be beneficial to pass along...This is why we train!!
  17. No. The DRD is now part of an NFPA standard, NFPA 1851. The DRD is manufactured on all gear. NFPA 1851