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Posts posted by jayhalsey

  1. Nope, no anti volunteer tendencies here...in fact, I volunteer for lots of things in my community and church.

    I do have a problem with hypocrisy and also with half-truths which I suspect are happening here. This individual stated that he has a home and family in New Rochelle and also stated that he is a volunteer firefighter. Since New Rochelle is a career department he would have to be volunteering somewhere outside of New Rochelle, or maybe he doesn't actually live in New Rochelle. I know that you don't necessarily have to be a resident of the community to be a member of the volunteer FD.However, if you connect the dots and follow this thread through from the beginning, I believe that most reaonable people would conclude that this individual is not being entirely forthcoming.

    I understand where you are coming from. I personally don't see how you get to your conclusions from this thread. I read the same thread as you, and didnt think that the original poster, who I really have no idea who he actually is, was thrying to be sneaky or lying to us. I took what he said at face value. He was avolunteer. Then he got on the job, the he retired and h ereconnected with his volunteer department. I didnt ASSUME that since he lives in New Rochelle, he volunteers in New Rochelle. He never stated where he was a volunteer. He never actually stated, that I saw, in what capacity he volunteers. It was my understanding that his volunteer company was elsewhere, perhaps where he lived in his younger days.

    P.S. While I do not have a problem with volunteer firefighters, I do have a problem with hypocrisy. For instance, if you say you are a "volunteer"- don't ask for any benefits or compensation i.e. pensions, tax breaks, paid vacations, and many more. AND, if you say that you are as qualified as a career firefighter, live up to the same training standards, promotional testing process, medical standards, background checks, drug and alcohol screening, age limits, etc. etc. Also, guarantee a minimum set level of manpower that will be in the firehouse able to respond when an alarm comes in, regardless of whether it is day or night, weekend, holiday, or the alarm in question sounds exciting or not.

    I guess this depends on where one is a volunteer. I know that here, volunteers and career undergo the same physical each year, the same background check at pre employment, as well as the same drug and alcohol testing. Don't know of any age limit for career or volunteer, minimum for both is 18 I believe. Training wise, all volunteers with tags are trained to at minimum Fire 1 with most going on to Fire 2 and beyond. Continuous training again depends on the company. I know, in my department we train constantly.

  2. So, BEFORE you were a member of NRFD you were a volunteer somewhere (but you won't tell us where)...you worked however many years on NRFD and were NOT a volunteer during that whole time, then you retired and are NOW a volunteer again but your family and home are in New Rochelle????

    Sure, all this is possible, but I find it hard to believe and thus it goes to your credibility.

    What exactly is so hard to believe about this statement? That someone was a volunteer, went carreer, retired and reconnected with their volunteer company? Did you ask where he was a volunteer? Why should that matter? You seem to be letting you anti volunteer tendencies show through.

  3. you have no idea how many times i've search and searched and searched for my posts, only to find that they have been deleted. it's aggravating

    I think it would be beneificial to leave the post where it is in the thread, just delete the content of the post, and put something like "post deleted by mod" where it actually lists the mod's name that deleted the post. I know that I have made psots on other sites, then went back to check to see if there were any responses. Only to not be able to find my post, because it was deleted, so I posted again. and the cycle repeats.

  4. There are different types of Hydrazine but the worst one I saw was fatal if inhaled. The least dangerous was highly flammable and toxic requiring suits and non-sparking tools. It would be messy, thats for sure.

    I agree with the spy stuff too, isnt there some way for the govnt to erase the data on the satelite remotely with todays technology? Just curious.

    I think they are as or more concerned with the actual physical technology on board.

    They should just shuttle harry stamper and his team up there to drill the satellite out.

  5. Actually, the McDonald's case had some merit to it. McDonald's corporate told all of the restaurants to serve their coffee at extremely hot temperatures. I've heard the reason for this was to make people drink it slower so they wouldn't avail themselves of too many free refills. Anyway check out this link - http://www.lectlaw.com/files/cur78.htm

    Or the guy that was deathly allergic to cheese, and ordered the quarter pounder without cheese, but ate it without even checking if there was cheese on it. I am not allergic to anything, but there are some things I dont like. If I order anything "without XY" you bet your a**, I check before i leave the counter.

  6. Assuming there is no facts giving rise to legal action, I sincerely hope the lawyer is sanctioned and referred for possible disbarment proceedings in accordance with the Connecticut State Bar.


    One can hope. It looks like they are angling towards the injuries from direct contact with the fire, which I think are non existant, and the biggie being injuries during the evacuation. I'm guessing they are going to try to show that Foxwoods didnt run an orderly evacuation, and because of that people got injured.

  7. Will there be the same penalty if you buy the ticket on the train vs. buying the ticket at the Station?

    Don't see why there wouldn't be the penalty. You are still buying your ticket on the train. Now I just wish they would put ticket machines on both sides of the tracks, at my local station. Rather than two machines on the new york bound side.

  8. hey guys and gals,

    Name is Ken and I have a whelen slimlighter (blue) for sale. The light works great and has great warning power has the suction cups and a cigar lighter plug. Sorry gang had to take the dash king off had someone already buy it.

    what are you looking to get for it?

  9. Hopefully this is not true, just O&A messing around. The last time K-Rock changed formats, it was horrible. Absolutely horrible. David Lee roth was unlistenable. In my opinion, Opie and Anthony are not much better. The only good spot in the Free FM wasteland, was the Booker show. Now, K-rock is back, and hoepfully will stay. The only thing they need to do is get rid of Opie and Anthony.

  10. One pet peeve I have in today's "paperless" society. Is people that have email as their preferred mode of contact, then dont respond to emails. For example, if this explorer advisor had told Mike to email him, rather than say call him or send a letter, then apparently hasnt responded in a timely manner. I feel there is absolutely no excuse for this. If the guy told him to email, then he should be expecting his email. The only question here, is "what is a timely manner"? Judging by the posts on here that can vary. I would say give him a week. You sent the email sunday. If you dont hear from him by sunday send another email, and include somehow that this is the second email. Or go talk to the guy face to face. Why can't you just show up to a meeting early and talk to the guy? emails do occasionally get lost in the ether of the internet. Just my opinion.

  11. Well, I read the entire thread so far. And in all honesty, I only see one post that is disrepectful. And it doesn't disrespect the firefighter that died. In fact, not one post in this thread disrepespects or does anything to cheapen his sacrifice. I see posts about what department SOP/Sog's are, posts about who governs that type of statute, losts of posts about osha, etc. But nothing remotely negative about what happened in Pennsylvania. Firefighting is a life and death business. All firefighters know that. Why shouldn't we try to lessen the number of deaths? Why shouldn't we discuss what happened, what went wrong, what went right? I feel that the time to do this is now. While the incident is still fresh in peoples minds. I understand some people are sensitive, and believe that talking about an incident where someone has died before a certain undetermined amount of time has elapsed is disrespectful. What I feel is disrespectful is NOT talking about the incident. NOT learning from the incident. Do you really think that, as some one so eloquently put it, "guys that crawl down hallways with the same guys day in and day out" would want their brothers to not discuss what happened to them rather than learn from what happened, so that perhaps someone else may not perish? I really dont think thats a hard question to answer.