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Everything posted by efd184

  1. So let's get to it! Let's hear what everyone thinks is an actual working fire???? Smoldering garbage cans don't count!!!
  2. So now that we established what a "working fire" is I guess we won't be seeing anymore silly incident alerts that claim to be fires??
  3. No way!!! That really happens? Is it he same guys who say they join the engine company because their scared of heights?
  4. FDNY Lt. Ray McCormack i thing sums up my feelings in these videos. IF you havent saw them yet listen to what he says about putting your life on the line. if you have saw it watch it again!!!!
  5. It's not just the training. There should also be a physical standard. Career firefighters I. Westchester have to pass a CPAT to get into the academy and another CPAT to get out. Why is it not the same for the volunteers? Has anyone noticed what I have? A simple pat on the back from the doctor does not mean your capable of fighting a fire or doing 90% of the other work we do as firefighters both career and volunteer. We do the same job why is it not treated the same? As a chief of a dept don't you want the best? Or do you want the kids that was sheltered by his parents playing video games and being told everyone gets a trophy during tball. If you don't make a change that's what your getting. Half of the new kids signing up have no idea that there life is on the line and the choice they made to become a firefighter can be tested at any moment and the may have to act with courage to save a life. They DONT get it and YOUR responsible!!!!
  6. I think a physical agility test for volunteers as well as an equal training standard for both career and volunteer firefighters should be the first step in thinking forward!!! Domenick
  7. Sounds odd to me. $221,000 in OT? That means he would have been there everyday.
  8. Waste of hard earned tax money what a joke!
  9. Just embarrassing
  10. good to see some that would rather use there time to train then march in a parade! goodd job to all involved!
  11. the brothers get it done! can you and will you do the same when its time?
  12. Add more or less when asked by the guy on the line lol
  13. wait there's another station in town?
  14. like i said dont quit your jobs!
  15. Well don't any of you quit your real jobs yet! The last 3 Westchester County Career Fire academy classes have not had more then 12 guys and that was off the last list. Someone correct me if I'm wrong?
  16. i think new rochelle has somthing like this?
  17. Stupid people will always keep us busy! Fine job to the rescuers!
  18. here is another good one "read direct" what the heck?????? or "K" ????? please shed light on those!
  19. Here is a good start LOOK IN THE MIRROR! It is up to the individual career or volunteer to make change. Depts can set guidelines and other nonsense but it up to the individual to be ready to go. If your not you put the rest of the members in jeopardy when it is time to do the job.
  20. WPFD is not the only dept that has soothing like this.
  21. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/42071578#42071578?from=en-us_msnhp&gt1=43001 Just another bunch of idiots in the Fire Service