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Everything posted by 5slow

  1. The funeral for Stuart Cohen is Wednesday, April 11 at 10:00am in Mount Vernon at Riverside Chapel. 21 West Broad Street. God bless you Stu and I'll miss you!!!
  2. NYS VTL allows fire vehicles to respond and return to quarters lights and sirens. I hope no departments allow their units to respond back to quarters with their emergency warning devices activated, but it's on the books...
  3. When I saw the title on the main page, I have to say I was a little nervous. Having police experience in Georgia and now with the NYPD (total 10 years) I see a major difference in public opinion regarding use of force between the south and the north. It's very nice to see everyone, at least on this website, is in agreement that this was a good shooting. I'm sure if a NYC newspaper ran this story the New York ACLU will be on 95 south heading to Florida (don't anyone tell 'em to slow down in Virginia either!). Thanks for the good opinions!
  4. Good arguments - Maybe the billionaire cable company could go in on it with them and put there lines underground as well... They definitely seem to have more than enough money!
  5. I agree with Fabolous8779. I have a friend (Homicide Detective-DeKalb County PD, Georgia) who went over years ago when they first asked for volunteers. It was a 7 day work week and he never saw so many homicides. He terminated the contract early and returned to the US with a fraction of the money. Not a good job to take!
  6. I agree with everything you say and have also seen many poor supervisors! This person is obviously not a leader... A leader, whether it be situational, authoritative, etc... will know to never berate their personnel and will know how to handle situations privately. I'm a supervisor in law enforcement and volunteer EMS. It's a shame you've unfortunately had to experience a bad boss, but learn from their obvious mistakes and move on. As far as approaching them and their style: I would first see if there's someone in the agency they trust who might be able to speak with them privately, or if not, you'll have to do it on your own. You might be able to address the reasons why people are quitting in a monthly meeting or whenever your group gets together and see if someone addresses the problem in the open forum. Good luck!