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Everything posted by Sean11FD

  1. They should know how to do the Carlton dance to "its not unusual" by Tom Jones.
  2. Several stations, plus ambulances that don't have holes in the floor and have AC. Also added several als / Bls units in every boro. And wayyyyy cooler uniforms lol
  3. Date: 12/1/13 Time:roughly 0800 Incident Type: train derailment, (10-60 major emerg.) Location: metro north hudson line, (BX 4972) District: Units: FDNY, Multiple units (Bn 19, Bn 27, Res Bn, R3, R4, R1 w/collapse units, HM1, marine 1 & 6, e46, e48, various other engines & trucks, car 1a, car 6 car 4d,) NYPD (ESU, Aviation), numerous FDNY EMS units Description: 10-60, numerous victims on metro north line derailment, reported people ejected and under train. conf'd black tags.
  5. Personal cell phone, wallet, knife, walkie talkie in the back pocket, car/narc keys, sunglasses.
  6. should have been the super bowl half time show./... haha
  7. 1) you wont have paid personel in there. Im guessing youve never been to brewster...because if you had you would see that there is no need for a paid FD. However i i remember correctly they are planning to put in a sleeping quarters/bunks. And as far as i know, the female firefighters we have in our dept, dont live near this station. 2)decon areas, scba areas and training areas ARE going to be in the proposed firehouse. 3)we are purchasing NO new equipment for this firehouse, however we have a new engine on its way, and that will be in station 1. Its due to be here sometime in feb. as far as i know. 2-2 will be going up north. thats all i can answer for you. Merry Christmas
  8. besides nothing...what does (empire!) medic 4 have to do with a new station?
  9. Im sure a lot of you know this, but if your driving an emergency vehicle, expecially through traffic, and at intersections, use the sirens, and dont be afaraid to use em. A week or so ago, I saw an ambulance, sitting in traffic, with lights on (no sirens), then pulled out into what was oncoming traffic. Thankfully he didnt get hit. When he pulled up to/in to the intersection...just a few hits of the wail, and that was it. This was a busy street, no side road. Im no expert but to me, and to the guy I was with (an ex ambulance driving instructor), it looked fairly dangerous.
  11. Peronsally... something like this is extreemly efficent.
  12. check if your willing to go to putnam county. they have classes sometimes.
  13. No mishap...definitly stupidity.
  14. go here to see the Physical Agility for white plains FD.
  15. I think my dept makes you pay 25 dollars when you join, after than i dont think anything. Since its volunteer, i dont think it would make sense to pay to do that. Just sounds retarted.
  16. One time on an EMS call, some guy who was having a heart attack (who we later called "libberacci") wouldnt let us bring the strecher into his appartment because he didnt want us breaking his "fine china". He also demanded that i wait outside because my boots were "soo pathetically dirty" and i should "get them drycleaned before i consider walking in his house".