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Posts posted by MyFyrtrks

  1. Going out to bid for 14 days usually means they have a prefered builder and they want as few responses as possible. Usually I have found that most every customer has a preferred builder no matter who the customer is. To be honest I would prefer my customers' bids only to be out for 14 days, I lost a HUGE rescue bid because vendors pitched a fit when the tanker the department had just received was only out to bid for 14 days just prior to the rescue. The chief didn't like the static he got so the rescue bid was out for like 90 days and I got hosed on it and it was my specification.

    Some customers complain because people don't bid on alot of trucks. Why should I bid a US Tanker when the specification is a brand XYZ. I will always ask the department if they are truly open or if they have a preferred builder. If they want a courtesy bid I will throw something together. I have been asked "Aren't you supposed to be bidding on trucks?" aand I say "No I am supposed to be selling trucks."

  2. From what I understand the bean counters have won out. I think the rank and file would prefer Seagrave but the folks with the money have spoken. The TL I do belive had every problem reported on a daily basis and the companies that had those units were used to a Tiller and wanted the tillers back. I am also sure KME has been cutting bids locally and STEALING bids away from the manufacturers who have worked the bids in the first place.

  3. I agree it's a sad thing that the IAFF PAC fund does not go with the will of the membership. That is why I will never contribute to it. I would like to know how much old Harrold spends or our dues on trips that are actually political in nature, I bet that some of that money comes from the general dues and not only from PAC money. They never ask a canidate for a change on his/her views they just support them on the current stand.

  4. Yes I think a good dealer relationship is important and I sell fire apparatus. I have had some difficulties with my manufacturer but my sales manager and dealership owner have busted thier backsides to fix a unit that they didn't make money on. I have seen dealers switch brands and because the relationship is so good, they had departments follow the dealer to a new manufacturer. I will do what ever I can to fix your problem the service afterwards to me is just as important as the sale!