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Everything posted by jayhalsey

  1. I wouldnt think it would by the letter of the law, but I am not a cop or a lawyer, nor do I play one on tv. I would think there would be an emotional difference for the person that has to shoot down a plane over a crowded community vs. taking an automobile out. Potential for a big difference in the loss of life there.
  2. Big difference being the potential loss of life due to where it chooses to come to a stop. Not many cars or trucks have the same capacity, not only of passengers, but also the amount of damage it can do once it impacts due to size as well as fuel capacity and velocity.
  3. Seems a little, pardon the pun, overkill, no?
  4. I always thought they used .22s to euthanize raccoons and other small animals. Is this no longer the case?
  5. Luckily the patient didnt need to get to the hospital quickly. They had the time to act like children. Ridiculous.
  6. My guess is that is the OPs dark colored car in the picture.
  7. "Commander discretion" makes me think, the powers that be are simply trying to take the "blame" off of themselves and shift it to the IC at the incident. "Well he chose not to effect a rescue". Quite simply, how do the citizens of this ISLAND let the powers that be do away with their WATER RESCUE program? I would hope they would have been up in arms about it before this happened, more so after this incident. And to echo some of the comments made in this thread, it is always fascinating how many will post messages cutting down the responders that were at the scene without knowing all the facts. It came out very quickly that the water rescue training and equipment was discontinued years before this incident. Maybe there are alot of people here that are in the habit of putting untrained personnel into probable death causing situations.
  8. I guess it would be open to interpretation. I would certainly hope that both parties being affected would be included in the discussion, and would have to sign off on any changes. But, as we have seen, sometimes the powers that be arent interested in hearing the "advice" from both parties affected. I am curious to see what this announcement today is going to bring, though.
  9. "Advice" makes me think they just wanted to make sure that the two parties involved would each have their voices heard. One does not need to heed "advice". If they had swapped "advice" for "approval" that would be a sticky point.
  10. Huh? How can it record "before it is tripped"?
  11. Sounds like maybe something isnt setup with your hibernation settings. I was having that issue with my internal drives not waking up from hibernation. Something weird in Windows 7. It seems to be a fairly common problem. Some tweaks in the sleep/hibernation settings and it was fixed. Maybe something along those lines such as USB ports losing power during sleep.
  12. What do you mean by "remote ports"? Are you talking about a hub?
  13. This is a problem in your bios. You have USB listed in your bios as a bootable option before hard drive. You need to go into your bios and change your boot order so that USB is after your hard drive.
  14. Wasn't this the third season that just aired?
  15. I agree with this post. If the lieutenant wasnt arrested, then I think the OP would have a point. But to say that "There was no need to drag the womans husband into it" is simply ludicrous. He was, after all, arrested in this matte. The article I read made a point to explicitly state that the lieutenants department and union had nothign whatsoever to do with the alleged crime. If the writer really wanted to disparage the fire service, they would have left that part out. Also, the OP states that there was a proper way to title the article. That proper way lists the womans profession, but not her husband. Why would that be proper and not disparaging to financial advisers?
  16. The more I read this thread, the more I come back to the same point. You have a car that was in an accident. Fled that accident and was involved in another accident. Passenger in this car is now permanently injured. How does anyone know that his injuries were solely from the second accident, rather than the first?
  17. Someone was able to prove which accident caused the brain injury? And no mention of the driver that hit and ran?
  18. Do agencies perform a criminal background check before letting someone join? If not, they should. Would you want someone in your department that had been convicted of armed robbery? Manslaughter? These background checks are definitely not a waste of money, in my opinion. Why shouldnt that background check extend to the driving record? If there is an opportunity that that individual is going to get behind the wheel of a piece of machinery that weighs a hell of a lot and cost a hell of a lot it seems pretty straight forward. There is a reason that driving records are kept. If someone has gotten into a bunch of accidents, chances are it will happen again. Sure it could be a string of bad luck, but what are the chances of that? CDLs and Q endorsements are great, but they are just a start. As someone said, there is alot that goes into driving a fire truck/ambulance. THe licensing should be just one requirement. The others being time in the department, as well as driver training on the piece that you will be driving. Every truck will behave differently, so you need to train and get to know how YOUR truck will handle and perform.
  19. I wonder what happens if a heart attack causes an accident that then leads to a vehicle fire.
  20. Sounds like a guy that was on scene of a structure fire called for more resources. Once senior personnel arrived and assesed intervention efforts as well as personnel already at the scene, those additional resources were deemd unnecessary, and were cancelled. Seems like that is the way it is supposed to work, no?
  21. But what sort of judegement would they have with no fire training? Would they know to look for warnign signs of a backdraft, or signs of potential collapse, etc? If you start training police in firefighting, where do you stop? Do you issue them bunker gear? Do you start putting pumps on cruisers? There are problems with this, many of which have been mentioned. Police pull up on a fire. Pound on the door, and alert any occupants. Clear the area of traffic. Keep any occupants that came out in a safe area, protected from the elements, etc. Gather information for the firefighters, as to number of occupants thatmay still be inside, any special hazards, etc.
  22. So they did get some money from the city and arent operating on a $0 budget?
  23. If you do bring it back, how about an option to not ahve it show up. i know that I can minimize it each time I visit the page. I am talking abotu a setting, so one never sees it. I find that it slows down the page way too much. And I never read anything in it anyway.
  24. So this 28k that people are talking about. That went to LRFC?