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Posts posted by knet22553

  1. I wanted to give a shout out for any and all available help with an issue we are having with our one and only engine. Please help...

    We had our pump tests yesterday. We have an engine (1000/1000gpm) and our engine/tanker (2000/1250gpm), the tanker is primarily used as a tanker, although it has the pump, full compliment of attack hose and tools, 2 air packs and ladders, it still is used as our tanker for shuttle ops due to our lack of water supplies in our town. We only have 2 dry-hydrants in use, and several personal ponds scattered around the town.

    Our engine failed the pump test, the impeller is bad and we need to either replace it or get a newer truck. Our dept was already trying to replace our aging ambulance which does more duty than our fire dept, but is falling apart litterally. Every call it goes on we experience tech diff and its out of service for a few days. So we have been trying to get that replaced and have nothing for the engine repair/replacement.

    My question is, does anyone have an old engine you could sell to us cheap, or no of anyone that has an engine? Nothing special, atleast 1000 gallon tank with a decent pump, we dont need it to be outfitted with any equipment, we have all of that, we just are desparate for an attack engine to replace ours.

    If anyone has info please PM or email me, my email is in my profile and we can communicate by phone if ok with you. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, we are a small rural department and do not have much. I have contacted a few people I know and they are looking, but if any of you have or know someone who has something, let me know.

    Thanks brothers, we realy need your help on this one.


    Captain, Carlisle Fire & Rescue


    I dont know how old your engine is, but also might consider a 2nd pump test from another person. We had one of our 2000 gpm pumpers fail a test. the company doing the test used a drop tank. which is not the right thing to do. we then brought it to garrison fire equipment in palanville, they have 2 inground tanks with enough water in them to do a pump test. turned out our pumper passed the test and pumped 2150 gpm. might just wont a second opinion.

    firemoose827 and x129K like this

  2. ok due to that marlboro is the 2ed in fast team to highland and milton is first milton had a house fire at the same time and marlboro was at that fire also plattakill had a fire at the same time so now you have 3 big fires going on tying up all dept. in the area and if a 4th were to come in im sure companys like the c.o.p and arlington would be going to it was set up awhile ago for hughsonville to go to highland if the first 2 are put to work in this case neather one was able to go and from what im told there was already a differnt fast team there and got put to work and really if you wana know a true answer we can all write what we think what we here and now but if it eans that much call highland hose company and ask for the chief car 31 and ask him and if he wonts to tell you y im sure he will or does it really matter r we going to lose sleep over what truck goes where what fast team goes to who if it means that much to the people call and ask the chief

    Milton Fire was first. They called marlboro with a engine, highland fast team, engine and tanker, clintondale with tanker. while that fire was going on highland got called to a worker. now marlboro is highlands fast team. they were already in milton. that is why hughsonville was called. highland PREPLANED it that way in case of a situation like that. and then plattikill gets a worker that marlboro is also fast team for. now note Milton and highland use the same mutual aid companies most of the time. now when both get a worker at the same time other companies need to get called in.

    Patch6713 likes this

  3. 09090.jpg

    Truck Type : Pumper

    Chassis : Ferrara Inferno

    Engine : Cummins ISM 500 HP

    Transmission : Allison 4000 EVS

    Front Axle : 18,000

    Rear Axle : 27,000

    Overall Height : 9’ 4”

    Overall Length : 31’ 1”

    Overall Width : 100”

    Wheelbase : 180”

    Pump : Waterous CSU 2000 GPM

    Tank Size : 1000 Gallon UPF

    Generator : Harrison 10KW

    Unique Truck Features:

    Roto-Ray LED light on front of cab, Zico Electric Ladder Rack, Ferrara Smart Wheel steering wheel

    This will replace a 1988 Hahn Pumper.

    Haroldtugbuff and Wcpd13 like this