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Everything posted by jcoppola

  1. <-------Always been a Genesis fan, not big on Phil by himself though. I always liked the drummer-vocalist thing...must have been really tough to do! JVC
  2. Van Halen "Panama" Tour, 1984, Brendan Bierne Areana, Meadowlands. At the time, there was a rumor going around that they filmed the Panama video during that concert, and after watching the video, I think it was totally possible, they had a ton of extra lights at that concert. I will never forget that concert. I still have the concert shirt from it. JVC
  3. I just read on Mass. Union website that the Boston FD is not participating in this years' parade. Thats like not having turkey on Thanksgiving. But, in light of what they are going through there, I cannot say I blame them. http://www.brocktonfirelocal144.org/index....mp;homeID=79961
  4. A World HQ in, say, Mamaroneck near Winged Foot would be nice. Free lifetime membership there for all staff members once the EMTBravo group goes IPO and we all make "partner" . That would be a heck of a place to meet. JVC
  5. All, I have received a great deal of requests for the DRD Powerpoint program that I recently customized. Giving credit where due, it was originally developed by a friend of mine who happens to be a FF in Hartford, CT. Before I send it to all who requested it, I want to make sure he is ok with me distributing his idea. I just customized it for my dept. so once you get it, feel free to add to it or take away from it where neccessary. I will get that out to all who asked by email soon. Joe C.
  6. Date: 02-24-2008 Time: 03:00 Location: 8 Tod Road Frequency: 151.445 Units Operating: E1 (still for smoke in the area) Assignment Filled out on the "urgent": E4, T1, T2, C2 R2 Description Of Incident: Companies were on scene at approximately 1930 hours on 02-23-2008 for smoke in this house under renovation. A small fire involving a transformer and some blown-in insulation was found and quickly extinguished in the attic area and overhauled well. At 03:30, E1 was dispatched on a still alarm to an area near the original incident on Tod Road for smoke in the area. Once in the area, a huge amount of smoke was visibile with "the smell" of work in it. On a hunch, E1 crew went to 8 Tod Road and found the house fully charged with smoke emmitting out of every vent in the house. E1 requested the alarm to be filled out with a full first alarm assignment. E1 vented the building safely and found the seat of the fire within a few minutes and began extinguishment. The fire is under investigation and the Deputy Fire Marshal has ruled out rekindle but has not ruled out questionable electrical installations. Writer: JVC
  7. Thanks for the interpretation. I plan to use the "delete" function very sparingly because I believe in giving someone the chance to explain themselves before just erasing original thoughts. I understand your thought process now and the analogy...no need to dwell on it. Thanks AGAIN. JVC
  8. Please clarify your comment on the consent thing, or it will be deleted. We cannot have those types of statements that can be interpreted the wrong way here. Not trying to be bossy, but it is for the protection of the integrity of the site. Thanks.
  9. And, here is the link to the OSHA Codes of Federal Regulations Sub-Parts. I think these are a bit clearer and easier to understand and locate what you are looking for. http://www.osha.gov JVC
  10. Here is a link to the Connecticut General Statutes. Good luck locating anything in it unless you are an attorney. http://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/Statutes.asp
  11. EMS Buff, I feel the need to address some of your very good comments. First, let me say that I appreciate what you guys do for a living. You put up with an inordinate amount of bull!#$% and receive little pay for doing so. Every single EMS call I go on, I think of how tough it must be to have EVERY call be an EMS call. However, speaking only as a member of a FD, I can tell you that no one that I know in a Fire Service career takes the warm, clean confines of a station for granted. It is the very heart of what we do. The kitchen of the FD is the nerve center of the department. We discuss work stuff, training stuff, difficult or fun calls and when appropriate, personal stuff. After a long and drawn-out call, every FF longs to get back to the station to rehab, eat, shower, maybe sleep, and banter. I cannot understand why it is not a custom to provide the same for EMS services, as they, more than anyone, need that very precious rehab after a particularly hairy call. Second, and I can tell you this from experience...you can have a whole firehouse full of exercise equipment, an awesome coffee maker, an XBOX 360, a great shift of guys, all the new movies you can ask for, an HDTV and a basketball hoop, but its not going to keep your face out of the fridge. Boredom is relative. What we need is more action, more fires etc. to keep us busy. Addressing the union-joining issue, I agree 100%, Getting these people into organized labor would help out tremendously. Most services are huge conglomerates like AMR and those that are not are hospital-attached. Who better to assist in getting and keeping job security and benefits for workers than a Labor Union who has experience in doing just that. I can remember a few years ago the Norwalk Hospital medics were possibly on the brink of joining our union, IAFF Local 830, and it was squashed at some level and I am not sure which one, but...I never understood why. Please don't interpret this as me just spewing pro-union stuff, they are facts, we work in an industry that needs to protect members that are in the business of protecting others. We also work in an era where we are getting faught tooth and nail about keeping the very benefits our forefathers got for us. Negotiate a union contract and you will see what I mean. Oh man, I have got carpal tunnel now... JVC
  12. Isn't "Paddy" short for the very Irish heritage-rich name "Padraig?" I only know that name because I am a gof fan and Padraig Harrington is a PGA pro who I enjoy watching play the game. I think our resident Irish expert dmccabe needs to shed some light on this issue! JVC
  13. Very informative thread, thanks... Over the past few months, there have been several fatal motor vehicle accident's involving youths in the Fairfiled and New Haven County areas. I think the message about drunk driving is getting through to the youths, however, it is not stopping them from being killed. Too many parents are burying kids and it needs to stop. Personally, I am really hoping that by the time my kids get to the driving age, it is AT LEAST 18. In many of the fatalities that I have heard about, the PD is attributing the causes of death to "inexperienced operation of a motor vehicle". When I think back to my youth years and some of the poor choices I made, I thank God that I was never part of one of those tragedies, even though I lost a very good friend to one in high school. There was no evidence of DWI in the accident there but it most likely could have been an inexperienced operator though. JVC
  14. I have a question which maybe one of our Law Enforcement members can address: I heard somewhere that Police/Fire/EMS workers are exempt from the Connecticut Law banning cell phone use while driving. Does this count for off-duty as well, as long as you are conducting official FD/PD/EMS Business while in your POV? I was wondering because I was stopped today by a nice enough officer who let me go no questions asked once I told him I was actually conducting department business on my cell phone while driving my POV (Honestly, I was). I don't want to blow his cover but I will tell you, there are a few PD's in CT with some really sick looking unmarked Dodge Chargers tricked out with the latest inconspicuous lighting package and heavy tint...they caught me!
  15. Absolutely, we can agree to disagree, I promise I won't let it go down any dangerous paths. The law in CT is unclear. It makes no specification for on or off duty. I will continue to use discretion. JVC
  16. I appreciate your comments, but I disagree with you. I think our profession does give us leeway to do things normal people cannot. It has nothing to do with thinking I am better than anyone. We are held to a higher standard and with that comes priviledges, Like it or not. JVC
  17. I saw this idea on another good website and I picked up some good info from it. Why not start a thread here about what members keep in their turnout gear pockets? Coat: Needle nose pliersAdjustable pliers (robogrips)Channel Locks with key tool (customized)Fox shove knife4 way screwdriverallen key sethose rope toolEMS ShearsSteel door wedgeknifeKey ring with BFD elevator key, universal alarm panel key and MTA train key.Pants: Gemtor class 2 harnessUtility rope w/biner (left pants pocket)Bailout rope kit (kevlar rope, 50' and biner) (right pants pocket)CPR maskWebbing with water knot under R kneepad
  18. I learned no lesson today. I am going to continue to use my cell phone while driving. I cannot bring myself to put one of those pod things in my ear. I, unlike many, can walk and chew gum at the same time. I know it's breaking the law when not engaged in FD business, but, so is not adhering to the speed limit and we all do that in our own cars and in our apparatus. My understanding of this law is that it is technically "distracted driving" so drinking coffee, combing hair, shaving or applying makeup are included. Another thing I won't stop doing is enjoying my coffee on the way to work... JVC
  19. I actually did some research today in the Connecticut General Statutes and it stated that Peace Officers, Firefighters and EMS workers are exempt from the law. The confusion I have is that they don't specify on or off duty and in or out of official department vehicles. I am going to try to get a legal opinion from a friend who is a lawyer. JVC
  20. Interesting and unfortunate story. Read more @: http://www.connpost.com/ JVC
  21. From what I have been told, Norwalk Hospital Medics stay around the ED during downtime. I think for the most part, they keep busy by helping out in that area. I have nothing but good things to say about them for the most part because when I tore my ACL playing softball in 2001, I went to Norwalk Hospital and sat in the waiting room in agony until one of the NH Medics recognized me as a MOS and wheeled me right into an exam room amdist a great deal of people waiting. We at the FD cannot help that they are stuck there during downtime, but they all know they have a standing invitiation to any of our firehouses for coffee etc. and I usually try to remind them of this when I see them at a call. One other point, the Norwalk Hospital Medics do not enjoy a great deal of downtime. They are horribly understaffed for the call volume they handle. While on the topic, does anyone know if Stamford EMS still keeps a medic unit on Vine Road with the crew enjoying a spacious, deluxe single-wide trailer for their "quarters" JVC
  22. Does anyone have any pictures of Danbury FD's new rescue truck? If so please post. JVC
  23. Thanks very much. I didn't realize they were going so big on the truck. Looks good though. JVC