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Everything posted by helicopper

  1. There was a ladder company in front of the building... attachment=24678:WP071912003.jpg]
  2. How many passengers can be on these rolling MCI's?
  3. Date: 07-20-12 Time: approx 2130 Location: 216 Woodworth Avenue Frequency: YFD, YPD Units Operating: E 308, 309, 306, 304, 303, 310; L 72, 72, 74, Rescue 1, Batt 1; Empress EMS, Yonkers PD Weather Conditions: cloudy Description Of Incident: Structure fire in three story frame residence. Fire from ground floor to roof on east side of building upon FD arrival. Numerous handlines in operation, Ladder 71 to SW corner of roof, Ladder 72 to NW corner of roof, Ladder 74 to SE corner of roof. (Gotta compliment the operators of the ladders for getting the trucks into position. The narrow streets and parked vehicles made it a challenge but all three ladders reached the roof.) Reporters: helicopper, et al
  4. Please review these guidelines for use of the shoutbox. It is NOT an on-line scanner feed for all jobs. It is a means of giving a "heads-up" for a significant or noteworthy job. Please DO NOT post every MVA, smells and bells or other day to day responses. Thank you!
  5. Double that for the northeast. National averages seldom reflect our real costs for anything.
  6. A good sized thunderstorm with significant air-air and air-ground lightning definitely came through between about 8 and 10 ish. Air-air lightning persisted in the area until at least midnight.
  7. If the existing system is a waste of time - regardless of its success in both studies and real incidents - what do you propose? The waste of time is that EMS providers still don't know how to properly triage someone, the overwhelming majority are inadequately trained for "MCI or disaster operations", and command and control is still going to be a black tag on the EMS side. It's already been pointed out that throughout much of Westchester (and the other 'burbs) there are rolling MCI's just waiting to happen ever 20 or so minutes peak and every hour off-peak but we don't drill or exercise for that contingency. Most EMS providers still focus on a single patient instead of properly triaging all of them and managing the entire scene. Even in areas that drill regularly, with pre-staged resources, the EMS operation is long and disorganized. So, off the rant and back to my question, what MCI management do you advocate if the existing ones are all a waste of time????
  8. I think the respiratory rate is misquoted. Less than 30 (and more than 6-8 ) is generally a good thing.
  9. After a period of inactivity (I think it is 90 days) threads lock automatically. This is part of the software and isn't something new to EMTBravo. As previously stated, if you want to contribute something to a locked thread, e-mail/PM the staff and it will be considered. You can also start a new thread and link the previous.
  10. In the long run this will probably do more harm than good for the City and its employees. All the employees that can't pay their bills because the city unilaterally cut their pay will eventually have their homes foreclosed upon or be evicted. They won't be putting any more money into the economy shopping, spending, or otherwise surviving This will hurt small businesses and other revenue sources for the city so they're just making a bad situation worse. The city didn't just "run out of money" overnight. A pattern of spending more than they collect obviously set this up and the vague assertion that they will "eventually" be paid for their lost wages is hardly reassuring when you have to make the monthly bills and put food on the table. A truly horrible situation for all involved and for those focusing on the FD, this applies to all the other unions as well (police, teachers, sanitation, pubilc works, etc.).
  11. Not at all uncommon down here where people call 911 for EVERYTHING. ESU carries snares, tranquilizer guns, and other tools to deal with nuisance animals. A lot of towns down have responsive animal control around the clock so it falls on the PD.
  12. NYPD continues to operate seven helicopters, four Agusta 119 patrol aircraft and three Bell 412 air-sea rescue helicopters (two marked, one unmarked). This one is the scheduled replacement for the one that had the combining gearbox failure and emergency landing in Jamaica Bay a couple of years ago. I believe there is another 412 replacement in the works and they are researching the scheduled replacement of the Agusta 119's too. This is a similar 412 to the ones they already operate just with more robust radiation detection equipment aboard. May they get many safe and uneventful hours of flight out of it! Nope, not an airplane. That was the tailboom of the other 412.
  13. I must be missing something. There are only a few distress calls a day; the majority of which are for disabled vessels. There have been a handful of "boat accidents" during the past year or so on the Long Island Sound around Westchester but that doesn't warrant the establishment of a whole new team. What are you hearing that the rest of us are missing?
  14. One bit of misinformation and you've got a whole new conspiracy theory. Westchester can't regionalize anything let alone the highly specialized services of police ESU. The Department of Emergency Services has little to do with police operations so they will not be much of player in your grand theory that the County is taking over.
  15. I've heard that there may administrative changes to the way ESU is structured but I've never heard a whisper of them being disbanded. Yonkers needs an ESU and it would be absurd to do away with such a critical resource. WCPD is training new guys to maintain their own coverage; it has nothing to do with Yonkers.
  16. My choice of words for the title was referring to the fact that the father isn't being charged. Yes, he has to live with the fact that he took another life but that life was in the process of destroying his family's life, especially his daughter's. I certainly hope he's able to reconcile that and move on with his life.
  17. Gotta love Texas! http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/20/12313459-no-charges-for-texas-father-who-killed-daughters-alleged-molester
  18. Not a great idea. Especially if there is someone working or equipment in the lane and you blow through it running over the innocent traffic cone.
  19. The original topic, poll, and discussion:
  20. The ESU has been back for some time just with regular post designations. The new truck is nothing more than that, a new truck.
  21. 46 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty so far this year. Four of these officers were killed by vehicular assault. Seventeen by gunfire, 3 were stabbed, and one died in a vehicle pursuit. Here we have a police officer chasing a potentially armed suspect (as 17 other officers this year did) in a vehicle pursuit (as one other officer this year did) and when confronted he was almost run down by the suspect (as four other officers this year actually were). In this case, the police officer persevered and will be home with his family this Father's Day. For 46 other families, they have lost their father, brother, sister, mother, son, daughter and will never celebrate another holiday with them. There is a difference between the police and everyone else that most will never understand because, as others have so clearly stated in this thread, you really have to experience it to understand. Will I shed a tear or lose a wink of sleep because this violent felon lost her life in a battle with police? No, I will not. If you think that makes me a sadist or makes my union a criminal enterprise, you're deluded. This police officer will have to live with the fact that he took a human life in the course of his duties. That may or may not be easy for him. If you've never had to make that decision, you can't appreciate the gravity of it. Did she "deserve" to die? I don't believe she did but again, as has been pointed out here already, she set the wheels in motion (forgive the pun) that resulted in her death. There were a dozen different ways that her death could have been avoided, all under her control so she could be in jail right now instead of the ME's Office. She chose the path that resulted in here death. If anyone thinks that empathy will defuse a violent situation that has already escalated into the realm of physical violence and assault, you're sorely mistaken. That ship has sailed! You don't bring a knife to a gunfight and you don't try to reason with someone who is actively trying to take your life. It's a bitter reality but until society changes and abides by those pesky little things called LAWS, we're going to have police officers enforcing the laws, sometimes using physical force to do so. It's an imperfect world.
  22. How many firefighters, police officers and teachers does the President of the United States hire? Correct me if I'm wrong but police officers, firefighters and teachers are almost all state or local employees are they not?
  23. Go to FEMA's Independent Study website at http://training.fema.gov/IS/ ICS and NIMS can be obtained there and they have many other offerings that may be what you're looking for.
  24. It's not bizarre. It's politics as usual in the 21st Century. The Fire Commissioner is a mayoral appointee so he is limited in what he can say or do publicly. I'm confident that he is working to defend his department and we shouldn't be so quick to call him MIA or accuse him of not caring. That's speculative and disrespectful. Let's try to remember that as difficult as this is for us to fathom, it is the livelihood of many members of this site so please consider their feelings when posting. Thank you.
  25. Thank you! There'll be a little something extra for you in your spam folder later.