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Posts posted by mlfcemt093

  1. funny, just today i was walking in the city (riverdale) and i saw a car, volswagon run a red light with flashing lights (red, and white) and a siren, i thought of myself as a buff, because i herd it and said to myself where is the ambulance, just to see this car fly through...i was very surprised.

    yea...that car u saw was probaly nypd they have gone to several vehicles w/o orange ez passes

    I know of 3 vehicles (obviously won't mention em here) so nypd is becoming smarter you will probaly see a red light thrown on the dash some w/o a siren and goin around traffic those are just the few in the s bronx I have seen w/ uc's in em

  2. As one of the instructors who rolled out the REMSCO program to EMS agencies, I can tell you that the REMSCO program would have been the better one to implement and would have better served a larger group of patients because not everyone who could benefit from albuterol has a history of asthma.

    OK I don't mind being corrected thanks for the xtra info cool.gif

  3. I was at a Parade this year that featured the FDNY-EMS Pipes & Drums. Now there is an interesting adapted tradition. The FDNY & NYPD pipe bands were likely formed because there was a time in history when these departments were predominantly Irish. Since EMS is not predominantly Irish, I am guessing that the band formed out of a love for tradition, adapted from the rest of the emergency services. I thought that was pretty cool.

    I appreciate your comment very thoughtful. I for one never thought about it, but I do agree w/ what ur saying I do believe it is out of respect for tradition.

  4. Just a point of clarification:  FDNY does not make protocol in NYC.  It is the REMAC Committee of REMSCO.  FDNY follows them just like all the other hundred or so agencies.


    Yes you are correct, however, the emt/paramedic instructors and bosses @ the FDNY EMS academy are extremely instrumental w/ presenting to the region changes that they are feel are needed, for example if not for FDNY EMS there would be no albuterol admin in the state because it was FDNY EMS who did the pilot study and achieved positive feed back for asthmatics therefore it was put to practice and i'm sure sooner or later more and more positive things will come to fruition especially due to the fact that FDNY EMS recently obtained uniformed status so we will all hopefully see some new and interesting changes being made like what partyrock brought up about all emts being upgraded to "I" status i'm certainly looking foward to those changes.

  5. I wish that article was on a more public forum...Like the post or daily news might make people more aware of what needs to be done..I have believed and said for years that firefighters need to be cross trained for ems AND vice versa if not at least to know what must be done for the pts because lets face it our jobs is LIFE SAFTEY FIRST NO MATTER WHAT YOUR JOB (and yes i mean that ems and medics know whats goin on @ a fire and the harm and smoke and cyanide poising and numorous other hazards)

    I agree with that artice 1000 %

    and thats MY 2 CENTS

  6. Seth, you need to relax.  You're trying to fight against human nature.  I would have thought you'd be a little more use to this attitude by now.  Look at the career most of us have chosen. 

    Police, definately not the most popular kids on the block.  In the hood they're racists who pick on on minorities and in the suburbs they're a$$holes wih nothing better to do than harrass the citizens.

    Fire, everyone loves us till their neighbor's place burns or we stop traffic.  We're thieves and animals who kick down doors and tear out celings just for kicks.  And god forbid someone dies because they tried to fight the fire before calling us.  Now we're slow, lazy, and just don't care.

    EMS, good for a taxi and not much else.  Emergency services 2nd class citizen.

    And all of us are heroes until we want a livable wage or new equipment.  Then we become over coddled children who just want more money to sit around and new toys to play with.

    I for 1 really enjoy this site, I have learned alot, I've never said it before but I should, excellent job Thank u!!!!!

    I love the way u worded that just plain awesome!!!!!! partyrock ur a funny dude lmao